Friday, September 12, 2008

Normally, fridays are my favorite days....

So normally Fridays are my favorite day of the week. I get to work through my lunch and am off work by 3:30 to start my weekend! This Friday is different. I got a tooth ache yesterday and it progressed to being very painful by yesterday afternoon. And it kept me up most of the night. I don't go to the dentist, my work doesn't offer dental insurance and frankly it's way to expensive for me to go. I'm still trying to pay off root canals from 3-4 years ago. So I broke down at 2 am and called my dentists office, left them a message and now I am heading there soon. This pain is almost unbearable to the point of tears. Also I have had an upset stomach for a few days and haven't really eaten much since wed's supper. I tried to eat some banana this morning with some ibuprofen. Bad idea! So I am at home, there would be no way I could work I can't even sleep! Poor Me!

Also, please pray for my friend Myndi's family. Her grandpa is very ill and sounds like will be passing any day. This is not easy for them (nor anyone) so please pray that he will go soon. He is not well. Brain Cancer.

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