Friday, January 30, 2009

Baby's "First" Pictures!

I'm sorry they are sideways! I can't get them to rotate :( So rotate your head!




It's a boy!

Another Profile

Baby's fist!

Look closely and you can really see his face, I think he looks like Mikey :)

Remember to rotate your head, this is a side view of baby's whole body!
We can even see his lil' butt!
Ok I had a terrible experience at Walgreens last night, never go there for photos...ever!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The belly?

Baby's first Camo Pants! I already know he's going to want to grow up to be just like his Grandpa! Baby's first Cow shirt...I couldn't resist! He will love cows as much as his Mommy, at least as long as I can make him love them!

The Belly? Wow I don't see myself from the side often!
Notice the picture was taken at work, on my phone.
I'm workin on some good ones for the baby!

Well our baby boy was moving around a lot last night. Mike is dying to feel him move for himself so when I was laying there I put his hand on my belly. He couldn't feel the movement but we could feel the baby from the outside! Awesome but weird!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Check Up!

Well we had our 3rd Doctor visit today. We are doing great! When we arrived we had to have a blood test...YUCK Mommy hates that! She was nervous but luckily the lady that drew it did a great job and she didn't even feel the poke! After that we got weighed, Mommy lost 4 more pounds. It's ok the doctor is not worried! She said that this is the best diet she's ever been on. She can eat whatever she wants, whenever she wants, in any amount! Like this morning, I was very hungry and so I wanted breakfast pizza (it was on sale!!) and Mommy wanted cereal. Well we got to have both! For lunch today it's Free Soup and Salad so Mommy went and she didn't just want Chicken Noodle, she wanted Chili too. So she got both! Also the lady that went with her didn't want her dessert so Mommy got 2! :) What a happy tummy day!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

19 Weeks 3 days...our little Man is gowing fast!

Your Pregnancy: Week 19
Now that you're almost halfway done, it's time to start really planning for life after baby. That means making room for Junior, whether it's on the floor of your closet or in his own apartment, like the celebrity babies do it. Have fun with the process (who doesn't love shopping?) and don't stress when you're told it takes 12 weeks to get that special glider made and shipped.
Wondering what's up with your body, your baby and your life this week? Read on ...What You're Thinking
"Where did the baby get a flame thrower? This heartburn is the worst!"
Your Body If your chest is on fire every time you eat, drink or lay down, then you're probably dealing with the all-too-common pregnancy annoyance of heartburn. Luckily, this is one ailment that can be cured. Antacids like Tums or Rolaids are considered safe to take during pregnancy so pop a couple when needed. Sometimes eating several small meals instead of three large ones can help with heartburn. Need more relief? Try chewing gum after each meal, drinking warm milk with honey at bedtime, eating yogurt or elevating the head of your bed.
Your Baby
This week your baby starts bulking up and packing on the grossly named "brown fat" he'll need to keep warm when he gets evicted from his comfortable uterine home. Other highlights this week:Vernix, a milky white coating that protects your baby's skin, appears all over your baby's body to keep his skin from getting pickled in the amniotic fluid. Think of it as if your baby has been dipped in yogurt, like those delicious but fake-healthy yogurt-covered raisins and pretzels. Ooh, we feel another craving comin' on. ... Under the vernix, a fuzzy layer of hair called lanugo now covers baby's body. Don't worry, your Mini won't look like Cousin It when he's born. Most of the fuzz will fall off before baby makes his grand entrance.
Good news: Your baby's kidneys are fully functioning and producing urine this week. Bad news: That means there will be lots of diapers in your future. But so far you're safe—at the moment the pee just passes into the amniotic fluid.He or she now weighs about 8½ ounces and measures 6 inches, as long as a turkey sub from Subway on warm, delicious Italian Herbs and Cheese bread (or Honey Oat bread, or Oregano bread or ...)
Your Life You and your Mini will stop, drop and roll around on the floor for a big part of the day. So now's a good time to take a serious look at your flooring and have it professionally cleaned or remodeled if needed. If you choose to install new flooring, you'll want to weigh the softness of wall-to-wall carpet against the challenge of keeping it clean.You may prefer to install easier-to-clean hardwood or laminate flooring instead. An area rug can provide comfort for less than the cost of wall-to-wall. Plus, when it's covered in puke stains, you get to go shopping again!
Speaking of flooring, and tearing it up, go out dancing with your girlfriends. You feel good, you look great and you definitely have more rump to shake!

From the Mind of the Mommy
It's a Boy! Oh we are so excited! Mike can't wait he plans to have him out shooting by 4 years old! Haha! Well the baby is perfectly healthy weighing in a 10oz! Think, just a little lighter than a can of pop. Mommy is not doing so good today. I was sick Sunday, Monday, and so far today. I am back at work but NOT happy about it. Everyone else is sick or has jury duty that can do my job so here I sit. I have a terrible cold. I am not looking forward to getting busy today so wish me luck surviving. I have an appointment with the OB today so hopefully he can magically tell me what to do to get better...yeah right! As soon as I am better I am going to try and get our baby's pictures up on the Internet. The ultrasound tech got some really good profile shots! She also did a couple pictures in 3D that are pretty cool. So as soon as I am moving again look for pictures!
Love you all we are almost 1/2 way there!

Friday, January 23, 2009

It's a...It's a...It's a....


I think I'm going to burst!!!

Ok no this is not the blog that's going to tell you if it's a boy or a girl. I wont know for another hour! But I think I am going to burst!! My stomach is hoppin! I am sweating! I am so fidgety I'm driving everyone here nuts! Why did we wait until 3:00 to do it? Because Mike works until 2:30!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Ok hope to write again sooooon!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Pictures from before and after Christmas!

This was from my Birthday Party at Tokyo!
Again b-day party!

Me and the girls before Christmas, out last Christmas with out the baby

Laura Dancing with Joann in Readlyn

Tyler Dancing with Joann in Readlyn!

Laura and I after Grandma's Funeral

Mike and I after Grandma's funeral
we all dressed in Black and Red, I know we look good!
Is that a baby bump starting to form??
Mandy and I at Tokyo for OUR birthdays! Hers is the 16th!
We had fun!
I just thought I would post some of these pictures, I have been terrible about taking any lately so I wanted to let u all see we are alive and well!
Tomorrow in the big day! We are having our ultra sound, I am scared but oh so excited!
Hurry up Friday!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Let's go get our hairs cut!

OK so this picture has nothing to do with hair cuts but this is how
I picture our little one just like this!!
Peanut loves her bows!

Miss Molly Mae! They put a bow on the top of her head and made her look and feel like a dork. I took it off as soon as we got in the car! Haha! She was much happier without it!
Our groomer took these great pictures! Can you tell they missed me??
After I picked them up they got to visit my work and meet some of my coworkers! Of course everyone fell in love with them! They are my babies!

Monday, January 19, 2009

18 Weeks! Getting closer to 1/2 way!

Your Pregnancy: Week 18
Now that you're in the full throes of the second trimester, you're feeling—and looking—fabulous. So don't waste it! See friends (they've missed you since you moved your bedtime up to 7:00 p.m.), plan romantic dinners with your partner (you will miss those when junior arrives) and get active. Waterskiing might be a little too much but swimming and taking long walks are great for you and your bambino. Wondering what's up with your body, your baby and your life this week? Read on ...

What You're Thinking:

"Either I have an ongoing case of indigestion or there might actually be something moving around my gut!"
Your Body
At about 18 weeks, you might begin to feel a suspicious flutter in your belly. The professionals call it "quickening," we call it "baby's makin' waves!" Within the next few weeks, those tiny bubbly feelings will become more obvious. And soon enough they'll be unmistakably identifiable—especially when you (and anyone within 10 feet of you) can see tiny feet, elbows and knees moving across your belly.Gas pains are a way of life now, so it's common to mistake fetal movement for a little indigestion. If you don't start feeling your baby's flutter kick right away at 18 weeks, don't worry. Quickening happens at different times for different people. If you notice a distinct lack of fetal movement after feeling your baby move for several days, contact your health-care provider.
If you're feeling hungry these days, indulge (in moderation) . It's especially important to load up on carbs right now to fuel both your and your baby's energy needs. So hold off on the Atkins diet for another 22 weeks or so.

Your Baby
Your baby's ears are now facing forward and are completely formed so she can actually hear you talking now. You don't need to abandon your potty mouth just yet, but you might want to start thinking about it!
Other highlights this week:
This week is also the beginning of ossification. And while that sounds like some long and involved paperwork you'll have to fill out, it's really a fancy medical term for the hardening of your baby's miniature bones. And that's a good thing.Your baby's nerves are making more and more complex connections. Her sense of smell, taste, sight and hearing are all developing. A substance called myelin, which makes nerve connections travel faster, is now coating your baby's nerves.

Your baby now weighs between 5 and 7 ounces and is about 5½ inches long—about the size of a pickle from the corner deli. (You're familiar with pickles, right? Your regular accompaniment to a big bowl of ice cream?)

Your Life
Getting your baby to sleep will become one of your sole missions in life (the others will be feeding him and then making sure the food is coming out the other end OK). Get off to a good snoozy start by making sure you can instantly change the baby's room from light and airy to Sleepyville, USA. Don't spend a boatload on fancy window treatments. Save some pennies and make your own curtains, complete with blackout liners. And you don't even have to sew to do it. Get out your trusty glue gun or try Stitch Witchery Fusible Adhesive, a sticky tape that can help you instantly make curtains with nary a needle or thread.No matter if you make them or buy them—you need to baby-proof your curtains. Indeed, your baby won't move around for a few months, but before you know it, he'll be all over the place. Avoid long, floor-length draperies that will be huge "pull-it-down" temptations for a curious crawler.

From the Mind of the Mother to be:
Wow what a week/weekend for our little family! Lets see we had 2 blizzards and a huge white out and even a little freezing drizzle mixed in! Our girls got to spend the night a Grandma Morse's and are getting hair cuts today! I got to go shopping with Grandma Morse to get some maternity clothes...things just don't fit! Thanks to Grandma we are much more comfortable now and so glad! THANK YOU MOM/GRANDMA!
We are feeling pretty good. Lots of back and hip pain that I do NOT enjoy especially at night when I can't get comfortable. Eating habits continue to be pretty normal. Lot's of fruit and cheese. I do eat fries! I love them! Really only eat them on Friday and Saturday at work. I'm trying for u baby! Well we will be having our ultrasound this coming Friday...the 23rd! We are pumped and I will try and let everyone know as soon as I can!

Thursday, January 15, 2009 long lost friend

Well good news! I like food again and food likes me! Last night was the test, Chicken Night! I passed with flying colors! Everything but spaghetti and meatballs that is! Yay I am so happy! I did pay for it by eating too much Oreo fluff but it was worth it! Other than that things have been pretty normal...not! Weather has been weird! Monday I left work at 12 because of the "blizzard" that had started. Things weren't as bad as they thought but we got some snow and some drifts. So I happily went to work on Tuesday. After work I went over to Mom's to take her some Christmas returns and eat some soup and just hang out for a while! Well I hung out way to long and it started to snow...and here came the real blizzard! I forgot how much worse white outs were at night! Ahh! Of course the windows in the car were frosting over from the inside as well making it that much more fun to see and drive! I finally made it home and got to report to the rest of the town about the weather! Well Mike got up to go to work yesterday and it was a no go for either of us! SNOWDAY! SLEEP IN! It was great! Usually Mike ends up going in and telling me to stay home but he couldn't get out this time! Well we ended up with about 7-8 inches! Surprise! I finally got my tree down! Hooray! I find that it's really hard to find any time to do...anything! I remembered to make an appointment to get the girls hair cut next week...they need it bad! I also remembered to make and appointment to get tires on my car! Yay! I can drive one with heat! Now I just need to find the time to vacuum...

Monday, January 12, 2009

17 Weeks!

Your Pregnancy: Week 17

By now you're well aware you're pregnant, even if your Mini hasn't started to make too much of a ruckus yet. You'll feel random aches and pains in weird places as your uterus grows. It's all part of the whole journey so don't freak out too much. Focus on those little flutters you feel in your belly as your baby lets his presence be known.Wondering what's up with your body, your baby and your life this week? Read on ...What You're Thinking:

"OMG! Is something crawling on my stomach? Oh, wait! That was the baby!"

Your Body Talk about mixed messages. After spending your whole life trying to avoid gaining weight, now you're told you must pack on the poundage. But not too many pounds, of course. And not the wrong kind of weight. It's exhausting. The bottom line is this: It's essential to gain an appropriate amount of weight but via healthy foods, not milkshakes and FlufferNutters. Work with your health-care provider to develop a weight-gain plan that will work for you.Now's not the time to diet. You should never try limiting calories while you're pregnant. Don't worry about gaining more weight than you should while pregnant. You can lose it after the baby is born. Remember that a pregnant woman needs about 300 extra calories each day, which is just a small snack, like a small bag of trail mix or some crackers with cheese.

Your Baby: Speaking of packing on the pounds, that what it's all about for baby this week. He's adding fat stores that will keep him warm and cozy after he's born. Your baby's weight will increase approximately six times over the next four weeks. Good to know you're not the only one tipping the scale.

Also this week:Your baby is hard at work honing his sucking and swallowing reflexes—all the better for eating that 2 AM (and 5 AM, and 8 AM ...) meal in a few months! The finger- and toenails are beginning to grow from their nail beds, which would explain why he'll need them trimmed almost as soon as he's born! Your baby weighs nearly 5 ounces and is a little over 5 inches long—about the size of a baked potato (load on the butter and sour cream, please).

Your Life: If the heir to your throne will have his or her own room (instead of his or her own sock drawer), now is the time to start thinking about how you'd like to decorate the nursery.Don't spend a fortune. These things will get barfed on, pooped on, and chewed on—and that's just in the first week.Make sure the style will grow with your child. Not all "big" girls love pink-bunny wallpaper, so keep baby's walls neutral and buy a pink-bunny pillow instead.Choose durable and scrubable surfaces, such as nontoxic painted or varnished wood or heavy-duty, PVC-free plastics. Try to buy regular furniture that will grow with your child. For example, a regular dresser with a removable changing pad is a better investment than an official diaper-changing table.Decorate the nursery to hide dirt. That means forget about the white rug.Leave room in the nursery for lots of storage and comfortable seating for a nursing mom or sleepy dad.Keep baby safety in mind. Your curious baby will quickly be movin' and groovin' in her fancy new space.Splash out on a fabulous new robe or a comfy pair of slippers for yourself. You'll thank yourself during those early days at home ... and those late-night feedings.

From the Mind of the Mommy...

AHHHH! Things are changing so much this week! My belly popped out last week and nothing fits! AHH! We worked all weekend and I am for sure warn out! Food is back to being good most of the time but I am much more choosy of what I think I can eat! Friday night baby moved in a really funny way and it was like" hello Mommy!" I still don't feel butterflies or tickles just pains and punches! Not nearly as many as I did that first 2-3 days but little reminders that baby is there! Please don't hesitate to check on me! I love the attention! hehe!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

food...why do you hate me??

Fried Chicken, Green Beans, Corn, Mashed Potatoes,Pasta Alfredo, Spaghetti and Meatballs, Cheeseburger, French Fries...These are a few of my Favorite Things!! How come when I sit down to have a few of my favorite things they make my tummy churn??

Chocolate Banana Shake how I love thee, let me count the ways...u make me want to hurl!

Baby...what are you doing to me???

I have been perfectly healthy and feeling amazing until about 2:00 yesterday...

It started with a headache...progressed to a headache and bloated belly, progressed to a headache, bloated belly, and nausea. Well i get nauseous when im hungry and i was hungry so we went tip to have my favorite food...Chicken night. You know what I ate? I ate some damn strawberry fluff and bbq wings. That is the only thing that didnt make me wanna hurl by looking at it! :(

So now its lunch time. I went to the Cafeteria to get something good to eat..I get a burger and fries and what happens...I look at it when I get back to my desk...almost hurl. Needless to say i take a bite if the baby demands one but then I think I will have to boycott food for a while!

Monday, January 5, 2009

16 Weeks!!

Your Pregnancy: Week 16

Funny how everyone who's never been pregnant assumes all the changes you're going through are just located in your uterus. Nobody mentions the stuffy nose, the itchy skin, the sciatica, the outbursts of emotion. But just remember that all the funky things your body is doing are leading up to the big payoff of snuggling up with that little muffin in just a few months. Wondering what's up with your body, your baby and your life this week? Read on ...What You're Thinking:

"I. Only. Have. Five. More. Months. Until. Everything. Changes."Your BodyNo, you don't have a new superpower, although it'll feel like it because you're able to smell pizza, burnt toast or a pulled-pork sandwich from miles away. Your heightened sense of smell isn't the only new trick your nose is doing. You're probably noticing some extra nasal congestion and maybe even some nosebleeds to go along with it. Clearly your sense of smell is in overdrive, so try to avoid walking past the BBQ Pit or Curry Emporium. While pregnancy-related nasal congestion is annoying, it shouldn't cause any problems and will go away after the baby is born. If you're getting a lot of nosebleeds, it could be because your partner keeps cheaping out on theater tickets, buying seats located in the top row of the balcony. Either that or it could be an indication of high blood pressure, so check with your medical provider. But enough about your nose. Let's talk about your ever-enlarging ta-tas. Your boobs might still be tender, especially your nipples, and they're continuing to grow, grow, grow. You may even be able to squeeze a little colostrum (nutrient rich pre-milk milk) out of your boobs at this point. (If you can even touch your nipples without writhing in pain, that is.)Your BabyYour baby is already mugging for the camera as she practices all sorts of facial expressions, such as squinting, yawning and grimacing, which will come in handy when you introduce her to pureed spinach. Check out what else is happening in utero:You're just getting comfortable with being a new mom, but you're actually on the road to being a grandma. If your baby is a girl, her uterus is fully developed and the ovaries already hold primitive egg cells. Did that just make you feel a thousand years old, or what? Your baby's skin is still translucent and wrinkly, not unlike an old man's, but more fat will soon accumulate under the dermas to plump her out. If you could peer inside right now, you'd be able to see all of her veins under her skin. And speaking of veins, your baby's heart now pumps about 25 quarts of blood per day, and she hasn't even seen Orlando Bloom yet! Also, her eyes are now locked and loaded at their final destination, facing forward rather than to the sides. (Whew!) This is the week women get an amniocentesis, if their doc recommends it. In addition to supplying doctors with a boatload of info about the baby's health, amnios are also more than 99 percent accurate in determining what version of baby you'll be having. So if you want to know and you're getting an amnio, now's a great time to find out for sure.Your baby weighs about 3 ounces this week and measures between 4 and 5 inches, about the length of your mascara. Your LifeYou've already figured out that after the baby arrives, there are going to be lots of adjustments ... and they're not all about you, Mama. Your family, friends and older children (if you have any) will all be dealing as well. Afraid your non-pregnant friends are going to phase you out now that you're on the path to mommyhood? You may not be the party girl they once knew (let's face it, it's really not safe to dance on a bar in your underwear when you're pregnant), but you can keep the love alive by making a standing lunch date every week.

From Carrie:

Ok so baby started to wiggle around this week! Well I can now feel baby moving around once in a while! Some say it feels like flutters or pokes...I say its a boy and her karate chopping me from the inside most times! :)
Went to the doctor last week and everything is great! We are normal! I am still losing weight but because of my weight this is still normal. I don't mind. It strange because my tummy is growing but the rest of me is shrinking!
Dad made it back safely last week. Her also now has a facebook so if you would like to be his friend let me know what your e-mail is if you have facebook or get facebook!
Mike and I have been keeping BUSY working our regular 40+ hours at our normal 9 - 5ers and working for the catering/bar/restaurant in town! We like spending our time there so it's fun to work there!
Mike developed this nasty dry cough this weekend that kept him (and me!) up all night on Saturday. Pray for his heath her refuses to go to the doctor!
Everyone else seems happy and healthy so lets keep it that way!