Tuesday, March 31, 2009

28 Weeks...needle pokin' time again...

28 Weeks Pregnant

Your Pregnancy: Week 28

You may have given a passing thought to what the new member of the household will be like (and by "passing thought" we mean obsessive rumination). Will she be a good sleeper? Will he draw on the furniture with a Sharpie? Get an inside scoop by pumping your own parents for information on how you and your partner were as kids: how much you weighed at birth, your first words the first time you cut off all of Barbie's hair. ... Your parents will get misty at the memories and you may, too. Maybe out of hope for the future, maybe out of fear for your leather sofa.Wondering what's up with your body, your baby and your life this week? Read on ...

What You're Thinking:

"Billions of people have children and figure it out. So I must be able to do it too, right? Right! Right?"

Your Body:

Woohoo! You have hit the third trimester mark, so add another notch to your belt (both figuratively and literally). If your early blood workup showed that you are Rh negative, you'll need to get a shot of RhoGAM, or Rh immunoglobulin, this week. The shot prevents potential complications in a future baby you may carry if that baby is Rh positive. Your Rh status doesn't matter when it comes to this baby, but you'll want to get the shot in case you're planning on having more bambinos. If your baby is born with Rh-positive blood (because Papa chipped in an Rh-positive gene), you'll be given another dose of RhoGAM after you deliver to make sure everything will be good to go for any future pregnancies.
If your glucose screening test came back positive, your doc will probably want to give you a glucose tolerance test some time soon. The test—for gestational diabetes—involves some dietary changes in the days leading up to it (more carbs!) and a longer visit to the doc on the day of the test (it's a three-hour test instead of the one-hour one you took the first time). And it's another chance to load up on that yummy glucose cocktail—shaken, not stirred! If you do end up testing positive for gestational diabetes, your doctor will probably put you on a super-healthy diet for the remainder of your pregnancy.

Your Baby

As the Big Day nears, your baby is getting ready to go towards the light at the end of the tunnel (the tunnel being the birth canal, the light being the one the doctor is shining directly into it so she can see what the heck she's doing).
Other highlights this week:Your baby's eyes are partially open now and can blink. Truly superior babies can actually wink. (OK, there is no way to prove that, but it's fun to imagine, no?) Your baby can also now become a shiny, happy person as she has begun having rapid eye movement (Get it? REM? Shiny, happy person?? We'll be here all week.)Her eyes have color now, too. It may not be the color she ultimately ends up with, especially if they're light gray or blue. The eyes typically don't settle on a final hue until nine months after baby is born. So when your mother-in-law says that the baby has her eyes, you can politely inform her that they'll most likely change soon.


Your babe is downright chubby compared to a few weeks ago. She is about 15 inches long, about the length of an amusement park cinnamon-sugar-coated churro (yum!), and weighs 2 to 3 pounds.

Your Life

Time to PAR-TAY! Someone in your inner circle will undoubtedly want to toast and roast you with a baby shower so help a sista out and create a list of guest names and addresses. Save a copy of this list for yourself—it will come in handy later for writing thank-you notes. Let the hostess know your registry information—she'll want to include it in the invitation. It's OK to be upfront about what you want and need. Let's face it, no matter how cuddly, no baby needs 42 teddy bears.Twiddling your thumbs waiting for junior to arrive? You'll never again have this kind of free time, so lap it up and indulge in a ridiculous reality-TV marathon. Order in food and veg out on the sofa for the Celebrity Fit Club Marathon.

From the Mind of the Mommy:
Ok so here's the REAL story...
I went to the doctor today and had my initial Blood Glucose screening. They make you drink this sweet Sprite like drink really really fast! Then you see the doctor for a regular check-up and some information about pre term birth. Then you get to spend the remainder of the hour sitting in the waiting room...yay. After waiting and waiting and waiting...did I mention this was all done on an empty stomach...and waiting...they drag you back in and draw your blood!!!!!! Evil plan, starve pregnant people and then poke them with needles! So now I go back to the doctor in 2 weeks to find out if I have to have a much much LONGER test where there draw my blood over and over and over again...Starve starve starve...poke poke poke! Haha it really wasn't that bad my morning sure flew by!
If you read the above the I am NOT Rh negative so that paragraph really doesn't apply to me.
Things are progressing at home. Mike's busting his butt to work on the upstairs...we definitely bit off more that we can chew buts it's getting done! Between him and Lil' Michael ( and some borrowed friends ) they think they will have ALL the drywall up this week in our room! This is VERY exciting! :) I need to get up and take some more pictures but it's too "dangerous" up there for prego and man those stairs are getting harder to climb...I wanted a 2 storey house because????
My mom and Laura came over last night to taste test for the baby shower and measure for baby room curtains! We had so much fun. Cassy and the girls came by for a while too! They stayed until almost 9:30! I can't wait for them to come back!
I located my stethoscope so now we are able to find the baby's heartbeat at home! I can also hear Molly and Peanuts heart beats too! Ba boom Ba boom Ba boom Ba boom Ba boom Ba boom Ba boom Ba boom Ba boom Ba boom Ba boom Ba boom! Really fast!
Ok that's all for this week! I hope I didn't forget anything! :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

27 weeks...

Your Pregnancy: Week 27

The light at the end of the tunnel is growing brighter for both you and your baby. With only 13 weeks left (give or take a couple of days), it's time to enjoy the ride because it's getting shorter. (This is the point on the roller coaster where you throw your arms in the air and wail like there's no tomorrow. Wee!)
Wondering what's up with your body, your baby and your life this week? Read on ...

What You're Thinking:

"Why does everyone turn and look at me when the Commodore's song "Brick House" comes on the radio?"

Your Body

As anxious as you are to evict your tenant so you can snuggle with the little bugger, he or she still needs a few more months in the protection of your womb. Pay careful attention to your body and watch for the symptoms of labor. Premature babies have a much higher risk of illness and even death due to low birth weight and underdevelopment, so if you see signs, contact your doctor.If you think you might be in premature labor, try drinking several glasses of water and lying down on your left side. While doing this, feel your stomach for contractions, which will make your uterus hard like your forehead. Doing simple things like cutting out caffeine and eating right can prevent premature labor.

Your Baby

Baby's lungs and immune system are maturing this week as baby prepares for his grand entrance. If he were born today he would have an 85 percent chance of surviving as his lungs are capable of breathing air (with medical assistance, of course).

Other exciting developments:

Baby's done a lot of growing over the past few months. His length has more than doubled in the past 15 weeks! And that's not the only thing growing—baby's brain tissue and neurons are all developing at a rapid pace. His brain waves are now firing away just like those of a newborn baby. If baby is a he, his testes will have completely descended at this point. Your baby now weighs in at approximately 14½ inches and just over 2 pounds, or about the size of that roast you made last time your in-laws were in town. (OK, the baby is the size of that roast you meant to cook before you decided that ordering Chinese was a much better idea.)

Your Life

Unless you are married to Donald Trump, or Brad and Angelina are planning on giving you all of their hand-me-downs, you are going to have to do some smart, disciplined baby-gear shopping. Registering for gifts at a few baby stores will help you develop a good list of basics and extras. Before you hit the stores or hop online, write a baby-gear shopping list to help keep you focused. Consider registering at a local specialty store as well as a major nationwide department store so that friends near and far can have easy access. Or if you're too eclectic to get your gear from just one place, you can register on Wishlist.com, which corrals all the booty you want from various websites to just one list. Truly brilliant. Once registering has completely exhausted you, head to the movie theater, where you can strap on a popcorn feedbag and zone out to the wicked pleasure of watching Matthew McConaughey's abs. Too bad you can't register for him.

From the mind of the mommy...
I am exhausted...
Stressed out...
Anxious to meet him...
Anxious about the process I have to go through to meet him...
All I can say is that June is coming to soon but then again not soon enough...

Monday, March 16, 2009

26 Weeks...Holy Cow!

This pictures in the green shirt are from week 24-25 and the ones in the sweatshirt are week 25-26! Yeah I know...only 6 months?? CRAZY!

Your Pregnancy: Week 26
If it feels like time is speeding by while simultaneously dragging on, you're not crazy, you're just pregnant. One minute you feel totally unprepared for the changes having a baby will bring, the next minute the anticipation of meeting the Mini that's been swinging from your ribs makes you cry. Such is the roller coaster of pregnancy (and strangely enough, of being a parent, too).Wondering what's up with your body, your baby and your life this week? Read on ...

What You're Thinking:

"Do I have fleas? Why am I so freakin' itchy?"
Your Baby:
Deep breath! Air sacks are developing in your baby's lungs, which means it just might be possible for your baby to take a breath at the end of this week. The air sacks (technically called alveoli) will continue to grow for the next nine years. The membrane that keeps the alveoli separate from the blood vessels is now thin enough to allow for that oxygen–carbon dioxide exchange we call breathing.
Other highlights this week:The retina completes the development of its normal layers this week—all the better to see you with. Well not you, per se, because her eyes are still sealed shut and it's really dark in there, but your baby's eyes are now fully developed. Brainwaves for the auditory and visual systems are detectable in baby's noggin this week. That means baby's brain is registering things like sound and light. She can't understand what any of it means yet, but she's on track to comprehend an entire episode of Blue's Clues in no time!

As hearing continues to develop, your baby will start to recognize your voice. One hint that your karaoke rendition of "Bohemian Rhapsody" is not the best would be when the baby starts banging on your gut. Your bambino will also start to recognize your partner's voice. He may feel silly talking to your stomach, but assure him that somebody other than you is definitely listening. Research has shown that newborns actually recognize familiar sounds after birth. Proof that your baby has been paying attention all along.

Break out the sparkling apple juice—baby has now completed two-thirds of her stay in Hotel Womb. Your baby is about 1 2/3 pounds and is 14 inches long head-to-heel, or about the length of a burp cloth (otherwise known as your primary wardrobe accessory for the next several months). Your LifeNot that you'll need it (knock wood), but getting certified in infant/child first aid and CPR is a smart thing to do. Find a class from your local chapter of the Red Cross or the American Heart Association. Your fire station or hospital should also be able to provide information. Don't stop there: Ask your partner—and anybody else who will be spending time with your baby—to attend as well.

Speaking of mouth-to-mouth, why not plan one last solo getaway with your partner before your twosome becomes a threesome (and we're not talking about a kinky threesome, we mean the baby. Get your mind out of the gutter). Do it now while you're still able to travel, and pull out all the romantic stops.

Monday, March 9, 2009

25 Weeks and counting!!!!

Your Pregnancy: Week 25

At this point you're pretty much swollen all over. What started as just a "boob thing" seems to have spread from there, down your torso and out your limbs. This is definitely contagious. But even if sausage fingers and toes aren't your idea of womanly, remember that you are indeed a reproductive goddess. (You could try asking your friends to bow before you as you enter the room, but you'll probably have to settle for peeling your own grapes.)Wondering what's up with your body, your baby and your life this week? Read on ...

What You're Thinking:

"Why don't my shoes fit anymore? Am I pregnant in my feet, too?" Your BodyPregnancy leg cramps are not your ordinary run-of-the-mill leg cramps. Nope, a pregnancy leg cramp will often have you leaping out of bed screaming at the top of your lungs.

Leg cramps can be caused by a calcium deficiency, so be sure to get enough calcium. Even if you're lactose intolerant or have dairy allergies, there are still ways to get enough calcium in your diet that don't involve eating a 2-gallon drum of ice cream (although that does sound fun). Believe it or not, there's calcium in almonds, fish, broccoli and tofu. While they come with the territory of pregnancy, there are ways to avoid leg cramps, like warm soaks and massages.

Sometime between Weeks 24 and 28, you'll get your glucose screening test to check for gestational diabetes. You'll have to drink this really syrupy, sugary soda drink, wait an hour, and then have your blood sugar levels tested to see how your body handles the sugar rush. If you get to do it at home, put the drink in the fridge to get it nice and cold. It's much easier to stomach when it's chilled. Some OBs may even let you skip the sugary soda in lieu of something just as sweet, like pancakes smothered in syrup. Hey, it's worth asking!

Your Baby

Get ready for pat-a-cake! Baby's hands are now fully developed and he spends most of his awake time groping around in the darkness of your uterus. Brain and nerve endings are developed enough now so that your baby can feel the sensation of touch. That doesn't mean he can feel it when his father pokes your stomach, however, so tell him to knock it off.
Other highlights include:Your baby's arms and legs have grown to almost the proportions they will be at birth, which is still sort of short. So don't be alarmed when your newborn's arms barely clear his waist. Baby's nostrils, which have been plugged up until now, clear out (like he's taken a super-dose of Sudafed) and he can practice breathing through the nose. The structures of your baby's spine are now made up of 150 joints, 33 rings and some 1,000 ligaments. Can you believe you're growing something that complicated inside of you?
The capillaries, the teeniest blood vessels, are now forming in your baby's body, giving his formerly translucent skin a pink glow. The blood vessels in the lungs also develop this week. You'll see how well that worked out when your baby gives those lungs a workout while you're on line at the bank in a few months. Your baby weighs about a pound and a half and is about 13½ inches long—roughly the length of one of those recorders you played in elementary school music class. Who's up for a round of "Hot Cross Buns?"

From the Mommy...
So tired
We had another really long weekend and baby WAS tired yesterday! Not any more!
We had house guests...workers...bums...Mt. Dew addicts in our house again ALL weekend. I really appreciate all the help but I want my house back! People sleeping on my couch's is just getting old. Plus I get nothing done because if I clean it, it gets dirty RIGHT away! So my house is a disaster and I just get to sit and look at it...depressing.
I had an awesome time with MY mommy on Saturday. We went fabric shopping for the baby room! AWESOME! Thanks Mom! We also went out to lunch at Becks...great, now I'm craving a burger on top of the mac and cheese I was already craving for breakfast...
Anyway, we picked out some really great fabric (well...mom did and I "approved" it) We had fun at Hobby Lobby planning out lots of other things too! It was just a good day! Thank you Mom!
After we got home Mikey grilled and I stayed up REALLY late! I was just happy to be awake after 10!
Mike got what he considers his "last toy" that he will get since were having baby! This dream 15 inch sub...as in woofer...I don't know what brand it is...is 3000 watts...or something crazy like that. So one of the major work days was spent building his box and hooking it up and blowing fuses etc!

Monday, March 2, 2009

24 Weeks!

Your Pregnancy:

Week 24At about this time the reality of having a baby is definitely setting in (maybe it's the fact that you can't see your toes). Be sure to talk about how you're feeling with your significant other, girlfriends, siblings, parents, doctor, hairdresser, the person sitting next to you on the bus ... whomever! It's totally natural to be freaking out. Voicing your concerns about mommyhood will help you actually get used to the idea.Wondering what's up with your body, your baby and your life this week? Read on ...

What You're Thinking:

"OK, seriously, where are my toes?"

Your Body

Hair growth during pregnancy is another one of those wacky symptoms you didn't expect. And though you may be wondering who's slipping Rogaine into your shampoo bottle, if you're among the lucky ones, you're relishing your new, flowing locks. It's the hair everywhere else that's a little troublesome.You can thank your pregnancy hormones for your suddenly thick crowning glory. During pregnancy your hair's natural grow-shed cycle slows, leaving you with more hairs on your head at any given time. Now might be a good time to try out for one of those orgasm-in-the-shower shampoo commercials. Unfortunately, all that hair growth isn't limited to your head. You may start to notice a random hair (or 47) anywhere from your cheeks, back, and belly to your upper lip and chin. If anyone dares to call you Black Beard, they'll totally deserve whatever's coming to them. The good news is, tweezing, waxing and electrolysis are all generally accepted as safe during pregnancy. The bad news? All of them can hurt like, um ... like waxing. So feel free to skip the Brazilian right now. We promise, your OB isn't going to judge you.

Your Baby

Your baby isn't just sitting around (on your bladder) doing nothing, he's working hard preparing for life outside the womb—perfecting his lungs and packing on the pounds. He'll gain ½ pound this week alone.
Other highlights this week:Things are starting to get a little crowded inside the old womb as baby grows bigger and bigger. Your ribs are probably pining away for the good old days when they didn't have a foot permanently lodged between them. Hate to break it to you, but it's going to get worse before it gets better.
Your baby's ears are fully functional now. And since they are, you may notice that loud noises and sudden movements can startle the little bugger. He's getting used to the everyday sounds inside the womb: the sound of your heart beating, your lungs inhaling and exhaling air, the growling of your stomach because your partner promised he'd be right back with that double cheeseburger and he's taking forever! He'll even be able to hear your voice when your partner finally arrives and you ask him where the bleep he's been! So talk nice!
Baby's got a fully developed inner ear now. This means his sense of balance is working and he can tell whether he's hanging upside down or right side up. He can also feel you moving, so go ahead, pop in your favorite tunes and boogie.

Your little Wiener schnitzel is about the length of a foot-long Chicago hot dog and weighs about 1 1/3 pounds.

Your Life
It's time to find and sign up for a child-birthing class. You'll discover the wonders of labor, C-sections, cradle cap, breastfeeding, umbilical care, and all sorts of breathing and pushing techniques. (It's a good thing that your bio and sex-ed classes didn't go into this much detail, or you might never have gotten pregnant in the first place.) Basically, you find out the answers to all your questions and more (yeah, there are some you might not have wanted to know about just yet).Check with your OB and the hospital you've chosen—they usually have classes on a regular basis. Just be sure the teacher is certified by the International Childbirth Education Association—an organization that makes sure the instructors know what they're doing.Having trouble tracking down a class? Search ParentsConnect Local to find out where there's a child-birth class near you. There are bound to be some other inquisitive pregnant chicks in your area.

You're always saying you never have time to read. But if you wait until you have a baby, the only reading you'll be doing will be about how to get the little cherub to sleep. So on those nights when you can't be bothered to go out, curl up (OK, make like a beached whale and lie down) and read a frothy, fun book.

From the Mind of the Mommy...the beginning to get very stressed out mommy...

Ok well I am feeling mighty fine! Baby is GREAT! He can't seem to settle down today and that's ok with me for now, it doesn't hurt when he moves yet :). He put on a good show for Mike last night and that was fun!
We had a houseful this weekend! Tony, Jay, Kevin, and Manami on Friday night and add Lil Michael in to the mix on Saturday and Sunday! HOUSEFULL! The crummy part was that I was trying to get sleep! I agreed to help Cassy on Saturday morning, she needed and ER babysitter at 5 am, so I was there. The girls were perfect little angels and we had a really good time! Cassy came home and Corina turned into a monster! I felt lucky I had her for the early part of the day. After I was done babysitting I ran home and got Mike up and myself ready for the day. Cassy and I went to Target to register for baby gifts! What a big job that was! Then we went to Lowes to get some emergency supplies for the guys and a supposed part of the dishwasher. Well the guy that was "helping" me get the dishwasher part apparently thought that all women are idiots and couldn't stop rolling his eyes at me. Needless to say, I had a lovely complaint! Well turns out he was the idiot and gave me the wrong part. So still no dishwasher...I think I'm going to scream! I WANT MY DISHWASHER :( ``` (tears) After that Cassy and I picked up the girls from their Grandma's and went out to eat at Applebee's...yay! It was so good! We had to deal with 2 tired little girls (3 if you count me). After dinner we headed home. I walked into a housefull...how relaxing...not! I was so thankful that they were all there I didn't care and fed everyone!
The boys really got a lot accomplished this weekend (besides blowing things up in the garage)! Mike is out now getting the rest of the insulation and some of the other supplies. Yay! They got all the wiring ran and I will have at least 8 outlets in my room, oh happy day! Now, I just have to design the inside of the closet so they can build me some shelves!
Needless to say Mike didn't sit down until about 9 last night. He did have a blast with his friends if I do say so myself! :) Thanks Guys! See you this weekend :)
What are you hungry for?