Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lil Man's Room!

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24 Days! 24 DAYS! AHHHHH!!!

36 Weeks Pregnant

Your Pregnancy: Week 36

With a mere 28 days to go (give or take a few), you're almost at the end—and the beginning of your new life. Finish up your final prep by stocking up on diapers, washing the onesies and making sure the nursery is good to go. Then, even if baby comes early, you're still ready. Of course, every new parent feels wildly unprepared regardless of how operational the nursery is, but at least you won't be diaperless!Wondering what's up with your body, your baby and your life this week? Read on ...

What You're Thinking

"One hundred bottles of milk on the wall, one hundred bottles of milk. Take one down, pass it around, 99 bottles of milk on the wall ..."

Your Body

Just when you think you can't possibly stand another day of your baby kicking your lungs and crowding your stomach, your baby will drop it like it's hot. This process, called lightening, will probably make it easier for you to breathe, but with your baby's head resting directly on your bladder, you'll be breathing all the way to the bathroom. When your baby drops, you can rest assured that your pregnancy journey will be over within the next few weeks. Make sure to know the many signs and symptoms of labor so that you won't be caught with your pants down (both figuratively and literally).

Your Baby

Your baby continues to put on weight at about ½ pound each week. This layer of fat will help your baby regulate his body temperature after leaving your climate-controlled womb. In fact, your baby will be 15 percent fat at birth (and you ... well that's another story). Even in the womb, your baby can listen, feel, touch and see. The only thing separating him from living in the outside world is a little thing called the birth canal. Other highlights this week:His gums are firm with ridges that look somewhat like teeth, though his actual pearly whites won't start breaking through until he's between three months and a year old.
Your baby has definite patterns of sleep and wakefulness—opening his eyes while awake and closing them while sleeping. Your baby will become alert and turn his head toward light and sound just as a newborn would—except when you put on that Celine Dion CD. Then the baby puts his hands up, turns away and gurgles, "Oh no you didn't!"
Your baby is now around 18½ inches long and nearly 6 pounds—just about as big as a breadbox!

Your Life

You may feel silly driving around these last couple of weeks with a baby car seat and no baby, but in case she decides to show up early, you'll be glad you have it, since your hospital won't let you leave without one. Learn about standards for child safety seats and read up on the safety rankings and "ease-of-use ratings" of the model you are interested in. Most people install their car seats incorrectly, so make an appointment with your local Highway Patrol or child-safety passenger inspection station to check to make sure it's been properly done. And remember, rules and uses of car seats change as your child grows, so this won't be the last car seat you install.

Now that you're seriously down to the wire (and we mean seriously), you're probably in nesting overdrive. Quit scrubbing the bathroom tile with a toothbrush for a minute and take a bath or go for a swim. We realize that getting naked or into a bathing suit is about the least appealing thing you can think of doing, but at this stage you probably don't give a rat's behind what you look like. You'll feel a gazillion pounds lighter in the pool and a nice bath will soothe your sore back, feet, neck, hips. ...

From the mind of the growing more nervous with every passing day Mommy,
I hope everyone had a great Holiday weekend! I know that I did. Mike and I are trying to get in those last few weekends of sleeping in! While trying to get everything finished up for our Little Man! Thanks to my parents, a friend, and a neighbor we have really gotten moving on our house! It looks like texture is to be sprayed in TOMORROW! Last night My mom and I went shopping for the finale baby things we need. Who knew we would decide there were so many little things :) Thanks Mom and Dad! We also stopped at Lowes and got all of our paint! Baby's room will be green and blue and our room is going to be tan and red! I also found some curtains I really liked as well but didn't get those yet :). I am so excited to get moving. Today has been the first day that I have found myself constantly day dreaming about the baby and the baby's things. What I need to do and how I can't wait to meet him! Ahh! How exciting this all is! It's also been really nice having Dad home. Now I am ready for Little Man!
Wish me luck they officially wont stop labor if it starts!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

35 weeks...31 Days....

Your Pregnancy: Week 35

Now that D-day (that's delivery day) is sneaking up on you, you may start to get nervous about what a literal pain in the you-know-what it'll be. But instead of focusing on the "ouch!" of it all, focus on the "oooh!" of it: meeting your baby for the very first time. Wondering what's up with your body, your baby and your life this week? Read on ...

What You're Thinking

"Should I bring my cute bathrobe to the hospital with the matching furry slippers or is that just crazy talk?"

Your Body

As Patrick Swayze put it, "Nobody puts baby in a corner!" Doubly true for your little tenant. Your baby has pretty much taken over your entire torso by now. Over the past few months, he's squished and mushed all of your organs out of the way. Any day now, he'll make a final move and shove your heart up and to the left to make more room for himself. (See, he's got your heart in his hands already.)Before all this pregnancy stuff, your uterus was a small ball the size of your fist and was tucked neatly away behind your pelvis. Today your uterus is the size of a small watermelon and reaches all the way up to your ribs. At this point in your pregnancy all the blood has gone to your belly ... literally. Nearly 1/6 of your body's total blood volume is chugging around in the vessels in your uterus. So that's why you feel so lightheaded all the time! Starting this week you'll visit your OB or midwife weekly. Every time you go you'll probably beg her to tell you when she thinks your babe is coming. Unfortunately, her guess is about as good as yours. Even if you're dilated, there's no telling exactly when baby will make his appearance (unless you have a scheduled C-section, of course.)

Your Baby

This week the final touches are being added to your mini-masterpiece and most of his development is going to packing on the pounds. While baby's movements may be becoming less jerky, he may do his final somersault in the womb soon—to put himself into the head-down position for birth. Other fascinating facts:Your little Karate Kid can't quite pack the punch he used to due to the limited space inside the womb these days. You're likely to feel more wiggles, stretches and rolls than kicks and jabs. The extra layer of fat your baby is adding will create those cute dimples on your baby's elbows and knees. His liver has begun processing his waste products, so you know which organ to thank when he has his first blowout up the back of his onesie.Baby's nails are growing so long they may curl over the tips of his tiny fingers and toes before he sees a pair of clippers. He'll be in serious need of a mani-pedi once he's born (as will you).
Your baby is now about 5½ pounds and over 18 inches long—about the size of one of those price-club sheet cakes. Your Life If you're not just a little bit scared of the pain that occurs during labor and delivery, then you're either very brave or totally in denial. For those who are scared, it's completely normal, but keep in mind that you are not the first woman to give birth. It may not seem like it, but women have actually been delivering babies for centuries (many without pain medication—who knew?!). The best way to get a grip on the fear of the unknown is to educate yourself about the labor process and to research your options. Spending some time talking to other women who have been there could ease your fears. Give most women a couple of weeks with their little babies, and none of them will even recall the pain.Study up on when to head to the hospital or birthing center. If you get there too early, the hospital could send you home, and that would be a serious bummer.Plan your route to the hospital. We know you already know how to get there, but come up with an alternative in case of traffic jams or construction. The last thing you want to be worrying about then is whether or not your exit is closed.

From the Mind of the Mommy:
Ok we are getting down to the home stretch and I am FREAKING out! I am excited but scared about being a mommy. It's not that I don't think I will be good at it, it's I can't picture it! I am a planner...and I just can't plan this! Girrr! My emotions are all outta whack (ask my poor poor husband) and my back generally hurts all the time. Other than that I really have no complaints! I try to remain positive but I've been doing that for 8 months...I need a break already!
Baby's room still isn't finished and I think I have come to terms with that. He will probably be stayin in his pack and play for a while. :) Good thing it's so cute! I haven't started "nesting" yet...wondering when that will is Mike haha!
I went to the doctor today and everything is good! Heart rate was 145! My blood pressure is still good and other than the back pain I am feeling good. I get to go every week now. I also got some TERRIBLE news! My OB is going to be on vacation from June 6th - 16h! CRAP! Little man I am sorry but you are waiting for Dr. Ortiz to come back! I guess this will give us time to get to know the other docs at our weekly appointments :)
In other news...DAD IS BACK! Yay!
Laura Gradumatated! Yay!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Week 34

Your Pregnancy: Week 34

The nursery is almost done. You've stocked up on diapers. You're ready. And you're waiting. And waiting. And hopefully, if all goes well, you'll be waiting for another six weeks. So don't drive yourself crazy, use this time to enjoy being alone, with friends and with your partner. Because soon it'll be all about baby for a couple of weeks (months, years, whatever), and you'll wish you had this downtime back.Wondering what's up with your body, your baby and your life this week? Read on ...

What You're Thinking:
"It's a good thing there is a Starbucks every two blocks because that's how often I need to pee."

Your Body
You are exhausted from hauling your bod around all day, so why can't you sleep at night? Is it because your bladder keeps crying out to be emptied every 30 minutes? Is it because you haven't been able to find a comfortable sleeping position since week 27? Is it because your mind can't stop making lists of things to do or replaying that shocking video you saw in your birthing classes? Yes, yes, and yes. It might comfort you to know you're not alone. Seventy-five percent of women in their third trimester have trouble sleeping. Certain sleep positions will help you to be more comfortable and sleep better when you're pregnant. If lying on your back is making you dizzy or lightheaded try sleeping on your side.
If you feel like bugs are crawling all over your legs in the middle of the night, get your partner to change the sheets. Just kidding. You might have restless leg syndrome, which commonly affects pregnant women. But it's still a good idea to have your mate do some laundry.

Your Baby
Your baby kind of looks like she's coated in a layer of cream cheese these days. The thick, white substance that protects her skin from pruning in the amniotic fluid is called vernix. When she's born you'll probably see some vernix lingering in her "hard-to-reach" places like under her arms, behind her ears.

Other news from the womb this week:The soft fur, lanugo, that covered your baby's body for much of her stay in the womb is now almost completely gone. Your baby begins to develop her own immune system, instead of relying solely on antibodies received through the placenta. This will come in handy when some grubby relative manhandles the baby without washing his hands first.This week, your baby measures about 17¾ inches, as almost as long as an American Girl Doll (!) and weighs almost 5 pounds, as heavy as a bag of sugar, minus the cup you put in your decaf this morning.

Your Life
Whether you're a type A personality who had her C-section planned by Week 8, or more easy breezy, chances are that you have an idea of how you'd like your delivery to go. Whether you intend to yell, "Bring on the drugs," stay completely silent (à la Katie Holmes' Scientology birth), or fill the delivery room with your entire extended family armed with video cameras, it's all up to you and your partner (though you should have 51 percent of the vote).The best way to work this all out is to first write a birth plan—an informal document you'll share with your partner, family, and caregivers. Many curveballs might throw this plan off, but most families find that it's still a useful tool. Having a printed copy of the plan in your medical files will be helpful to your caregivers and empowering for your partner who will speak for you when your contractions leave you out of breath. Download some calming music to your MP3 player for use in the labor room. Search for meditation music, Georgian chants, or anything that you find soothing... even if it's Kenny G. What goes on in the labor room, stays in the labor room.

From the Mind of the Growing more impatient by the minute Mommy:

Ok so were down to less than 6 weeks...these posts are getting later because I realized I stopped getting my weekly update! By the time I notice...well it's Wednesday! :0)
I am growing more and more and so is baby. Baby is really starting to make me uncomfortable! My back is usually killing me by the end of the day and I am exhausted! Last night I asked Mike to carry me up the stairs! :0) Ok he didn't but I still asked him too! The baby is moving all the time! We can see or feel him especially after I eat or when I am half laying on the couch! I am trying really hard to to rest but that's just not my style! So I have be over doing everything and then paying for it. Last night I finally said enough is enough and just layed down and watched American Idol. The resting only lasted about an hour and I was back to it again. But the house is a disaster because I don't have the energy to do anything I should do. Just wandering around following Mike around or helping him with his side jobs. When does the nesting kick in? I'm waiting.....

In other news....DAD'S COMIN HOME! HE IS IN THE USA AS YOU READ THIS! We haven't heard which day but he will be home this week! I'm hoping that all the excitement doesn't throw me into early labor haha!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Great Shroom Hunt has Begun!

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33 weeks...7 weeks to go!

Your Pregnancy: Week 33

You're large, but you most definitely don't feel in charge, since the baby seems to be completely taking over your body. Up several times a night to go to the bathroom? It's all just practice for getting up in the wee hours for feedings, changings and general fussiness. The one difference: Cuddling that babe in your arms for a feeding is way better than heaving yourself to the bathroom for the sixth time—in the dark. Wondering what's up with your body, your baby and your life this week? Read on ...

What You're Thinking:

"Isn't there anywhere you could stand besides on my bladder, baby?"

Your Body

At about this point you have probably begun to obsess over labor and delivery. You may have a vision of how you'd like the whole event to go: contractions are brief and painless and in one push out pops your baby to the background music of "Chariots of Fire." That fantasy is all well and good but it's important to be flexible and brace yourself for little surprises that may occur. Also, keep an open mind as far as medication and labor support go once you're in the thick of things. Research your pain relief options. There are countless natural options in addition to medicinal options for managing labor pain. Now would be a good time to decide who you want in the labor and delivery room with you. We advise against inviting someone you may be embarrassed to see what's going on "down there."You also might want to start thinking about what you are going to pack in your hospital bag. Don't forget your lip-gloss! When everyone wants to take a picture of you and the new babe, you'll thank us.

Your Baby

The big news this week is lung development—baby's respiratory system is almost completely mature. That means if your baby was born this week, odds are he'd be a healthy bouncing baby with a just a little help from his friends (aka, the NICU). Some of the specifics are: Your baby can now detect light and tell the difference between night and day (of course that ability will miraculously disappear once he's born and up all night screaming). His pupils will constrict and dilate in response to light. If you shine a flashlight on your belly, your baby may shy away from the light as if to say, "Cut it out, Ma. You're soooo annoying."The bones in your baby's skull are soft and are not yet fused together. In other words, now is not the time to teach him how to do a headspin while breakdancing. This pliability allows the bones to overlap; making that trip down the tight birth canal possible (and resulting in that surprising cone head look your baby will sport for the first few days post-birth. Don't worry, it's totally normal and that's what hats are for.)

Your baby will continue to pack on the pounds gaining around ½ pound a week from here on out.

Your baby weighs about 4½ pounds, as much as a grownup duck, and is approximately 17.5 inches long, about the same as a collarbone-length pearl necklace. (Did somebody say push present?)

Your Life

Birth announcements will be low on your list of priorities once baby comes to town (below showering, but above getting a pedicure) so have a plan of attack now. Create an email list so you can send out a blast—the easiest way to alert the masses about your new baby. Attach a digital pic of your new bundle so everyone can see whose eyes and ears your Mini wound up with. Rather do it by snail mail? Consider making your own announcements. Or, if you're craft-challenged, pre-order announcements from a stationary store. Address the envelopes ahead of time, so all you have to do is lick 'em between feedings and drop them in the mail. (We won't even go into the thank-you notes now. ...)And speaking of licking, go hit up the candy store at the mall for some gourmet lollipops and hard candies to toss in your labor bag. This occasion calls for better than your Granny's butterscotch stand-bys.

From the Mind of the Mommy:

Ok...week 33 came up to quick! I am really doing good. I am really tired most of the time and am having a lot more swelling now. I did have a little scare this week. Tuesday when I got to work I became really light headed it lasted for about an hour so I called my doctor and they had me come down (just down the hall) to get my blood pressure checked. It was high to they had me lay on my left side for 10 mins ( i caught a little nap:)) and then they checked it again..."ahhh...perfect" said the nurse. So they sent me on my merry way. The best guess was the position of the baby. Later that night it happened again but lasted only 10 minutes or so. I guess we are doing great! I have another appointment next week so if I am still having problems I will address it then.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Just a few pictures!

Peanut...Corina and Hannah (9 days apart)
Lil Lou Lou 6 1/2 months...crabby!

Lil Lofstuen...8 months!

Hannah Harriger, Hayley Harriger, and Corina Gray
Best friends...for the weekend!

Sara Lou and Lil Lou!

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