Monday, July 30, 2007

Let's get together yeah yeah yeah

We got together for our Morse family reunion on Saturday at Aunt Tommy's house!
We received some belated wedding fun!
We got a big crock pot and some spaghetti pots and....
An awesome cow!! SO CUTE!
This is our cousin Cole! He's a stinker if i ever met one!
My mama, she's so silly!

Tommy has a creek that runs through the farm. This is Gary, Mike and Cole throwing stuff in and watching it come out the other side of the bridge!
Stephenie and I did go creek stomping shortly after. It was so funny because Stephenie tried to take the easy way in unlike me who just jumped off the bridge, except the easy was wasn't easy and she fell in a mud hole and it ate her shoe! She did rescue it but came out a little scratched up!
Picking clovers and eating them, Laura picked me one because it was preeeety!
Tommy has cows, I LOVE COWS!! So cute!

We had a really nice time at the reunion. We ate some great food and had fun seeing everyone again! And can't wait until next year!


Hiiiiii Yaaaa!

Two beautiful ladies all dressed up!

Mmmm...Meso Soup! Yum yum!

Wow! What a weekend! It started out awesome! You see, my bestest friend Stephenie finally finished her last class at college! WOW! We are so proud of her. She not actually graduation until December so she wasn't planning on having a party yet. So I decided to surprise her! I got off work early on Friday and keep liking to her telling her work was busy and the Internet was down etc...
And she bought it! HAHA!! When actually i was out buying decorations for my house! We had a really big congratulations banner in the living room and this cool things that hung down from the ceiling and a class of 07' center piece. I also got a class of 07' mug and 2 cute bears! So i had the house all set up when Mikey got home and he was shocked! About 10 mins later Stephenie walked in the door and was super surprised! haha!! yay! It was fun! After that i had planned to go out to dinner at Tokyo with her. So we got all dressed up! Oh yeah we were smokin' hot! But what she didn't know is that i invited her family and our friend Lisa to come! And they were waiting at the table when we walked in! She was super surprised! Well mostly, my dumb ass pulled to the back of the parking lot and drove right past Stephenie's moms van! I was so mad at me!!! Oh well she was still surprised! Her family got her 23 roses that were so beautiful! 23 for the # of years of education! And Lisa and I got her a business card holder for her purse and a business card organizer for all that she collects and also a new cool journal! It was fun and the food was awesome and so was the cooking show we got to watch! SO MUCH FUN!
So now your asking, "Where was Mikey when all this excitement happened??" He was helping set up fireworks for the Janesville day show! Full filling a dream! And lucky for us we got to go watch the fireworks with and expert to tell us where to sit! We had the best seat in the house! And so close! It was really scary because we were covered in ash and chunks of fireworks! And it didn't help that the most annoying boy in the world sat behind us screaming every time they shot off a firework thinking he was going to explode! But i got some awesome pictures and video of the grand finally! YEAH! After the fireworks were over we went back to our house to wait for Mike to come and tell us a bunch of cool stories, which he did! He was the "Lid Man" which meant after they set off a boomer immediately after it went off he covered it with a lid so that it wouldn't set anymore off...I think...! I know he had the time of his life and will be doing it again soon!

Friday, July 27, 2007

Sweet Corina!

Carrie and Corina! SO CUTE!
What a HAM!
Cassy (mommy) and Corina! So Excited!
I spent the evening with Cassy and Corina on Monday. We went swimming and they got chinese food for us and the boys! We went shopping and had so much fun!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Monday, July 23, 2007

I hate goodbyes!

Good Morning! It's Monday!! Ok so you may read this on Monday night or Tuesday but HAPPY DAY!
So as far as weekends go this was a good one. Good but quick! Friday was a great day. Mike and I both took the afternoon off to spend with Laura. Mike and I went out to lunch at a little dive called Jack's bar and grill. It was good and the staff was very entertaining. After that we met Laura at the movies and we say "I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry" it was hilarious! I don't think I've laughed at a movie like that in a long time or since the last Adam Sandler movie came out. That man is hilarious. And of course everyone was in it from previous movies so it was fun identifying them. And our theater finally has refills on pop and popcorn. Hooray! Laura and I ate popcorn until we popped! Mike helped a little bit to! After the movie we headed over to Mike's mom's house to visit. His sister was in town from Colorado. It was fun and we made plans for dinner. After that we headed home because Mike got a call to make a few decals for a Redneck. At that time i decided my smell kitchen needed help badly. So i did the dishes and started reorganizing the cupboards and Stephenie came over to watch. After a bit Chris another Redneck stopped by to get out banner for Hudson Days parade. He's really funny and all of you know how much Mike enjoys being hugged...NOT. So Chris was trying to hug him. It was really funny. I guess you just had to be there. After this madness Mike and I went out to dinner with Pam (sister), Tammy (sister), and Mike's mom at the new casino buffet. But first we had to try our luck. And we were a little lucky so it was fun. The food was ok. But we all ate way to much. After this we decided to head home I had a horrible headache that i just couldn't shake. When we got home Stephenie was there waiting for us. We invited our other friend Lisa to come over also! I didn't feel well so kinda bummed in the lazy boy for a while and chickened out and headed to bed. Everyone else stayed up late having all sorts of fun, but no i was stuck in bed sick! Girr... :)
I must have been sick because I slept really hard and didn't get up until 10:00 Saturday morning. I still wasn't 100% but was feeling a lot better. Just a nagging headache. I got to clean up the mess from the night before which wasn't to bad. Mike was still in bed so i got to relax and watch what i wanted to on a Saturday morning! Yay, but there was nothing on! Ha! So I prepared a roast with potatoes and carrots and threw it all in the crock pot! Stephenie came home shortly after and Mike pulled his butt outta bed. Stephenie and I decided to go grocery shopping because my cupboards were bare. We went to Aldi's. Yay for Aldi's! We got lots of great stuff and i know your not supposed to go shopping hungry but we did. Oops! When we got home Stephenie made some potato pancakes and eggs for us. YUM! And then her mom and sister stopped over for a visit. It was a lot of fun. Then us girls all went to Khols. I still had one gift card left from the wedding! I know, I know, but i never get to Khols. Or when i went i didn't know it was in my purse but went with a purpose this time! YAY! They had all their flip flops 55% or more off!! So i got 3 pairs of super cool flops! I love um and am wearing a pair right now! I'm all of a sudden really in to Turquoise so 2 of the pairs are all about that! After we went to Khols, Stephenie had a hair appointment so i went along to watch her look silly! It was fun but wore me out some how! After we went to the appointment we finally went home and we got to eat that amazing roast! And oh yes is cooked all day long for at least 8 hours. And it was AMAZING! Mom, I did good! Oh yeah! I'm making myself hungry again! After the roast we went on some more errands. We went and got Stephenies dad some supper and then off to hyvee we went again. More shopping! After the store we finally got to go home. And when we got there Lisa was waiting for us! HA! Also Stephenies little sister came over to play cards with us. Some how we ended up with about 3 dozen eggs. So Stephenie wanted to make this awesome yummy egg casserole for us to have Sunday morning. So she slaved away in the kitchen for about 30 mins, also making queso dip and my request, cause she's so good at it! When she was finished we had a lot of fun playing cards and eating dip and finally i fell asleep in the chair.
Sunday I woke up 2 minutes before the casserole was done! It just smelled so good! We used 2 kinds of sausage one is a bacon sausage and it was neat because we had both flavours! I really enjoyed it! Stephenie's mom came over and shared breakfast with us also! After all it was her recipe! Sundays are supposed to be lazy. This one wasn't lazy! After we had breakfast and got ready for the day we went down to Mike's mom's house to grill come chicken! And yay i got stuck making the potato salad and corn on the cob. Not a hard just when your prepared but i wasn't! It turned out good and i got to distract myself in the kitchen for and hour! It was nice to spend time with Mike's sister before she went back and also Mike's mom before she left on a week long vacation! It was a nice time and the food was awesome! After we left there we went home to have a lazy evening! Which we got for the most part. Watching a lot of TV! And Army Wives! Love that show! After it was over at 10pm we went over to give hugs goodbye to Shane and Pam. We were very sad to see them go. But are planning a trip to visit them next month! After we got home being stupid we stayed up until after Midnight talking all knowing very well we had to get up for work the next morning! And guess who overslept??? ME!! I left for work at 7:30 when i was supposed to be there! HA! It was fine and dandy I don't think anyone really notices anything at 7:30 in the morning!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

We had a GREAT weekend...can you tell??


No really we did!! We were just messing around taking pictures and i wanted to show Mike how unattractive it is not to smile! Plus he looks scary!

So I'm finally getting around to blogging about the weekend and I'm not sure if I can remember that far back!!!

I don't think we did anything really exciting so here we go. Friday night was supposed to be a quiet one. Mike had to work at 6 on Saturday morning, but it didn't end up that way. Stephenie of course came over and so did her little brother and my sister! Laura surprised me and just stopped on by! It was perfect! We had planned to grill out some brats and I had 3 huge Zucchini's to get rid of so we were going to try and fry them. Well we ran outta charcoal so I made the brats in the pan and fried the Zucchini which took FOREVER!! Did I mention they were huge so I could only fry like 4 slices at a time. Anyway I rolled them in flour (with seas. salt and pepper) dipped them in egg and rolled them in cracker crumbs. YUMMMMMMMY!! They were a hit! They were eating them as fast as I could make them! After that we really just kind of hung around the house and Lisa came over and we had a good time.

Saturday Mikey had to work but somehow on Friday he lost his keys!! So at 5:45 in the morning we were tearing the house apart trying to find them. We finally said for him just to take my car except his truck was parked just to close and we couldn't get it out of the driveway, and Mike is the master at this. So finally he had to take Stephenie's car. So that meant we were stranded there ALL day or until Mikey came home. We had a good time watching movies until he came home. By the way, we still haven't found his keys. He used his magic powers and broke into his truck where his spare set was. ( i know i know smart place for them)

After he got home we were so restless that we made him take us to Old Navy, flip flop sale!!! I got 3 pairs! After that we headed over to the Casino, Stephenie hadn't been there yet. We had fun, Mikey won some money and I won $5, pretty much what i spent on the flip flops so i was happy! After the Casino, Mikey took us out to eat at a Chinese Buffet!! YUMMY! Oh we ate all we could eat! On our way home Carrie P. called and had us pick her up and she came over to our place to hang out. Lisa came over later and we had a pretty early night.

Sunday we all woke up about 9 and got going. We decided to go to Waffle Stop for breakfast because it's our favorite! They have the BEST biscuits and gravy!! After breakfast we drove around looking at all the homes that are for sale. After that we went home and watched movies all day and night! It was one relaxing weekend!'s Wednesday that mean the next one is coming soon!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Oh my goodness, oh my goodness!

Rain, rain go away. Come again some other day!
Acctually the rain can stay it's the tornados, lightining, and hail that can go away!
Oh and did I mention the 90 degree weather in between!
We had quite a strom last night. If you can't tell we laid a quarter down next to both of these pieces of hail. I also have a really cool video but can't figure out how to upload it yet. Im not even sure if I can but I will try!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

All Jazzed up!


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I guess you get what you deserve when you get into the trash!!

Molly Got into the trash!!
She spilled everything! Including spilling syrup all over!
Thank you Molly, now we have about 100 new roomates we like to call the Ant family!

Monday, July 9, 2007

Holy hot out Batman!!

Hellllooo! IT'S HOT!

If you can't take the heat get outta Iowa!


So the heat came and we stayed inside! It makes me feel so lazy. Friday night was fun even with the laziness. Mike, Stephenie, and I stayed in and cooked supper then watched Borat. Very offensive yet hilarious! I think I'm partial to the naked wrestling scene! Oh yes. It was really funny, Mike and I had seen it once before but I think it was even better the second time! We went to bed pretty early for a Friday, hoping to get going in the morning because we were supposed to help our friend Aaron move and had about a million and a half other things planned. So Saturday we were up and outta bed at 10! Whoo hoo mike was up early for a Saturday! So we were getting ready when Aaron texted us suggesting we should do it the next day. So we said screw it and decided to put it off. So we were up early and decided to make Breakfast Quesadillas! If you've never had them you gotta try um! We put cheese, scrambles eggs with onions and celery, and sausage in them and ate um with salsa and sour cream! YUM! Maybe not the healthiest breakfast but it was awesome! So anyway Mikey talked to Tyler and decided to get together and make some more mortar cannon racks for the fireworks show they were putting on that night. So Mikey ditched us girls to spend forever getting ready. I thought it would be nice to give molly a bath. WRONG the little crap head fought me the hole time! Finally after about 15 mins i gave up and decided she was clean enough. So after she was dry i was putting her collar back on her and saying, wow i bought this cheap collar at the dollar store and it still works great and BAM the freakin' clasp breaks! So we went on mission to get her a new one! We got lucky! We went to the same dollar store just cause it's close and cheap and found a waaaaaay cuter one! It light brown with mint green and baby pink hearts on it. I also got her a new leash because her old one is icky! So we went home to give them to her and she acted just like a little kid when i told her i got her a present! It was so cute! I wish i would been video taping! Anyway so the collar is a little big but she only needs one so she can wear her city tag anyway cause she's a really good dog! OK that was the boring part of our day.

Mikey called and told us he was on his way out to the farm for the BBQ. So we headed on out! Not much was happening so we just ate and chilled in the shade since it was like 100098472hd64 degrees out! Now that's hot! After a while we played with the little kids and the big kids. Stephenie and I decided to go swimmin'! We got involved in a very heavy game of volley ball. It sucked. Or I just suck but it wasn't that fun. So we got a little pruny and got out, oh and we had intended to keep out hair and faces dry but that was about impossible with all the kids squirting us the whole time! After that we went and changed and were hungry again. We had some awesome pork loin and grilled corn on the cob! YUM!! Finally it started to get dark. And dark time means firework time! Earlier in the day i had invited my parents to come watch the fireworks because Mikey and Tyler were going to do them and they last for like 2 hours! They were really good and it was fun when my parents showed up! We also had the best seats in the house because My husband was in charge! (OK kinda but it's fun to say!)

After the fireworks we went back to my parents for a bonfire. It was a lot of fun except both mike and I fell asleep! So we finally went home at i think 3am!

Sunday we tried to have lots of fun but it just wasn't working for us! We tried to go muddin' but no one else what there and it's been so dang dry and hot that there wasn't any mud!!! So we drove around kicked up some dust and went over to our friend Dans house. Stephenie and I played with the kittens and Mikey rode Dan's 4 wheeler. When we tried to leave Mikes truck decided not to start yay...NOT! Thank goodness for boys because they got it fixed right away! So off we went to our home to go lay in the air conditioning!! We pretty much made butt prints in the seats for the rest of the day. Besides the few trips down to change out the laundry i did nothing! Today is Monday. It's going to be a long week for me i get to work late Thursday and Friday so i bet you'll hear from me again!

So Long For Now!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Happy Belated 4th of July!

Happy 4th of July!
Our 1/2 weekend started out great!

Tuesday the 3rd Mike, Stephenie, and I went to Dubuque for the air show and fireworks. We got there not long after the air show started, found a parking spot, took a seat ready to enjoy the show. Well the "show" as they called it was BORING! So we left after like 15 minutes! Maybe we didn't give it much time but if we wanted to see airplanes fly over head we'd just go sit at the airport! So we had about 3 hours to kill before the fireworks started. Well Dubuque borders Illinois and Wisconsin. So we went to Illinois and Wisconsin. Illinois was boring, all we saw was a billboard with Benjamin Franklin on it that read "Lets go fly a kite" so i sang the song very loudly to Stephenie and made her guess which movie it was from. Mary Poppins! Stephenie owns a Mary Poppins bag. She has everything in it! I mean EVERYTHING! Including Spanish homework! So after Illinois we moved on to Wisconsin. Again boring until we went to the fireworks store! Hooray for fireworks! After we went inside we realized that we had about 1000 different fireworks already, who needs to buy more?? We did! Not a lot just a few extras.

After that we headed back to Dubuque for the works! We were all so excited because they were supposed to be good, ya know like the air show. So we waited, and waited, and waited and finally decided just to go sit in the grass and wait outside cause it was HOT in the car. So the fireworks were supposed to start at 9:45, we went and sat down at 9:15 and they started almost immediately. We got lucky because the people behind us had a radio and the works were to go along with music. And we had an interesting person narrating the whole show for us. It was a very strange homeless man who was speaking with someone the entire time, we were just not sure who. Then we decided he like Me and Stephenie a whole lot and was talking about us to this other person whomever he may be. Anyway the rest of that story is disgusting and will make your jaw drop so this is where it ends. (e-mail me if you just hafta know) So after the fireworks we made a hasty escape to the car, by this time it was raining and we were running away from the homeless man. So we started the long drive home when my mom calls me. "Where are you?" so i tell her we are on our way home. I guess they were watching TV and a very manic man came on and said if anybody knew of anyone at the Dubuque fireworks and air show to call them on their cell phones and get to safety right away! So she did, and we found a hiding spot at Perkins. At that point it was only raining in Dubuque, during the coarse of time we sat at Perkins (mmmmm chicken tender melt...mmmmmm) the weather only seemed to get worse. Rain came down harder, more lighting, thanks mom. :) So when we were finally on our way the storm only became more severe. I was moving west and we were moving east and we just collided with it and fought the rain and vivid lighting for about and hour or more. We made it home safely thanks to Mikey's superior driving skills!

So our actual forth of July was much less eventful! Due to the fact we got home alot later than planned we slept alot later then planned. First we went to watch the Parade Mom and Dad were in, in Reinbeck. It was a really cool little parade. We had fun watching, they marched with the family of Travis Vaughn, a solider that lost his life in the war. After the parade we went over the the Vaughns house for a BBQ. It was fun meeting the whole family and finally sitting and talking with my parents for once! It was very relaxing! We weren't able to stay long because Stephenies family invitied us over for ribs! So when we were headed into town Stephenie and I decieded to head over early to help with dinner. It was alot of fun making dinner with her and her sisters! Then Mike came over and did the man thing with her dad, sat in the living room watching tv while the women work their tails off! Acctually he tried to help but we just kicked him outta the kitchen! So it was really nice having a big family dinner and the ribs were amazing! After we cleaned up our dinner mess we invited the girls to come and hang out at our house for a little while. It was a lot of fun, Stephenies sisters Carrie and Rochelle came over and we did snakes and sparklers like little kids! I really had a good time and even though Mike was out numbered he had fun because we were playing with fire. And he's so handsome the girls couldn't stay away from him ;) . Finally our night came to an end, rather late but we had to work the next day. We had a really fun 1/2 weekend and now were getting ready for the real one! Hope everyone had a happy 4th! E-mail us and tell us all about it! We would love to hear from all of you!

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Our Children

Loooooook! Molly finally got her bath, look how sad she is! No wonder I never bathe her!
Sweet Puppy!

The only reason the picture of the mean kitty is on here is because she threatened to do things to me in my sleep. So now I will rest well.

Monday, July 2, 2007

We stayed clean!

HOORAY!! We finally managed to have a farely quite weekend! YAY! I feel rested!! Sorta!! The coffee is helping!!

So We started Friday very simple, went home from work hung out, Cassy came over and she and I went swimming. Mike was supposed to come but Tony showed up at the last minute and got him outta going but needing decals. Yay for money but nay to not swimming. After that we went home and decided to lay down for a while. Then we both accidentally fell asleep but I had to wake up because Stephenie was coming into town!! She called me about 12am and I got up to greet her! Mike got up to, why i don't know because he had to work the next day, yes on a Saturday. This makes for a grumpy Mikey! So we stayed up until about 3 am chit chatting. Mike went to work in the AM, and Stephenie planned on getting up to go garage sailing but slept until like 10:30 then sat around and talked for another hour or so. Finally we got going and went to the grocery store. We decided to cook Mike an awesome meal for when he got home. We made Maid Rites, corn on the cob, and pasta salad! Yum yum! It was awesome. So when came home he ate and went to bed! That was about 3. So Stephenie and I had to entertain ourselves until we woke him up later. So we decided to get all dress up for the heck of it. We did our makeup, she did my hair all fancy, and we put on our dresses and high heels! So after about 5 mins with our dresses on we decided they were to hot and itchy and uncomfortable. So we changed back in to our jeans but decided to still wear our heels! It was great! Then Lisa came over and we decided to get Mike out of bed, this wasn't an easy task! Hes very cranky, VERY CRANKY! Finally he woke up! Yay!! But he was still cranky for a while then guess what, Tony Showed up again! More stickers! YAY!! So by the time that was done Mike was happy to be around us girls no matter how much we chit chat!! Eventually I got so tired that i went to bed first like before midnight on a Saturday!!!
Sunday was a sleepy day! We woke up very late, I cooked us an awesome breakfast! Eggs, hash browns, toast, and sausage!! Thanks Dad for teaching me! Then we lazed around the house doing laundry and sweeping. We finally got enough energy to go Jeni's yard! Came home and watched TV! Mike cooked an awesome steak! We had leftover pasta salad and watermelon! It was wonderful. Well today is Monday!! Hooray for a holiday week! We only get Wednesday off but it's still going to be worth it! So our new casino opened on Saturday, what and ugly eye sore. But we did venture in to check it out today. The inside is cool, unlike any i have ever seen but really small. Tama is much bigger! They have a KFC, Starbucks, Pizza Hut, Scoops, and a Buffet so you'll never go hungry. We stayed for about and hour, had a little fun and now are home for the evening. Mikeys cooking supper and I plan to enjoy it! Have a great holiday week!