Happy 4th of July!
Our 1/2 weekend started out great!
Tuesday the 3rd Mike, Stephenie, and I went to Dubuque for the air show and fireworks. We got there not long after the air show started, found a parking spot, took a seat ready to enjoy the show. Well the "show" as they called it was BORING! So we left after like 15 minutes! Maybe we didn't give it much time but if we wanted to see airplanes fly over head we'd just go sit at the airport! So we had about 3 hours to kill before the fireworks started. Well Dubuque borders Illinois and Wisconsin. So we went to Illinois and Wisconsin. Illinois was boring, all we saw was a billboard with Benjamin Franklin on it that read "Lets go fly a kite" so i sang the song very loudly to Stephenie and made her guess which movie it was from. Mary Poppins! Stephenie owns a Mary Poppins bag. She has everything in it! I mean EVERYTHING! Including Spanish homework! So after Illinois we moved on to Wisconsin. Again boring until we went to the fireworks store! Hooray for fireworks! After we went inside we realized that we had about 1000 different fireworks already, who needs to buy more?? We did! Not a lot just a few extras.
After that we headed back to Dubuque for the works! We were all so excited because they were supposed to be good, ya know like the air show. So we waited, and waited, and waited and finally decided just to go sit in the grass and wait outside cause it was HOT in the car. So the fireworks were supposed to start at 9:45, we went and sat down at 9:15 and they started almost immediately. We got lucky because the people behind us had a radio and the works were to go along with music. And we had an interesting person narrating the whole show for us. It was a very strange homeless man who was speaking with someone the entire time, we were just not sure who. Then we decided he like Me and Stephenie a whole lot and was talking about us to this other person whomever he may be. Anyway the rest of that story is disgusting and will make your jaw drop so this is where it ends. (e-mail me if you just hafta know) So after the fireworks we made a hasty escape to the car, by this time it was raining and we were running away from the homeless man. So we started the long drive home when my mom calls me. "Where are you?" so i tell her we are on our way home. I guess they were watching TV and a very manic man came on and said if anybody knew of anyone at the Dubuque fireworks and air show to call them on their cell phones and get to safety right away! So she did, and we found a hiding spot at Perkins. At that point it was only raining in Dubuque, during the coarse of time we sat at Perkins (mmmmm chicken tender melt...mmmmmm) the weather only seemed to get worse. Rain came down harder, more lighting, thanks mom. :) So when we were finally on our way the storm only became more severe. I was moving west and we were moving east and we just collided with it and fought the rain and vivid lighting for about and hour or more. We made it home safely thanks to Mikey's superior driving skills!
So our actual forth of July was much less eventful! Due to the fact we got home alot later than planned we slept alot later then planned. First we went to watch the Parade Mom and Dad were in, in Reinbeck. It was a really cool little parade. We had fun watching, they marched with the family of Travis Vaughn, a solider that lost his life in the war. After the parade we went over the the Vaughns house for a BBQ. It was fun meeting the whole family and finally sitting and talking with my parents for once! It was very relaxing! We weren't able to stay long because Stephenies family invitied us over for ribs! So when we were headed into town Stephenie and I decieded to head over early to help with dinner. It was alot of fun making dinner with her and her sisters! Then Mike came over and did the man thing with her dad, sat in the living room watching tv while the women work their tails off! Acctually he tried to help but we just kicked him outta the kitchen! So it was really nice having a big family dinner and the ribs were amazing! After we cleaned up our dinner mess we invited the girls to come and hang out at our house for a little while. It was a lot of fun, Stephenies sisters Carrie and Rochelle came over and we did snakes and sparklers like little kids! I really had a good time and even though Mike was out numbered he had fun because we were playing with fire. And he's so handsome the girls couldn't stay away from him ;) . Finally our night came to an end, rather late but we had to work the next day. We had a really fun 1/2 weekend and now were getting ready for the real one! Hope everyone had a happy 4th! E-mail us and tell us all about it! We would love to hear from all of you!
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