I am special, the pictures are some how up loaded backwards sooo...
Carrie at Gays Mills!

Corina's Pumpkin that I helped decorate! Yay! He's a cool dude!
I will write this blog forwards!!
We had a really really great anniversary weekend! Hooray!
Started out on a blah note. Peanut got a hair cut! Yes that is the same dog! She is so cute, now she looks like the puppy she is! I think she has more energy now to! OH NO! Mike was taking and nap when I got home and he didn't want to get up until supper was ready! So I got to cook, yay...
After dinner we invited Laura and Lisa over for a while it was fun!
Saturday was a great day! We slept in and Mike made us an awesome breakfast! We spent the the rest of the early afternoon watching movies! It was fun! When we finally got going we went to a wine tasting/fall festival with Cassy and Corina! It was really fun it was in downtown Dysart. Each business had a different Iowa Winery set up inside for tasting wine and beer and munching on awesome dips and cheese and nachos! Also they had fun activities set up, drawings for Halloween prizes, Color a pumpkin, and hay rides! We did it all! It was really fun! It was cute, they had a tent set up and different local bands were playing music, and these 3 little kids got up there and sang Puff the Magic Dragon at the top of their lungs! The youngest was just up there dancing away and strumming an invisible guitar! It was really fun!
After that we were exhausted and headed home and lazed around for about an hour and decided since we hadn't seen our friends Donny and Tammy and their boys since April, it was about time to make a visit! Luckily when we got there the boys were still awake and ready to play! Cole remembered me the minute he saw me, he got the biggest grin on his face and came running in for a hug! Shay was still as shy as ever but is saying a lot more words, I can't believe he will be 3 in November! We had fun playing with the boys, and after they went to bed we had fun with the big kids to! It was really nice to catch up with them, we were there until 2AM!
Our 1st Anniversary!
We had a really nice day!
I woke up first so I decided to make breakfast! And it was an awesome breakfast! Bacon, southwest hash browns, scrambled eggs, peanut butter toast! Yum! After breakfast Mikey asked me to go apple picking with him! Yay! As Fall is my favorite time of year, driving through the prettiest part of Iowa on our anniversary sounded perfect...except that it poured the entire trip down! And we went through Strawberry Pointe so I could see the giant strawberry but or course there was a detour that took you all over town but NOT past the strawberry! Girr!! Oh well we had a nice trip up to Wisconsin and once we got to about McGregor the sun came out and it was beautiful for picking out apples! We went to 3 orchards, 4 if you count the creepy one that looked like and old hippy commune, that one sold the "organic" apples. Aren't they all organic? We just turned around and drove away from that one! We ended up getting lots off apples and brought back plenty to share! We also got 6 gourds and 4 HUGE potatoes! Oh and 2 honey sticks but we ate them immediately! Yum! After we got all the apples we wanted we stoped by some road side stops to enjoy the view, it was really cool because it was very humid and it was so hazy. Everything looked really cool! As you can see we also stoped at the big apple and took some pictures, then it was off to Pikes Peek! This is always my favorite part of the trip! It's a very cool view and another thunder storm was moving in to we got to watch the lightning from a really cool view! It finally started to rain on us again so we we to Crazy Carl's Silver Dollar for some awesome homemade pizza and beer. I know what a romantic dinner, right?? haha! It defiantly hit the spot! It was fun, we finally headed home at about 7:45 and got to my mom and dad's at 9:45 to pick up the top of our wedding cake! This really sounded like a good idea a year ago, until we tasted the frosting. EWWWWWWWWW but the good news is that frosting must have sealed in the flavour of the cake cause that part is awesome! And after tucking the girls in to bed we finally went to sleep. Yes, this was one first anniversary, one we can re-create every year if we want to!