I carved mine like an owl but I didn't get any good pics of it yet, when I do, you KNOW I will post them!
Happy Birthday Lisa!
Little Miss Green Jeans!
Myndi and I are so pimped out! Check out our Grills yo!
My baby girls playin in the leaves!
Peanut, just look at that face! Soooo adorable!
We had one heck of a weekend!! SO much fun!
I would call it our "Friend Filled Weekend!"
Aren't they always?? NO! Ok yes but friends we haven't seen for a while weekend!
Was a long day!
I worked at the office until 2 and then headed right over to the Kitchen Shop! And worked there until 5:30ish. It made for a long day for Carrie! On the way home I stoped for a "healthy" dinner of Big Mac's! You know...2 all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun! yum yum yum! After we got home our Friend Lisa came over, it was her Birthday weekend so we had to have a "party weekend" as I was calling it. So we went to the casino to see if she was lucky. And she was! The casino has scratch off tickets for free, and you can win like key chains, gift certificates to the restaurants, and free slot play! Lisa won $100 in free slot play! Sounds great right?? It's kinda sketchy, you have to play the whole amount there but what ever you win off the $100 you get to keep! Anyway she ended up winning like $80 or something so it was all good! What a great b-day present to yourself! After that we got a call from an old friend who was at our house. So we headed home and hung out until like 3am or something crazy like that!
Pumpkin Day!
I waited all week for pumpkin day! I was so excited to go to another pumpkin patch! Why am I obsessed with them you say? I DON'T KNOW!
We picked up Mike's mom and headed out to the pumpkin patch. It was fun to re-visit the one we both had gone to when we were little. They paint faces on the pumpkins of Disney characters etc. Then it was time to pick out our pumpkins so I decided to get two small one's for the doggy's and then Mike and I got larger ones.
When we got back it was finally time for us to mow Mike's mom's lawn. Which normally is like a 10 min deal but since we waited so long to mow it, we had to bag all the grass. And since Mike's mom's allergies are so bad she couldn't breath and had to go inside, so I got to bag the happy grass myself! Yay! haha! Well Peanut and Molly helped me by playing and rolling in it until they turned green! It was so funny! But honestly I wasn't laughing because of the back breaking labor! Well when we finally got done it was dark out and I was tired but it was Lisa's birthday and we had to celebrate! So Myndi, Tony, and Lisa came over! It was so much fun! Mike and Tony played with these really cool remote control cars and us girls put in our grills and took pictures and ate cheese dip until we couldn't eat anymore! We laughed so hard for hours, I stared to lose my voice by the end of the night, 3:30 am! So needless to say after 2 late nights Mike and I slept in reeealllllllly late on Sunday and regretted it later!
The day of Un Rest
Since we stayed up so late Tony stayed overnight! So when Mike got up he made us an awesome breakfast! Complete with home made blueberry waffles!!! It was awesome! I guess I should let Mike sleep in more often! But we sure payed for sleeping in with a short day! I finally got my pumpkin carved though! Derek came over for a while in the afternoon and helped me carve Peanut's pumpkin! But the problem was, the small pumpkins that I bought were really really hard! So thank goodness he's so strong because he had to use all his muscles to carve the dang thing! So needless to say, I'm leaving the other small one to sit a little longer before I try and carve it! Other than all this playing we did, we didn't' accomplish anything! That night I watched 3 hours of John and Kate plus 8! You will know what I mean if you've seen this cute show! But if you have, I don't really care for Kate! Haha!
About 9:30 last night our realtor called us, there's been a counter offer but the seller doesn't want to pay closing costs! So I think we have some thinking on our hands! I will keep you updated!
Have a great fall week!

We had one heck of a weekend!! SO much fun!
I would call it our "Friend Filled Weekend!"
Aren't they always?? NO! Ok yes but friends we haven't seen for a while weekend!
Was a long day!
I worked at the office until 2 and then headed right over to the Kitchen Shop! And worked there until 5:30ish. It made for a long day for Carrie! On the way home I stoped for a "healthy" dinner of Big Mac's! You know...2 all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun! yum yum yum! After we got home our Friend Lisa came over, it was her Birthday weekend so we had to have a "party weekend" as I was calling it. So we went to the casino to see if she was lucky. And she was! The casino has scratch off tickets for free, and you can win like key chains, gift certificates to the restaurants, and free slot play! Lisa won $100 in free slot play! Sounds great right?? It's kinda sketchy, you have to play the whole amount there but what ever you win off the $100 you get to keep! Anyway she ended up winning like $80 or something so it was all good! What a great b-day present to yourself! After that we got a call from an old friend who was at our house. So we headed home and hung out until like 3am or something crazy like that!
Pumpkin Day!
I waited all week for pumpkin day! I was so excited to go to another pumpkin patch! Why am I obsessed with them you say? I DON'T KNOW!
We picked up Mike's mom and headed out to the pumpkin patch. It was fun to re-visit the one we both had gone to when we were little. They paint faces on the pumpkins of Disney characters etc. Then it was time to pick out our pumpkins so I decided to get two small one's for the doggy's and then Mike and I got larger ones.
When we got back it was finally time for us to mow Mike's mom's lawn. Which normally is like a 10 min deal but since we waited so long to mow it, we had to bag all the grass. And since Mike's mom's allergies are so bad she couldn't breath and had to go inside, so I got to bag the happy grass myself! Yay! haha! Well Peanut and Molly helped me by playing and rolling in it until they turned green! It was so funny! But honestly I wasn't laughing because of the back breaking labor! Well when we finally got done it was dark out and I was tired but it was Lisa's birthday and we had to celebrate! So Myndi, Tony, and Lisa came over! It was so much fun! Mike and Tony played with these really cool remote control cars and us girls put in our grills and took pictures and ate cheese dip until we couldn't eat anymore! We laughed so hard for hours, I stared to lose my voice by the end of the night, 3:30 am! So needless to say after 2 late nights Mike and I slept in reeealllllllly late on Sunday and regretted it later!
The day of Un Rest
Since we stayed up so late Tony stayed overnight! So when Mike got up he made us an awesome breakfast! Complete with home made blueberry waffles!!! It was awesome! I guess I should let Mike sleep in more often! But we sure payed for sleeping in with a short day! I finally got my pumpkin carved though! Derek came over for a while in the afternoon and helped me carve Peanut's pumpkin! But the problem was, the small pumpkins that I bought were really really hard! So thank goodness he's so strong because he had to use all his muscles to carve the dang thing! So needless to say, I'm leaving the other small one to sit a little longer before I try and carve it! Other than all this playing we did, we didn't' accomplish anything! That night I watched 3 hours of John and Kate plus 8! You will know what I mean if you've seen this cute show! But if you have, I don't really care for Kate! Haha!
About 9:30 last night our realtor called us, there's been a counter offer but the seller doesn't want to pay closing costs! So I think we have some thinking on our hands! I will keep you updated!
Have a great fall week!