Happy Monday!
I'm coming off a great weekend High!
Wow! Friday was great! Saturday was Great! Sunday was the greatest!
Friday was a Mikey and Carrie day! We hung out just the 2 of us! Well, I worked my tail off at 2 jobs and when I got home my loving husband was napping! So i finally woke him up because i was so starving and we went and got Subway for us and Jeni. We scarfed it! SOOOOOO GOOOOOD! After that we decided to go to my parents house to get some paperwork on a house! And we chatted with them for quite a while! It was nice. After that we headed to the Casino to try to win us some money! Huh...didn't work! Ahh well! We got to bed at a decent time! Well I did anyway! Haha we decided to watch a movie but I fell asleep during the opening credits, I don't even remember the name of the movie!! I must be getting old! :)
CARRIE'S HOUSE WAS MESSY!!!! Yes, Carrie slept in really late on Saturday and was sitting in her living room when she woke up, looking around and almost had a panic attack! So we CLEANED! Saturday afternoon. Mike also started some really really good Maid Rite's in the slow cooker! Mmm...hungry! The only problem was, we were hungry and it was going to be several hours before it was done. So we had Chinese! Hehe! After dinner, Myndi came over to hang out! We had girl time! Mike ran off to play with Tony. After a bit, Laura came over too! It was definitely girl time! We decided to go to a bar, The Cypress in downtown Cedar Falls. It's pretty much the only bar that I will go into. We know the bartender! Haha! We had some quality girl talk, that's for sure!
This was my most favoritest day of the weekend! Hehe! I got to wear a costume and play with a lady bug!
We went Trick or Treating with Corina in Readlyn! It was so much fun! I dressed up like a mouse! It was really fun! We went for the whole 2 hours and got Corina (mommy and daddy) stocked up on candy for the rest of the year! We had so much fun! And when we were done Trick or Treating it was time for the big kids to play. We went to a haunted house and on a hay ride! I think the haunted house was really scary, but i was the only one! I don't like it when they put on the scary masks or make-up and get right in your face, or follow you around etc. But it was still fun! Then we had an awesome dinner of Chicken on the grill and mac and cheese! It was awesome! Finally our fun filled weekend was done and we headed home.
I had a great time but I am worn out! Hoping to update you one the house soon!!!!