Sunday, October 14, 2007

It's the most wondeful time of the year!

We got pumpkins! And we carved them! Carrie's is the Kitty and Mikey's is the vampire! The little one is the kids! hehe!

Family Photo! 10/13/07

Left to Right

Peanut, Carrie, Mikey, Molly, and Kenny is hiding behind a pumpkin in the window!

This is Carrie and a BIG cow! We went to eat at the Brown Bottle Downtown Waterloo, and this hangs in the lobby of the Russel Lampson building! I fell in love, yes, I would hang this in the living room!

OK, what does this look like to you?

I think it looks like a giant! I think she's going to eat me! AHHH!

It's my favorite time of year, and I decided I must be a huge weirdo because I like raking the leaves, well at least once anyway! I know we need to rake again already but it's a lot of work, fun work!
We had a really busy weekend!
Friday night Mike and I went out to eat at The Brown Bottle in downtown Waterloo. I had never been there before that I remembered anyway! It was a really neat building! Above pictured is me with the huge cow picture! I love it! I wanna take it home and hang it in my tiny living room! hum...maybe I should start painting cows!
After out HUGE dinner we went and visited with Mikes mom and we all went to the casino! We wanted to win free stuff! And we did, key chains! haha! That was fun, after that we just headed home and went off to bed.
I started working at the Kitchen Shop with my mom! It was an awesome job! NO STRESS!! It was great but what a long day for me on a Saturday. 10-5 but really it was almost 5:30 when I left! I guess Mike did "guy things" while I was at work! haha! Non-productive guy things! After I got home we headed out to the Pumpkin Patch! I was so excited to go! When we got there the stupid boys made us park over by the scary haunted house with the icky guy with the chain saw and scary mask on. So we had to climb through the woods to get to the pumpkins. Then they decided they were going to start charging for the hayrides! Girr! That's like my favorite part! Also all the big piles of pumpkins were through the gate that you had to pay the $6 to get through! But we still found good pumpkins in the pile they had outside the gate. We also picked out the small pumpkins for the kids. Then we headed home to carve them! Yay! It was so much fun! I really really like carving pumpkins and I plan to get more so I can carve more! After we carved pumpkins and took our family photo, Mike's mom came by with Chili ingredients! So Laura came over and helped me make chili! And she helped me eat it! It was soooooooooooooooooo good! We had fun playin with the puppies and just hangin out!
I had a puppy play date! My friend Holly brought her Shitzu mix over to play with my girls! Of course it was raining so we had to play in side! Her dogs name is Moe and she didn't like Peanut very much! It was cute, Peanut keep getting her to play with her and Moe would bark or run away and hide! Then Moe entertained her self with sitting at the top of the stairs listening to Mike and Brandon in the basement, she ventured as far as the 1st step but she said that's as far as I go! It was so cute! We had a lot of fun, and so did the girls! I think we are planning on doing it again soon!
All in All we had a fun weekend! I can't wait to do it again!