HOORAY!! We finally managed to have a farely quite weekend! YAY! I feel rested!! Sorta!! The coffee is helping!!
So We started Friday very simple, went home from work hung out, Cassy came over and she and I went swimming. Mike was supposed to come but Tony showed up at the last minute and got him outta going but needing decals. Yay for money but nay to not swimming. After that we went home and decided to lay down for a while. Then we both accidentally fell asleep but I had to wake up because Stephenie was coming into town!! She called me about 12am and I got up to greet her! Mike got up to, why i don't know because he had to work the next day, yes on a Saturday. This makes for a grumpy Mikey! So we stayed up until about 3 am chit chatting. Mike went to work in the AM, and Stephenie planned on getting up to go garage sailing but slept until like 10:30 then sat around and talked for another hour or so. Finally we got going and went to the grocery store. We decided to cook Mike an awesome meal for when he got home. We made Maid Rites, corn on the cob, and pasta salad! Yum yum! It was awesome. So when came home he ate and went to bed! That was about 3. So Stephenie and I had to entertain ourselves until we woke him up later. So we decided to get all dress up for the heck of it. We did our makeup, she did my hair all fancy, and we put on our dresses and high heels! So after about 5 mins with our dresses on we decided they were to hot and itchy and uncomfortable. So we changed back in to our jeans but decided to still wear our heels! It was great! Then Lisa came over and we decided to get Mike out of bed, this wasn't an easy task! Hes very cranky, VERY CRANKY! Finally he woke up! Yay!! But he was still cranky for a while then guess what, Tony Showed up again! More stickers! YAY!! So by the time that was done Mike was happy to be around us girls no matter how much we chit chat!! Eventually I got so tired that i went to bed first like before midnight on a Saturday!!!
Sunday was a sleepy day! We woke up very late, I cooked us an awesome breakfast! Eggs, hash browns, toast, and sausage!! Thanks Dad for teaching me! Then we lazed around the house doing laundry and sweeping. We finally got enough energy to go Jeni's yard! Came home and watched TV! Mike cooked an awesome steak! We had leftover pasta salad and watermelon! It was wonderful. Well today is Monday!! Hooray for a holiday week! We only get Wednesday off but it's still going to be worth it! So our new casino opened on Saturday, what and ugly eye sore. But we did venture in to check it out today. The inside is cool, unlike any i have ever seen but really small. Tama is much bigger! They have a KFC, Starbucks, Pizza Hut, Scoops, and a Buffet so you'll never go hungry. We stayed for about and hour, had a little fun and now are home for the evening. Mikeys cooking supper and I plan to enjoy it! Have a great holiday week!
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