No really we did!! We were just messing around taking pictures and i wanted to show Mike how unattractive it is not to smile! Plus he looks scary!
So I'm finally getting around to blogging about the weekend and I'm not sure if I can remember that far back!!!
I don't think we did anything really exciting so here we go. Friday night was supposed to be a quiet one. Mike had to work at 6 on Saturday morning, but it didn't end up that way. Stephenie of course came over and so did her little brother and my sister! Laura surprised me and just stopped on by! It was perfect! We had planned to grill out some brats and I had 3 huge Zucchini's to get rid of so we were going to try and fry them. Well we ran outta charcoal so I made the brats in the pan and fried the Zucchini which took FOREVER!! Did I mention they were huge so I could only fry like 4 slices at a time. Anyway I rolled them in flour (with seas. salt and pepper) dipped them in egg and rolled them in cracker crumbs. YUMMMMMMMY!! They were a hit! They were eating them as fast as I could make them! After that we really just kind of hung around the house and Lisa came over and we had a good time.
Saturday Mikey had to work but somehow on Friday he lost his keys!! So at 5:45 in the morning we were tearing the house apart trying to find them. We finally said for him just to take my car except his truck was parked just to close and we couldn't get it out of the driveway, and Mike is the master at this. So finally he had to take Stephenie's car. So that meant we were stranded there ALL day or until Mikey came home. We had a good time watching movies until he came home. By the way, we still haven't found his keys. He used his magic powers and broke into his truck where his spare set was. ( i know i know smart place for them)
After he got home we were so restless that we made him take us to Old Navy, flip flop sale!!! I got 3 pairs! After that we headed over to the Casino, Stephenie hadn't been there yet. We had fun, Mikey won some money and I won $5, pretty much what i spent on the flip flops so i was happy! After the Casino, Mikey took us out to eat at a Chinese Buffet!! YUMMY! Oh we ate all we could eat! On our way home Carrie P. called and had us pick her up and she came over to our place to hang out. Lisa came over later and we had a pretty early night.
Sunday we all woke up about 9 and got going. We decided to go to Waffle Stop for breakfast because it's our favorite! They have the BEST biscuits and gravy!! After breakfast we drove around looking at all the homes that are for sale. After that we went home and watched movies all day and night! It was one relaxing weekend!
Ooo...it's Wednesday that mean the next one is coming soon!
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