Monday, July 9, 2007

Holy hot out Batman!!

Hellllooo! IT'S HOT!

If you can't take the heat get outta Iowa!


So the heat came and we stayed inside! It makes me feel so lazy. Friday night was fun even with the laziness. Mike, Stephenie, and I stayed in and cooked supper then watched Borat. Very offensive yet hilarious! I think I'm partial to the naked wrestling scene! Oh yes. It was really funny, Mike and I had seen it once before but I think it was even better the second time! We went to bed pretty early for a Friday, hoping to get going in the morning because we were supposed to help our friend Aaron move and had about a million and a half other things planned. So Saturday we were up and outta bed at 10! Whoo hoo mike was up early for a Saturday! So we were getting ready when Aaron texted us suggesting we should do it the next day. So we said screw it and decided to put it off. So we were up early and decided to make Breakfast Quesadillas! If you've never had them you gotta try um! We put cheese, scrambles eggs with onions and celery, and sausage in them and ate um with salsa and sour cream! YUM! Maybe not the healthiest breakfast but it was awesome! So anyway Mikey talked to Tyler and decided to get together and make some more mortar cannon racks for the fireworks show they were putting on that night. So Mikey ditched us girls to spend forever getting ready. I thought it would be nice to give molly a bath. WRONG the little crap head fought me the hole time! Finally after about 15 mins i gave up and decided she was clean enough. So after she was dry i was putting her collar back on her and saying, wow i bought this cheap collar at the dollar store and it still works great and BAM the freakin' clasp breaks! So we went on mission to get her a new one! We got lucky! We went to the same dollar store just cause it's close and cheap and found a waaaaaay cuter one! It light brown with mint green and baby pink hearts on it. I also got her a new leash because her old one is icky! So we went home to give them to her and she acted just like a little kid when i told her i got her a present! It was so cute! I wish i would been video taping! Anyway so the collar is a little big but she only needs one so she can wear her city tag anyway cause she's a really good dog! OK that was the boring part of our day.

Mikey called and told us he was on his way out to the farm for the BBQ. So we headed on out! Not much was happening so we just ate and chilled in the shade since it was like 100098472hd64 degrees out! Now that's hot! After a while we played with the little kids and the big kids. Stephenie and I decided to go swimmin'! We got involved in a very heavy game of volley ball. It sucked. Or I just suck but it wasn't that fun. So we got a little pruny and got out, oh and we had intended to keep out hair and faces dry but that was about impossible with all the kids squirting us the whole time! After that we went and changed and were hungry again. We had some awesome pork loin and grilled corn on the cob! YUM!! Finally it started to get dark. And dark time means firework time! Earlier in the day i had invited my parents to come watch the fireworks because Mikey and Tyler were going to do them and they last for like 2 hours! They were really good and it was fun when my parents showed up! We also had the best seats in the house because My husband was in charge! (OK kinda but it's fun to say!)

After the fireworks we went back to my parents for a bonfire. It was a lot of fun except both mike and I fell asleep! So we finally went home at i think 3am!

Sunday we tried to have lots of fun but it just wasn't working for us! We tried to go muddin' but no one else what there and it's been so dang dry and hot that there wasn't any mud!!! So we drove around kicked up some dust and went over to our friend Dans house. Stephenie and I played with the kittens and Mikey rode Dan's 4 wheeler. When we tried to leave Mikes truck decided not to start yay...NOT! Thank goodness for boys because they got it fixed right away! So off we went to our home to go lay in the air conditioning!! We pretty much made butt prints in the seats for the rest of the day. Besides the few trips down to change out the laundry i did nothing! Today is Monday. It's going to be a long week for me i get to work late Thursday and Friday so i bet you'll hear from me again!

So Long For Now!

1 comment:

Lois said...

We had a great time at the fireworks and the campfire afterwards. It's fun to have the kids around even if they do fall asleep! Dave went and picked up Laura cuz she was all alone! After all the rest of the kids left and Dave went to bed, Laura and I stayed up talking 'til about 5 or so. The sun was coming up anyway. Dave made us a great breakfast the next morning after we rolled out of bed and enjoyed laying around the rest of the day.