We got together for our Morse family reunion on Saturday at Aunt Tommy's house!
We got a big crock pot and some spaghetti pots and....
An awesome cow!! SO CUTE!
This is our cousin Cole! He's a stinker if i ever met one!
My mama, she's so silly!

Tommy has a creek that runs through the farm. This is Gary, Mike and Cole throwing stuff in and watching it come out the other side of the bridge!
Stephenie and I did go creek stomping shortly after. It was so funny because Stephenie tried to take the easy way in unlike me who just jumped off the bridge, except the easy was wasn't easy and she fell in a mud hole and it ate her shoe! She did rescue it but came out a little scratched up!
Picking clovers and eating them, Laura picked me one because it was preeeety!
Tommy has cows, I LOVE COWS!! So cute!

We had a really nice time at the reunion. We ate some great food and had fun seeing everyone again! And can't wait until next year!

Stephenie and I did go creek stomping shortly after. It was so funny because Stephenie tried to take the easy way in unlike me who just jumped off the bridge, except the easy was wasn't easy and she fell in a mud hole and it ate her shoe! She did rescue it but came out a little scratched up!

We had a really nice time at the reunion. We ate some great food and had fun seeing everyone again! And can't wait until next year!
It was stressful but a reunion nontheless. I love Tommy & everyone but you know who. I am planning on the same time next year, cuz Tommy said so.
It will be more fun when the rest of the cousins are there next year.
Really had a great time and the sweet corn was awesome!! That is really the IOWA I know!
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