Monday, June 2, 2008

We lived like the Amish! Sept we had flashlight and our power came back on in a reasonable amount of time.

Lil Michael and I went to the Memorial Day parade in Readlyn... Marching Band...
Lot's of fans...
Veterans with Flags...
Boy and Girl Scouts...

It's over?? Wow that was the shortest parade I have ever been to in my life!!! I think it took us longer to walk down Main street!
Oh yeah...and it was HOT!!!

Well the next batch of pictures may be disturbing. This is the damage from the Tornado that flattened Parkersburg and missed us by about 4 miles. Please take some time to look at the detail, it's amazing.

Telephone Pole

Telephone Pole

Wow, this pictures is on of my favorites and this amazed me the most. Look at the grass still on the dirt that was pulled from the ground.

Another tree like the other before.

Can you believe how this looks just like a tin can?

We were not home during the storm thank goodness, but when we were tryng to get home this is the first thing we saw before all the down power lines and closed roads. We almost couldn't get home! But we did!


Mike with his new hoe...
My Waterloo Day's were this weekend. This year there was supposed to be the best fireworks Display the town had ever seen...they were noting like Disney but pretty awesome!
Laura and Tyler met us there and we had fun watching them together!

Dad and Brad! Cheers!
Mom and Jim
I think you know these 2!


Tyler and Laura
Mary Lee and Dad

Kandie and Brad

Jackie and Dale

Me and Myndi
Mary Kay and Mom


Mom and Kandie

Are you Ready to RUMBLE?????

Mom and Dad had a really fun BBQ on Saturday! We all got together to celebrate the good weather and just being happy together. Spending a lil extra time with dad before he goes this week :(


Lois said...

Even though I love the pictures of you and me, the one this time is horrid and you put it on twice!!! REMOVE PLEASE!

Your Mother

Sara Lou said...

You know... I LOVE that pic of you & Lois, becuase the lady who tried to get out of the way... really didn't... LOL and she looks goofy - taking away from the horridness that Lois might see. But I just see my favorite auntie :)