Ooo Say Can You See...

They left on buses but this was still so neat!

Well today was the day that my dad left for Oklahoma to go on lock down and do some serious training. It was a very stressful week for all, especially Dad and Mom. There was a really nice send off at the Hanger today and so many of Dad's good friends came to wish him well. This seems surreal to me. Today was a blur. I know he's gone but life here continues on as normal. Were just sitting at home on the couch watching boring t.v. and having a beer (sorry dad!). Now the waiting game is over for him to leave, it now starts for waiting for him to visit in August before he goes to Iraq. This is very overwhelming for all involved. I am glad that I am old enough to appreciate whats happening and trying to understand what my Mom is going through. Wow. Here are some pictures from tonight at the send off. Dad, I am so proud to be your daughter.
Oh, and Molly and Peanut FINALLY got their hairs cut today...look out world here they come!
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