Yes...I am the Psycho one...yes yes I am

We made good use of the MRE's over the weekend...

We had a great weekend! I really relaxed...I mean I was really LAZY! My house is a terrible mess and I just layed around ALL day yesterday and watched Movies on TV. I made some hamburger helper and that's the extent of it...oh and we were out of milk and so I added cream of chicken soup instead...pretty good stuff! Thanks Grandma!
Friday night our Friends Chris and Mandy came over for a camp fire. Corina and Cassy joined us. It was really fun! Corina sat with me and sang all her songs, her ABC's (minus the lmno), Twinkle Twinkle, ring around the rosie, and she can count to 10!! We had fun!
Saturday we slept in! I haven't let myself really really really sleep in for a long time. When we got up we headed out to visit the Amish. I bought a train case at a garage sale, and they buy them so I went a sellin! I got $10 for the beauty! I only pd $1! Hehe! Good profit. Well as soon at we got to Plain View Goods to sell it, the sky turned black and there was on big wall cloud! The sirens went off in Cedar Falls but not where we were. Then came the RAIN! Man it rained like mad for 30 mins. The the sun came out and you couldn't even tell it had rained. I love those kind of showers! After we went to the Amish we decided to go visit Grandma. Well she must have known we were commin! She had projects for Mikey! I got lucky it was guy stuff! :) So we got her all fixed up and went and picked up Tony. We headed home and Chris and Mandy came and over for another fire! The brought their friend Jon and Cassy came by again. We ate MRE's...thanks Dad!
Sunday we were just plain lazy. It was Mike's last day of vacation so I let him sleep forever and I literally layed on the couch all day watching movies! It was an awesome day. This week Mike and I are tryng to car pool because they have him working 7-3:30 in stead of
6-2:30. Well so far they are letting him off at one, so in turn I get off at 1! Muhahah it's all part of my evil plan...NOT! Well at least it's a nice day and I'm not stuck here all day! I'll write again soon! :)
6-2:30. Well so far they are letting him off at one, so in turn I get off at 1! Muhahah it's all part of my evil plan...NOT! Well at least it's a nice day and I'm not stuck here all day! I'll write again soon! :)
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