Your Pregnancy:
Week 38
Two more weeks to go and your nesting instinct is in full throttle. You're busy washing and folding (and refolding) baby's clothes, marveling over how anyone could ever fit into such a teensy weensy T-shirt. If you haven't set up the crib, bassinet or wherever you plan for baby to sleep—now would be a good time. You don't want Dad frantically trying to figure out some incomprehensible instruction manual between contractions.Wondering what's up with your body, your baby and your life this week?
What You're Thinking:
"Please don't let my water break at an inopportune time like in the middle of a client meeting or during my pedicure or at a fancy restaurant ..."
Your Body
As your cervix begins to dilate, you may lose your mucus plug. (You may also toss your cookies when you read the words "mucus plug." Ew.) This thick, mucus-like wad seals the cervix and prevents infection during pregnancy. When the plug has done its work, it will bid your cervix goodbye and hurl itself into the toilet. Contrary to what people may say, losing the mucus plug isn't a definite predictor of the onset of labor. Once you've lost your mucus plug, be on the alert for regular, strong, painful contractions (not like this is something you'd sleep through, believe us) or other indications that you should call your doctor and get thee to a hospital.
Your Baby
Your baby's intestines have accumulated a considerable amount of meconium (the code name for black, tar-like baby poop), which is usually eliminated shortly after birth and gives you your first experience with the 100-wipe diaper change.
Here's what else is up: Your baby might just scratch herself in the womb as the fingernails have grown over the fingertips now. Resist painting them hot pink when she arrives.
Baby's lungs continue to mature and her brain and nerve function are working better every day. The latter two will continue to mature until Junior is a teenager, at which point she'll know it all (or at least she'll think she does).
Your baby weighs about 6½ pounds and is around 19 or 20 inches long—as long as a duffle bag (in case you needed an excuse to go shopping for a new bag for your labor gear).
Your Life
Seeing that you've been wearing the same pair of maternity jeans every day for the last month, you probably haven't had a ton of laundry to do. That's all going to change in the next few weeks. Who knew that such a tiny person could create such mountains of laundry in a mere 48 hours? There will be so much barf and poop to get out of baby's clothes, you'll think you've given birth to the Exorcist baby. Now's the time to stock up on laundry detergent designed with your baby's sensitive skin in mind. And don't forget the stain remover.Talk to a friend who has a baby to see what worked for her kid. Of course, every baby's skin is different, so what works for you might be something you figure out by trial and error. Check out brands like Dreft, All Free & Clear, Ivory Snow, Tide Free or Cheer Free if you're not sure where to start. Wash a week or two's worth of Mini's clothes now so they'll be ready to go. But don't go ripping off the tags and washing everything for the next year. There's a good chance you won't need it or it won't fit when the time comes to wear it. (Seriously, who buys a six-month snowsuit for a January-born baby?) Keep the tags on and you can return it to the store for a larger size, or re-gift it to another expectant mom.
From the Mind of the Mommy-
When you accidentally buy chocolate ice cream to make root beer floats never's tastes just like a frosty to me! :)
OK so were really on the countdown now. Everyone keeps asking me how I'm feeling and I kindly reply with a smile "Really good, no baby yet :)" but inside I am screaming "MY BACK HURTS! Will you rub it for me? I AM SICK of my swollen ankles and this late onset of Carpel Tunnel is miserable. My hands wont wake up and I can't make a fist with my left hand! I am scared that this is all going to happen and I am not going to know what I am feeling! I am scared my water will break at work...gross...or even worse in bed! I am scared I am going to go LATE or that they will have to induce me! I am afraid that new stresses will appear with baby. " Ok so next time be ready for a bunch of "oh poor me wah wah me" to come pouring outta my mouth when you ask me how I am feeling! :)
Ok good news! We are almost completely done with our "remodel" Mike got up all the light fixtures in our room including the ceiling fan on Friday and between him and Lil Michael they got the old carpet out and the floor cleaned up! Last night we went to our neighbors and got some trim that we need to paint and that is finished too! Our neighbor also has a line on some good carpet (for a GREAT price) he may be able to hook us up with also! I love new friends with connections! :) If no carpet we are going to stick with our wood plank (painted brown) floor at least for the summer but our goal is carpet by winter! :) We will survive! I would rather not settle for a less expensive carpet that we can afford now, I want to wait until we can get something we will like and that is cushy for our lil man to crawl around on! So once the trim us up we are movin up! I am excited!
Now anyone with a pick up truck or LARGE trailer that wants to lend us a HUGE hand we have some furniture that we need to get moved ASAP! First of all 2 dressers for the lil man (one for a changing table) and then we also have another dresser for us and a bed for my mom to sleep in while she takes care of us after the lil man comes(some of which is at my Grandma's)! My parents and sister also have some furniture that needs to be moved to their place from my grandma's house ASAP as well! CALLING ALL FRIENDS CALLING ALL FRIENDS! I NEED YOU! I am to pregnant and to close to having this baby to be afraid to ask any more...HELP!
1 comment:
I'm sending you "Day-before-due-date" vibes!!! ~~~~~~~~~~
Just to reassure you... My water broke with Hayley in bed... but no gushing, no leaking, no nothing... she was running out of liquid, so no big show... (but you may want to put a shower curtain or 2 on top of your mattress... just in case!
With Hannah... The nurse broke my water & I heard a scream of surprise, then "Please grab the other pans" and "we have a flood... never mind... grab some towels." =D
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