She's been walking around the house meowing continuously for a week...
Corina has found the joy in picking her nose. She thinks it's funny to be's not...
Really digging in. It was actually pretty funny because she was trying to blow but it was more of a snorting sound!
Laura in front of the Reverb, now closed. She is pictured...
Elaine, Dave, and Laura
Terrible horrible picture of me, oh yeah with my "Big Sister"...
Mike and I. We are so cute! I mean he is so cute...
Unca Dave...being himself!!!

Well we are 2 very busy people. I guess I can't decide what better. I love being busy but I miss my house and my couch and my puppies!
Well since I last wrote we have been all over the world and back! OK so not that far but geese!
So I wrote last on Monday, I can't remember back that far but I don't think I got to sit on my couch a little bit!
I just remembered. I helped Cassy paint for the new baby! But I still got some couch time!
Tuesday was a busy busy busy day. Mom had 2 appointments we had to get her too on top of work. Luckily I am able to leave work and come back. So in the morning I worked for about 2 hours and then went and picked her up. Took her to her appointment, worked for another hour or so, then picked her up. She hadn't been out of the house much so we went "Shopping" at Walgreens. She got a few unnecessary things cause she could. Then we went and grabbed some lunch and headed back to her place. I had to get back to work. So when Mike got off work he picked her up and took her to another appointment and I then met them at Grandma Morse's for a visit. That was nice, she had her carpets cleaned so she was showing them off. Looked nice!
After that we had to go get a box to ship Dad's guitar in. So Mom and I went to Bob's Guitar's and got a box. Mike met us back at Mom and Dad's house where he worked on Laura's I Pod and Lap Top and Laura and I got him (and us) some dinner! So we ended up staying there most of the evening but it was fun!
Wednesday was Chicken night in Readlyn! YUM! Ok so I'm skipping this week because I'm getting warn out. But yum! We ended up staying up there for quite a while visiting with friends etc. it was fun!
Thursday night we decided we should stay home and do nothing because we were going to have such a busy weekend. Then my mom mentioned how dad hadn't gotten any goodies in the mail yet to I just had to make some cookies! So instead I went to walmart got the stuff and made some cookies! I was able to sit down about 9:45 then I went to bed at 10:00. So Thursday for me was out the window.
Friday is a good day. I work til 3:30 then go home! Well Mom had a physical therapy appointment to get to! So I took her! It was ok because I got to see her and had some things to deliver her from Wal Mart. So I took her to the appointment then back to her place. Where I rushed out so I could get home for dinner! I was starving! Well we couldn't decide what to get to we went to Waverly to find something. After driving around for and hour we ended up at the first place I suggested! Bremer Diner. I LOVE THE SALAD! We then headed home to hit the hay because Mikey had to work on Saturday morning and Cassy and I had to get up for garage sales!
Saturday! I didn't' want to wake up, I hit the snooze button and never heard another alarm go off. Until...Cassy and Cornia came pounding on my windows at 7 am! They got me right outta bed! Last time I had to wake them up! Haha! We weren't nearly as successful this time but it wasn't a total bust! If I had kids who needed clothes it would have been heaven! When Mike got home from work, he and I had to "re" garage sale. He found one thing but was pretty disappointed. So we went up to the bar to watch the football game and eat lunch. They have such good food it's hard to resist! We were supposed to go to the Hockey Game Saturday night but we got lazy in the afternoon and didn't want to do much. So when Adam and Cassy invited us over for Beer Can Chicken and Corn on the Cobb, we couldn't say no! We had fun! We ate and ate then we played Trivial pursuit! The boys kicked our butts for the first time! It was fun anyway! After that we just kinda headed home, we both fell asleep on the couch until I woke up at about 2am.
Sunday we were really planning on being lazy and not doing anything. Didn't pan out. Lucky for us though, Uncle Dave and Auntie Elaine were in town! We went over to Mom's to visit for a while. The boys worked on boy stuff and talked about motorcycles etc. Then we went out to lunch! Well we wandered across the street to peek in the windows of the kitchen shop and Gretchen was there so she let us all in. After that we said good bye to Uncle Dave and Auntie Elaine and headed for home ourselves. I had promised Mike I would bake him Monster Cookies (sorry dad, you don't get them. They have peanut butter) and I had some laundry to do.
Last night I did NOTHING! Hooray! It was fun! I am much more relaxed today that I was yesterday. In fact, I am ready for a nap!
1 comment:
Somehow my comment ended up in the wrong blog. Go to Pst..Pst to see the comment for the "Holy Crap" blog.
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