This is about 3/4 of the maters we canned on Saturday!
We made about 13 Jars of Salsa...Yum!

Well Mike and I had a very relaxing/busy/exhausting vacation! Since this was a 3 day weekend and Mike had some floating holiday pay to use up, we took off the Thursday and Friday before the weekend!
It started out Wednesday night we went over to Myndi's house, she moved to Reinbeck which is about 45 miles south of us. :( Anyway we had a really fun time playing with Jaxon (her 4 year old) and just hanging out together! It had been forever! Now that we live so "far" away from each other I am afraid we will grow apart! Myndi, I'ma try to keep on you!
Thursday we stayed home most of the day until it was surprise time and I got my very own Big Baby Taylor (thanks mom and dad, again!!)
Friday, I can't really remember much of Friday. If anyone remembers what I did on Friday please let me know! Oh yeah, french fries and Chinese food!
Saturday Mike went to the Iowa Hawkeye's 1st game, of course they kicked butt 46-3! I on the other hand had a girls day with Mom and Laura! We went out to lunch at Applebys and went to the Harley Dealership and looked at ALL the cool stuff!
After that I headed home to see me husband, who was severely sun burned! Literally bright red tomato head and neck and arms. I told him good thing he didn't decide to paint a giant H on his chest! Hehe! I was trying to get him to shave his beard though, so it would be white there and read everywhere else! He didn't think any of this was that amusing. :) After we relaxed for a bit, we started canning salsa. And we boiled and we peeled and we chopped and we de seeded, and we chopped some more! Finally we were all done almost 6 hours later! But is the salsa ever good!! Don't believe me?? Ask my mom!! And the guy who doesn't like salsa (my husband) who eats a jar in a sitting now. Oh that sounds so good!
Sunday was another lazy day until about 5. I finally started getting going because we were having a small get together at my house! Holly, Cassy, Corina, and My Mom came over. We had fun and me and my Mom stayed up really really late!!
Monday I woke up and made us an awesome breakfast is I do say so myself. Apple Cinnamon Waffles and bacon, fresh from the Oran Locker. It was so good, I'm making myself hungry!
After breakfast my mom headed home and Mike woke up shortly after. We spent the whole day sitting around the house feeling sorry for ourselves because we had to work today. I did do some laundry and we rented Juno. Good movie!
Well I'm back to work and my boss is in a seriously sour mood so I better get back to work! I'll write again soon and please let me know how fun all of your weekends were!!
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