Friday Mom got up some guts and decided to ride her new bike to the bank. Well she ended up not getting as far as planned. Poor Mom! She hit a car on her street and ended up fracturing her pelvis. She is ok but as of today she is still in the hospital. She's been pretty much doped up since the accident, but last night she was eating with out falling asleep and holding good conversations with us! Recovery has started. Luckily for her both Dad and I were outside watching when all this happened. Scary. I'm just glad she's ok! I'm sure once she gets home she would love some e-mails/cards and phone calls!

As they say, the show must go on.
Well while mom was laying in the ER she insisted that Laura's B-day party that was planned for that night must go on! Well we had spent the day preparing and cooking! So here are some pictures from the party, enjoy!
Tyler (Laura's Friend) and Laura
Our friend Holly brought her dog 'Moe' who is a shitsu/Pomeranian mix over! The dogs went crazy!! Maggie did NOT like her one bit! So we had a bit of a dog rodeo!

This is Jon, Mike, and Corina on the swing!
Roxy and Chuck and MY baby Taylor! Playing us some oldies but goodies! We were having fun making requests!
This is Holly and Jacob (and Molly) Holly grew up just 2 houses down from us!
This is Jen (Derek's girlfriend) , Cassy, and Corina!
Adam and Derek
Dusty, Krystal, and Laura
Me and Jonny!

Roxy, Bob, and Chuck again, still entertaining!
This is the "HI LOIS" picture we took, sooo HI LOIS!!
This is a picture of the storm we got caught in outside Mom's hospital room, this is taken from in the room!

I know we will all keep you updated! Keep Ma is your prayers!
1 comment:
Hola Carrie!! Sorry, I like to silent stalk!! :) anywho, I'm really sorry about your mom, I hope she makes a speedy recovery!! :) I was looking at your pics, was that Holly Olson?? I haven't seen her in a while! And then I saw Jason, and Christy!! Time has gone by soo fast, I can't believe I haven't seen any of you guys in forever!!! Well take care!
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