I am so glad! She went to the doctor last week and got a good report and has to see another one this week! Let's all pray for the best news!
Me and Holly on Friday
Did you know that Marigolds attract butterflies??

This butterfly is my Favorite!

Our flowers continue to get ginormous!
Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head...

Mike and I went driving yesterday and we came across this windmill in the middle of no where so we stopped and took pictures! Ha ha!
Well Dad left us on Thursday. He left in the evening and made it safely back to Ft. Sill. This time it wasn't so hard. We were all still happy about the extra day's we got to spend with him. So after he left we ordered pizza and hung out with Mom.
We had a nice weekend!
Friday night Mike and I canned salsa! We made 6 more jars! Yay! We will be able to do that again soon! After we canned, we went over to Holly's parents house to grill out. That was fun. Jim and Marylee came home a little earlier from there vacation then planned so we called it a night early and went over to Ma's for a little while and got her a frosty! We headed home and went to bed!
Saturday Mike and I slept in! I love doing that! But hate it at the same time. I love being up early early in the morning when it's still chilly. But that sooooo didn't happen! We didn't do a whole lot of anything, we went and rented some movies and went to HyVee. We were going to have a fire but no one seemed to want to join us. So we had a movie night! We watched Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay and National Treasure 2, The Book of Secrets. Both very entertaining!!! We had fun just the 2 of us, it's seems kinda like that's how we have been ending up lately, just the 2 of us. I don't mind, actually I kinda like it! I love having parties and people over all the time, but I also like having a messy house and not cleaning it!
Wow we are lazy! Ok I think I washed a few dishes and picked up some stuff, I did do 2 loads of laundry and Mike did some man things. Other than that we only left the house to go take our movies back.
Dad called and let me know he was getting ready to get on the bus and head for the airport, he should be in Iraq by the time most of you read this! Don't forget you can check out his blog or my mom's for more details.
OK so it's Monday, but I have a short week this week and am very very very excited! Sorry to say we have no super fun plans yet but I'm sure I will come up with something! :) Have a great Monday all!

Our flowers continue to get ginormous!

Well Dad left us on Thursday. He left in the evening and made it safely back to Ft. Sill. This time it wasn't so hard. We were all still happy about the extra day's we got to spend with him. So after he left we ordered pizza and hung out with Mom.
We had a nice weekend!
Friday night Mike and I canned salsa! We made 6 more jars! Yay! We will be able to do that again soon! After we canned, we went over to Holly's parents house to grill out. That was fun. Jim and Marylee came home a little earlier from there vacation then planned so we called it a night early and went over to Ma's for a little while and got her a frosty! We headed home and went to bed!
Saturday Mike and I slept in! I love doing that! But hate it at the same time. I love being up early early in the morning when it's still chilly. But that sooooo didn't happen! We didn't do a whole lot of anything, we went and rented some movies and went to HyVee. We were going to have a fire but no one seemed to want to join us. So we had a movie night! We watched Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay and National Treasure 2, The Book of Secrets. Both very entertaining!!! We had fun just the 2 of us, it's seems kinda like that's how we have been ending up lately, just the 2 of us. I don't mind, actually I kinda like it! I love having parties and people over all the time, but I also like having a messy house and not cleaning it!
Wow we are lazy! Ok I think I washed a few dishes and picked up some stuff, I did do 2 loads of laundry and Mike did some man things. Other than that we only left the house to go take our movies back.
Dad called and let me know he was getting ready to get on the bus and head for the airport, he should be in Iraq by the time most of you read this! Don't forget you can check out his blog or my mom's for more details.
OK so it's Monday, but I have a short week this week and am very very very excited! Sorry to say we have no super fun plans yet but I'm sure I will come up with something! :) Have a great Monday all!
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