Well Mikey is now a year old and walking!! He knows how to keep us busy but you know we love every minute of it!
Friday, June 27, 2008
Carlyn Raes Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day
Ok...It's Friday. Normally I love Friday. I get off early on Friday. Well today started out with me over sleeping by more that 35 mins. Forgetting to put on make up. Speeding in the rain with crappy wipers. Getting to work just on time. Erin called into work because her son is sick. Jean asks me to work late. Morning DRAGS by so slow. YAY! LUNCH! SUBWAY! Dang it! Dead battery. Was in such a hurry I left the head lights on. You would think with all the constructions workers staring at me every morning some one would have noticed!!!! But no. So no lunch. Sit in my car for my lunch break. Get out and lock the door. Look through the window and see my shinney keys hanging from the dash. I LOCKED MY KEYS IN MY CAR AND THE BATTERY IS DEAD! Luckily my family loves me and Laura was able to bring me the spare key! Thank you Laura! Then when Mike got off work at 2:30 he came to rescue me, only to discover he didn't have jumper cables. So we tried to push start it in the parking lot...NOT enough room. After about 15 mins of pushing it back and forth someone finally stopped to help and gave us a jump. So Mike drove the Civic home and left me with the Mercury, it has air. My day just got a little better! :) Have a great weekend! I plan too!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Pictures from the FUNNEST WEEKEND EVER!!!

Community Chior, I think they need some young blood...Oh What a Wonderful World


Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Funnest weekend ever!!!!!!
Wow! I can't believe it's already Tuesday. This last weekend really flew by! It was Grump Day's in Readlyn this weekend and who knew this town knew how to have a good time! Friday night Mom came over and it was the night for fireworks. Mike LOVES fireworks! He wants to build them, light them off, study them etc. Well he got the guts to ask if the guys that were doing the works for Grump Day's needed any assistance. Lucky for him they did! Well that was oh about 5:30 in the evening. Next time I heard from him it was 8:45 and he was asking for a lawn chair, something to drink, and telling us the best spot to sit! When we got all settled in here came Mike out of the field. He not only was helping set up the fireworks, he had a headset and remote control to set off some of the COOL fireworks...fire bombs. The company had made a big Grump firework and he got to set that off too! He was pumped! I know he was in man heaven, with out boobs or beer! Corina fell asleep during the fireworks, but that was after bawling for 30 mins because we wouldn't let her play on the highway! HA!
After the fireworks we went back to our house and hung out with my Mama! We stayed up way to late and she slept on out big comfy couch! It was so fun!
Saturday we had to get up for the parade, and suprise to me, the parade went right down 2ND street. So we got to sit in our own yard and had the best seats ever! How cool! It was a much cooler parade than memorial day. There were like 95 floats and this funny guy who lead a group of Geese...in costumes. Yeah, that was my favorite! We spent the afternoon napping to get ready to go back to the park that evening. There was a fun Variety show, mostly little kids singing and doing some cute sketches...Musical Toilet seat anyone?? We ate some beef sticks and headed for our place. Cassy and Corina were hanging out with us and her husband Adam came a joined us for pizza. Cassy and Corina went home to bed but the 3 of us stayed up to listed to all the crazy Readlyners having a good time. We got board around midnight and went up to the bar to see what was still going on. We managed to start and Arm Wrestling tournament and I won all of my matches...but the boys didn't te hehe. We had a great time met a lot of people and closed down the bar! We stayed up late in the back yard talking and starting a bon fire! We failed so we finally went to bed.
Sunday we layed around the house and went to Wal-Mart. That's it. It was a good day!
I took some pictures as well as my Mom, but we can't get them to upload right now. Poop. I'll get them up when I can!!!!!!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Looking to the future, experiencing the present, forgetting the past
Looking to the future, experiencing the present, forgetting the past.
I think this is where alot of flood victims are sitting these days. My best friend Myndi was very lucky, she lost her home but her family is ok. We went to help her try and put the pieces back together yesterday. You would not believe what it is like to drive into that neighborhood. Now that most of the water has receded, all you see are tall piles of peoples lost belongings and sand and mud everywhere, covering everything. The grass is even dirty. The smell is also very overwhelming. It is terrible in the house. It smells like mold. There is already alot of mold. I was emptying her kitchen, did you know you have to throw away everything, even boxed food? I think I threw out $200 dollars worth of food! I threw away all her pots and pans but I first had to empty them of flood water. This can not even begin to describe all the loss. Please think of my friend Myndi. The basement wall collapsed and her front bush is partially in her basement. I am so thankful they are ok, I don' t know what I would do with out her! Pray for her son to get over his fears of Floods and Tornado's as well. Pray they find a new safe home.
I think this is where alot of flood victims are sitting these days. My best friend Myndi was very lucky, she lost her home but her family is ok. We went to help her try and put the pieces back together yesterday. You would not believe what it is like to drive into that neighborhood. Now that most of the water has receded, all you see are tall piles of peoples lost belongings and sand and mud everywhere, covering everything. The grass is even dirty. The smell is also very overwhelming. It is terrible in the house. It smells like mold. There is already alot of mold. I was emptying her kitchen, did you know you have to throw away everything, even boxed food? I think I threw out $200 dollars worth of food! I threw away all her pots and pans but I first had to empty them of flood water. This can not even begin to describe all the loss. Please think of my friend Myndi. The basement wall collapsed and her front bush is partially in her basement. I am so thankful they are ok, I don' t know what I would do with out her! Pray for her son to get over his fears of Floods and Tornado's as well. Pray they find a new safe home.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Dryin Up...

Yes...I am the Psycho one...yes yes I am

We made good use of the MRE's over the weekend...

We had a great weekend! I really relaxed...I mean I was really LAZY! My house is a terrible mess and I just layed around ALL day yesterday and watched Movies on TV. I made some hamburger helper and that's the extent of it...oh and we were out of milk and so I added cream of chicken soup instead...pretty good stuff! Thanks Grandma!
Friday night our Friends Chris and Mandy came over for a camp fire. Corina and Cassy joined us. It was really fun! Corina sat with me and sang all her songs, her ABC's (minus the lmno), Twinkle Twinkle, ring around the rosie, and she can count to 10!! We had fun!
Saturday we slept in! I haven't let myself really really really sleep in for a long time. When we got up we headed out to visit the Amish. I bought a train case at a garage sale, and they buy them so I went a sellin! I got $10 for the beauty! I only pd $1! Hehe! Good profit. Well as soon at we got to Plain View Goods to sell it, the sky turned black and there was on big wall cloud! The sirens went off in Cedar Falls but not where we were. Then came the RAIN! Man it rained like mad for 30 mins. The the sun came out and you couldn't even tell it had rained. I love those kind of showers! After we went to the Amish we decided to go visit Grandma. Well she must have known we were commin! She had projects for Mikey! I got lucky it was guy stuff! :) So we got her all fixed up and went and picked up Tony. We headed home and Chris and Mandy came and over for another fire! The brought their friend Jon and Cassy came by again. We ate MRE's...thanks Dad!
Sunday we were just plain lazy. It was Mike's last day of vacation so I let him sleep forever and I literally layed on the couch all day watching movies! It was an awesome day. This week Mike and I are tryng to car pool because they have him working 7-3:30 in stead of
6-2:30. Well so far they are letting him off at one, so in turn I get off at 1! Muhahah it's all part of my evil plan...NOT! Well at least it's a nice day and I'm not stuck here all day! I'll write again soon! :)
6-2:30. Well so far they are letting him off at one, so in turn I get off at 1! Muhahah it's all part of my evil plan...NOT! Well at least it's a nice day and I'm not stuck here all day! I'll write again soon! :)
Friday, June 13, 2008
Friday The 13th...dodododododododododododo
Well it's Friday again, perhaps that happiest day of the week...for me anyway. I am sitting here trying to plan out my weekend. I don't know how much fun we will be having or how lazy we will be. My best buddy Myndi lost her house to the flood and we are planning on helping her clean up as soon as we can get in to do that kind of stuff, also our other good friend Aaron's parents lost their house or had quite a bit of damage and we are planning on assisting them as much as we can. But they are saying the water will stay at sever flood stage through the weekend. Finally the river is receding and roads are starting to open, there are now 2 ways to get from Cedar Falls to Waterloo. This is a God send or a lot of my co-workers who live on the other side of the river. Luckily for me I live north and it was easy for me to get back and forth from work, just one detour. Mike had the week off and is not looking forward to the weekend like me! He doesn't want to go back to work. He has the don'twanttogobacktoworklikemydaysoffamgettingcranky blues! BAH! Wish us luck!!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Check this out!
Go to Whotv.com and check out all the footage from the floods, if you scroll down you can find the Cedar Falls/Waterloo footage!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Flooding 08'
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