We gotta teach that girl a poker face!

I am sad! I am not ready for summer to be over but I am so ready for fall!
We had a very uneventful weekend! YAY!
Friday started well, very relaxing! Mike and I had some normal errands to do and stopped for supper at Zippy's BBQ! Haha it just smelled so wonderful! After we ran our errands our friend Lisa came over for the evening of watching movies!! It was fun and of course we stayed up way to late!
Saturday we got up late and lazed around the house for a few hours when i finally got up the energy to go to the store and I drove Mikes Blazer because it was parked behind me car. Well on the way it started making a very strange sound like a really really loud KA-CHUNK and it would pull really hard to the right! I almost hit a parked car! I was really freaked out but I made it safely to the store, I was almost there when it happened. I got out and examined the car and the tires and everything looked in order so I decided not to bug Mike and would wait until I got home to make him look at it. After I was finished shopping and was heading home it started to happen more frequently. I made it home safe and told Mike about it. So after we had lupper(hehe) we went for a ride to see what was the matter with it. Well it only got worse so we turned around and headed home.
So thank goodness that I have a smart husband who thinks he knows whats wrong with it! Yay...axle joint?? hum maybe that's what it is?? I don't remember...
Any way later that afternoon Cassy asked us to go to walmart with her WHOO HOO I LOVE WALMART!! We needed to get some normal stuff and this meant shopping with Corina Jo! So Cute! After running all over Walmart, Cassy decided she wanted me to highlight her hair...I know...trust me?? NEVER!! Haha actually I'm good at it! So she has really dark brown hair and we were going for blond! She came to our house and we had fun! Playing with Corina and dying mommy's hair! Uncle Mikey really had a good time with Corina until she got scared of him again...I have pictures! After they went home Mike and I layed down on the couch to watch Dukes of Hazard re-runs and fell asleep about 10:30...we didn't wake up until about 6 and all the lights were on and the front door was wide open! I couldn't believe we stayed on the couch that long! So we woke each other up and went to our soft bed! It had never felt so comfy!! And yes we went back to sleep and slept until about 10:30! I GOT 12 HOURS OF SLEEP! YAY!! I got up and made sausage and cereal for breakfast, oh come on we were outta eggs and potatoes so we had to have cereal and we wanted sausage! And we had breakfast in bed! After a while we got up and Cassy and Adam invited us over for Beer Can Chicken! Before we headed over there we had to get Mike's car from his moms so he could get to work in the morning with out me getting up at 5am! Yay! And yay Mike's car just lives on and on!
We had a lot of fun at Adam and Cassy's! We had a great meal of cheese mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, sweet corn, crunchy cabbage salad, and beer can chicken! It was great! After we finally got home it was time to relax! Finally! But it was sad because the finale of Army Wives was on, and I didn't like it one bit! If you watch it then you understand!
Well everyone I better get back to work! Have an awesome week!
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