We had a very busy busy weekend!!!!!
Friday was date night! Well sorta...Mikey took me to Applebys...my favorite! Yum yum! I got my favorite wrap! Oriental Chicken! It's making my tummy growl to think about it! After dinner we went to the Mall to get my ring cleaned. I hate going into that store...it makes me covet...I admit I am a coveter! (is that a word?) After words we headed home. Out friend Lisa came over and we had a lot of giggly fun! (don't tell her i said giggle and Lisa in the same sentence!!!!) Then we headed to bed at a decent time considering Mikey had to work the next day. Yuck!
Saturday, another busy busy day! Mikey worked from 6 - 9:30 ish and got home shortly after I woke up. He was supposed to work all day so needless to say i was a happy camper! So Mikey and I went out fro brunch at Waffle Stop! It was also Laura's Birthday! So I took her to the pool! We hung out in the lazy river for hours! It was great! So relaxing and we were careful not to get sun burnt! Didn't work! We both ended up with burns, Laura's way more severe then mine but we were tough! After we went to the pool we headed home to get ready for dinner. Mikey was just finishing up changing his breaks and starting to mow the lawn at his mom's and our house. I decided to help for about 5 mins then got sent away to the store to buy gas and make myself look pretty. Finally we got finished up and clean and headed over to mom and dad's for Laura's birthday dinner! It was awesome! My favorite part was the green onion brats! Yum yum! Oh yeah, can't for get the amazing cake! After dinner we hung around a while and gave Laura some gifts. Mike was really worn out though so we headed home early. That night we really just hung around the house and watched movies. It was a quiet Saturday night.
Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!
This was out busy busy busy day! We woke up early, about 9 and were excited about having a lazy day. WRONG!! I went and got us some breakfast which we enjoyed in bed watching TV! Then our friend Tony called wondering if we would go the the I80 truck stop with him to get some hats and shirts embroidered. We agreed so we started out road trip about 12:30. It was a nice quiet ride up there it was warm out but not to bad with the air on! Then we came up on Coralville mall, the bestest mall in all of Iowa! (that I've been to!) And I was like ooooooo I wanna stop, just for 1/2 hour. And Mike was like okee but then he missed the exit (or so I thought) and so we made a side trip to the gas station and turned around. When we got to the mall of course it was packed because it was tax free weekend. Right after we walked in Mike started heading the wrong way, so I was yellin at him "You're going the wrong way, wait, stop, what are you doing???" And he was yelling back, "just come here a second, come here!" Next thing I knew I saw a very familiar shirt...and then I screamed...IT WAS STEPHENIE!!!!! She came home a day early from her vacation and just happened to be in the same area as us so her and Mike surprised me! I was so happy!!! It was great!! So we went into Bennigans and had lunch with Stephenie's sister, Rachelle, and their grandmother. It was really nice to catch up after being apart for so long! After lunch we parted ways, they wanted to get home and I wanted to get shoppin!!! So we finally left the mall about 2 hours after we planned to, and headed for the truck stop. We arrived at the WORLDS LARGEST TRUCK STOP and picked out the things we wanted embroidered. It was going to be quite a wait so we had to look around! We climbed in and out of semis and picked out horns for Mikes truck it was a lot of fun. Finally the hats and shirts were finished!! So we headed home. I think we finally walked in the house about 7:30. It was a long day, but it wasn't over yet! We heard on the radio that the casino was having the biggest fireworks show in the Cedar Valley that night. So we headed up there about 8:45. We sat so close that we had to lay down to watch them. We were no more than 30 ft away from the cakes. It was so cool! These were the biggest fireworks i have ever seen. Every color you can think of! And of course the huge ka-booms that look like something blew up! The grand finale was so cool I have never seen a bigger one with more shells ever ever ever! So we finally got to bed at about 11:15 Sunday night! What a weekend! I'm looking forward to the next one! Please hurry weekend!!
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