We gotta teach that girl a poker face!

Well Mikey is now a year old and walking!! He knows how to keep us busy but you know we love every minute of it!
We gotta teach that girl a poker face!
Look look! Were Friends Forever and not afraid to show it!
So it may seem that i have been a busy girl in the last week since i haven't written one of these for a while but i don't think i have!
Ok I will start with 8-1.
It was Stephenies last day in town before her month long vacation so I took the afternoon off to spend with her at the pool! How fun that was. Except that it was so hot we keep re-applying our sun screen and felt the sun melting right through it. So we didn't stay long but had a nice time when we were there, floating on the lazy river and reading! Later that night we invited Stephenie's sister Rachelle over for dinner because her 21st birthday was on 7-30 and it was her first day back in town. Mike cooked us some awesome steaks and i made some potatoes and we had some really crappy corn on the cob. After that we all made an quick run to Wal-Mart for the girls to get some emergency items for their trip! We had a nice time and when we got home Lisa was there waiting for us with Molly! So since we all had early days the next day we just kinda hung around for a couple of hours and then went to bed. It was a really nice night.
Hooray for Fridays! I just love them! Well Mike and I weren't sure what we were going to do this Friday. Normally we have plans or Stephenie is staying at our house so we just hang out there. We knew it was going to be quiet. We had a really nice evening. Just hung out I read and Mikey played on the computer, his favorite thing to do! At about 8:30 we left to go to the Evansdale fireworks. This we considered a date because we hadn't done anything alone just the 2 of us is so long! It was fun, Mikey walked me to the truck and opened my door for me! It was romantical! :) When we finally found a good parking spot at the fireworks it was starting to get dark. So we settled in on the hood of Mikes truck. We parked near the DJ (who was really really really annoying) so we got to listen to loud music! Most of it was sing along kinda stuff which of course I like. Finally the fireworks started at about 9:45ish. It was a pretty good show with a really short grand finale. I guess I'm a little picky considering I've seen a lot better shows this summer. After we got out of the traffic of Evansdale we went crusin' on uni. Whoo hoo I FEEL OLD! Haha that's all we used to do after 9:00 on Fridays when I was in high school, so everyone else that does it...is in high school! haha! We ended meeting up with some of our friends at a pool hall downtown. It was really pretty empty for a Friday so it was fun. Mike whooped butt and i got my butt whooped in pool, i think i figured it out, see our pool table at home is NOT level and these are...so I'm just used to those..yeah yeah that's it! haha!
After playing for a while we headed home and went to bed at a decent time! It was awesome! And yes, we slept in ridiculously late!!! 11:30am to be exact!
Saturday turned into a very very lazy day! It was really nice until Mike caught the cleaning bug and forced it upon me! Although, it did make me feel better to be lazy in a clean house. We just kept trying to motivate ourselves to do something fun but everytime we would get going something was on tv! haha! Finally, thanks to Tyler and Amy, we headed over to their house. They are almost finished moving so we got to say goodbye to the old house and hello to the new one! They got an awesome house it's huge! To me anyway! And miss Kelli just loves it! And i would have pictures of her but my husband took my camera out of my purse and didn't replace it! haha! We had a nice time. Mikey helped Tyler and Jay move some big stuff and i got to play with Amy and Kelli! It was so much fun! We stayed until about 10 and headed home. After we got home i was all about relaxing some more! And we did! And guess what...WE SLEPT IN AGAIN! YAY!! It was so awesome! And when we got up...we took a nap like 1 1/2 hours later for at least 1 1/2 hours!! It was nice to be that relaxed. We spent the rest of the day literally laying around the house! It was just great!
So far this week has been very uneventful! Oh Monday's dinner was great! haha! So Mike's brother Bobby gave us some meat (he bought a cow) he gave us what i thought was 2 big sirloin steaks, turns out it was ONE HUGE GIANT FREAKIN' STEAK! I took pictures! It pretty much covered the grill! Ok to get to the funny part, our charcoal got wet so the grill wasn't starting so we said screw it, we will just order a pizza! Funny thing is as soon as Mike got done ordering the pizza he looked outside and BAM!! the grill was flammin'! Haha so for dinner we had steak and pizza. The perfect combination. If i had to pick a last meal, that's what it would be! :)
Hope to write again soon! :)