Hooray for Friday, Saturday and oh yes, Sunday!
Holy cow, what a weekend!
So my friend Stephenie has been coming home from Iowa City on weekends and has been kinda living at our house! Anyway we had planned to have a relaxing night at home on Friday, Mike would grill steak and we were going to watch a movie and actually get to bed at a decent time! Why are we always wrong???? Well it ended up raining but Mike ventured out and grilled anyway! It took forever for the steak to cook and by that time we had drank a whole bottle of wine on empty stomachs! It made for a very interesting evening! In the end, a few of our other friends ended up coming over to visit and we had a late night!
So this should have been a great day, it's Sturgis Falls weekend and we had planned to go downtown and enjoy the festivities along with a 5 year high school reunion for us. Unfortunately Mike had to change the breaks on his mothers car and so we had a late start to our day. So we met up with Stephenie and headed the reunion, I didn't realize until i got there that it was an unofficial reunion at a bar and i didn't really know many people or care to see most of them again! I guess that's a pretty negative way to look at it, but really it was not much fun and we only stayed for about 20 mins or so. After we left we walked to the Sturgis festivities ended up using the Porto pottys and left. To many people!
So we headed home but my friend Myndi called and her and her husband were at Carlos O' Kelly's and lonely so we went and had supper with them. It was fun other than the crappy service and crappy waitress and crappy food! Oh well it was still fun. So finally we were headed home. For a relaxing evening you may ask?? Or course not! Stephenine and my long lost friend Lisa came over! We hung out and talked until 4:30 am! Mike even stayed up with us! It was fun but made for a very sleepy Sunday. I think we finally got to relax Sunday. I layed on the couch and watched movies! All i did was shower, do laundry and sweep! Yay for Sundays! Yay for HBO! Yay for on demand!
So it's finally Monday, time to start looking forward to next weekend...were goin MUDDIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Carrie and Stephenie!

Yes we were soooo sleeping when we took this picture!

Hmmmmm...didn't see you guys all weekend. Dad and I went to the parade Sat. morning and thought you and Mike were probably there somewhere. Guess not! I made the best BBQ ribs ever and the two of us ate them...ALL!! Ranger got a few rib bones too. Campfire lastnight was lovely. The highlight, however, was the EARWIG tea dad served me Sat. morning. EWWWWW!!!
We are so jealous of your lazy, "all about me" weekend. We miss that sometimes, although we love the chickadees. We are busy packing, packing, packing. We have to be out of our house by July 9th. Still waiting to hear where we are moving.
Love, Shelley and Don
(using Don's blog account)
Hey - my shelley & don can't comment without me commenting!! :)
Pretty Soon Care-Bear will have the most popular blog-site on the internet.
I agree that reunions pretty much suck... my 10 year came & went without me attending (did it help that I had just had Hayley & wasn't feeling a bit social?)
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