We are looking forward to a busy weekend! An exciting and busy weekend! 1St off, Dad's concert is Friday! I'm so excited! I think Mike's Mom and Aunt are comming with if everything goes as planned! Also my friend Stephenie is commin too! YAY! I'm asuming after that we will just hang out at out house for the rest of the night. Saturday is the crazy day. As of this moment we are going swimming at the local "new" pool with water slides and stuff! WHoo hoo i think i'm trying to get sunburned! Depending on what time we get done, we either go to a retirement party first or a graduation party. We WILL be atteneding both but not sure in which order yet. Then we still have Saturday night ahead of us, No plans yet...yeah right! Then as we all know, Sunday is Fathers day! So I get to see my Daddy! YAY! I'm sure my Monday i'll have lots of new pics to post! Love You All and Thanks for reading this!
I'm about 32 seconds away from driving down this weekend. My parents are going away tomorrow, Tim works ALL weekend... My 2 best friends are going to Duluth & Nebraska... AH! WHAT ABOUT ME?!
Can I use UncaDave for father's day?! :) (I'd die driving alone with the 2 girls)
I used to drive to mpls with my two girls...YOU CAN DO IT!
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