Wednesday, September 15, 2010

It's finally Fall!

Happy Fall!

I am so glad to finally get to say these words!
Hopefully no more 90 degree sweaty days!
Now, if only those pesky mosquito's would just die already then we really could go outside and play!
What's happened since I blogged last...
Dad had triple bypass surgery on August 20th. It went really well and he has started cardiac rehab. He can not drive until his sternum is healed (SUCKY!) but its a HUGE blessing for us because we have had NO luck looking at cars...well lets just say we haven't really been looking. I just have no desire to get out there and deal with it. Strange, at first I was kind of excited but I just lost interest! And a recent turn of events has changed our budget a bit so that's a new and frustrating adventure. We also have not received the check from the insurance company!!! Yes it HAS been over a month! This is insane! Mike did find out it was issued the 10th of this month so were watching the mail! :) Once we get that we are going to have to hide it so we don't spend it on something else we just HAVE to have. So we are looking for a reliable car with low miles (80,000ish or less if possible unless it's a Honda :) we haven't' been to the bank yet but our budget is around $3,000 and maybe the bank will be nice and we can increase our budget! We are also accepting donations of any kind! hehe)
I work in a Psych office and watch all these people go through incredibly stressful things like we have recently and never was able to understand what they were feeling. We have been incredibly lucky in life but I guess everyone takes a turn! We have had a tough couple of months but I think after A LOT of prayer things are starting to turn back around for us. We are just trying to keep our heads up...but don't stop praying! :)
We are just thankful that we are healthy and happy and totally in love with each other and our 14 month old son! :)
On to better issues...
Our little Mikey is a little stinker. I take that back, he's a big stinker!
He has learned to shake his head "no" a while ago but just this week he has really learned the meaning of it. Some times it's nice like, "Mikey do you want some grapes?" and he shakes his head "no"'s not so nice like, "Mikey, lets go bye bye" and he shakes his head "no" or when "Mikey it's bed time" and he shakes his head "no". It's so cute no matter how naughty he is being! Mikey figured out that if he drags his rocking chair over he can get things off the pool table...this was our safe place for as long as he can't reach to the middle we still have some sanctuary from his dirty little fingers! He also finally got on TOP of the coffee table yesterday. He has been trying to accomplish this since he could pull himself up. So that was another moment, "Mikey, get off the coffee table" and he shakes his head "no".
Well the other day I fed the dogs and Mikey watched them thing I know he is right next to Peanut bending down and trying to put his face in the dog dish! That was a definite "NO NO" moment for me! It was sure funny though!
Well that's all for now, I'm sure I will think of a hilarious storey after I post this! :)
Check out the pictures I posted below of Mikey!

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