It's been a long time! Now that we are back to some sense of normalcy I am sure I will be writing much more often!
If you didn't catch from the title I am back to work :(. Yesterday was my first day back and it went off with out a hitch! It was just like riding a bike. I was really anxious that things would be different or that I wouldn't remember things or that it would be hard to get back into the groove. Amazingly enough I sat down at my desk and my fingers did the walking! I didn't even flinch! So today is day number 2...
You may be wondering where the baby boy is while I am slaving away. He is with his Grandma Morse. He will stay with Grandma Mon, Tues, and Weds. and then will be at day care Thurs. and Fridays. But for this week I asked mom to take him the first 3 days.
Now for the important stuff...Michael Henry Lofstuen 6 weeks old
Who is commonly referred to as Mikey now, the babysitters husband calls him Big Hank and I still call him sweet baby...when he's acting the part that is!!
He is growing so fast! At his 1 month check up he was 9.5# and he is now 6 weeks! He has grown much more since then! He sure is a hungry guy and eats...and eats...and eats! Though he doesn't sleep...and sleep...and sleep like a little baby should! Now don't get me wrong he only wakes once at night to eat, that is until I went back to work! I think he was feeding off of my anxiety the first night he only woke up once, but he stayed up for 1 1/2 hours! And last night he woke 2 times, once at 1:45 then again at 4:30! We are working on a schedule...this is not easy for us! Mike and I are always so spontaneous and we have continued in our unruly ways but now that I am back to work and can't nap it's time we get this schedule down! So my awesome fun plans this weekend have been squished! I will survive because I get to cuddle my little Hanky Panky!
Well Milestones we have reached so far...
Found his hands (in the hospital!)
Found his tongue!
Started talking/singing when excited or board!
SMILES in response to the silly things we do!
Peed on Mom
Pooped on Dad (and all over him self!)
Projectile vomited on Mom and Himself
Holds his head up for 30 seconds or longer
Pushes him self up when on his tummy
Has some minor interest in toys until he sees something SHINY! :0)
LOVES his swing!
Becoming more independent
Applied for college...just kidding!
If you scroll down I have been uploading some pictures from my phone as often as I can!
Pray for us and our sleep! I want to want to have another one! haha!
Have a great weekend!
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