OK so I over did it again last night. Mom, Laura, and Surprise Cassy came over to help me get the house ready for the shower. They were feeling bad for me...probably getting tired of my tearful phone calls! Anyway they all worked so hard and I played with Carly Anne and Corina Jo. Corina brought me a beautiful Daffodil and helped me put it in a vase :). I never realized playing with a hungry, sleepy, and wet baby could be so exhausting! My back hurt as though I had been on my hands and knees scrubbing the floor! Well after they left I went to work myself and got a couple of things completed but I am no where near where I like to be when I show off my house! I really appreciate all the help! Laura busted her butt vacuuming my stairs...Thanks Laura! Now they are safe again! haha! Mom and Cassy helped me organize, dust, and vacuum! Thanks Mom and Cassy! Oh and Mom provided the delicious chicken! Thanks again for dinner Mom.
Ok now on a happy note. My first ever baby shower is this weekend! It is going to be so special! My Minnesota family is making the trip to Iowa! I am so excited to spend some time with all of you! I am very excited that Sara and Jenny are bringing their girls, they better get used to cousin Carrie's house because I am expecting them to come back and visit over and over...especially when I have a "real" guest room! Jenny's daughter Luella is going to break in our play yard!
We got our new stroller and car seat in the mail yesterday and Mike already had them put together when I got home! They are so "pretty"! They are in my living room so everyone can see them this weekend. I also got a gift in the mail...and yes I opened it! I'm not going to say what it is but I was SHOCKED and about jumping up and down with excitement! I LOVE IT!
We expect to get the crib by FedEx today. That wont be put together until the baby's room is finished but we will be pulling it out of the box to make sure everything is ok ;)!
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