Your Pregnancy:
Week 32
Up until now, you've been seeing your doctor about once a month. Now you'll start seeing her every two weeks, until the final month when you'll kick it up to once a week. We're not suggesting you have "mommy brain" just yet ... but be sure to write down any questions you want to ask her about the delivery. Things are moving rapidly. You're going to want to be as informed as possible.Wondering what's up with your body, your baby and your life this week? Read on ...
What You're Thinking:
"I'm either having David Beckham's love child or a future member of the Rockettes."
Your Body
There is something surreal about watching a tiny foot move across your belly (and something uncomfortable about getting jabbed by a tiny elbow in the dead of night). Now that your baby is nice and big and mobile, you'll be getting kicked and prodded in all sorts of unexpected places. Oooof! Did you feel that one in the ribs?If you're feeling sudden, jerking movements, then your baby probably has the hiccups. Or he could be practicing his routine for So You Think You Can Dance. Changing positions, taking a walk, or drinking a cold glass of water or juice can sometimes get a very active baby to chill with the kidney shots for a while. You could also try telling the baby if he kicks you one more time you're going to come in there and give him a time-out. OK, that won't help ease the discomfort, but mentally it'll make you feel like you're still in control.You can also take heart in the fact that in a few more weeks, your Karate Kid will be running out of room for the kind of athletic displays he's so fond of these days. In other words, he'll be too cramped in there to haul his foot back 6 or 7 inches to give you a swift kick in the ribs.
Your Baby
Although your baby will still remain active, his days of trying out for Cirque du Soleil are nearly over. About this time your baby will settle into the head-down position in preparation for birth. Other fascinating facts:Both you and baby are putting on some serious weight at this point. You'll probably gain about a pound a week for the next few weeks, with half of that poundage bulking up baby. He'll likely double his weight in the next eight weeks.
Ever wonder what your baby is doing in there these days? He's busy blinking, looking around, grabbing things, making faces, practicing his breathing, peeing and listening to everything around him—pretty much exactly what he'll be doing for the first three months of his life, sans the adoring audience and the flashing camera.
Your baby may (or may not) have a full head of hair now. If she's a baldy, don't worry. You can always buy a Baby Toupee or some adhesive barrettes.
By the end of this week, your baby will weigh about 4 pounds and measure over 17 inches long—about the length of a hot pair of above-the-knee boots. Christian Louboutin? Manolo Blahnik? We're thinking Isaac Mizrahi for Target—you've got a nursery to furnish!
Your Life
With your appointments becoming increasingly frequent, now's a good time to start tying up some loose ends that might otherwise go, um ... untied. If you haven't finalized arrangements for your maternity leave, get on the ball. Your boss and human resources will need to know what you're planning to do, and it'll give you some peace of mind knowing it's taken care of.
With all the nursery shopping you've been doing, you may have forgotten another important room that you need to shop for: the bathroom. No, baby doesn't need a welcome basket from Bath & Body Works, but she will need some medicine-cabinet essentials. Stocking up on baby pain relievers, a thermometer, diaper cream and a snot sucker now will save you a 2 AM search for a 24-hour drugstore later. And speaking of the bathroom, couldn't you use some new bubble bath, lotion, candles, bath salts and body scrub? (And shower gel, antibacterial hand gel and bath oil ... and the free tote for spending over $40?)
From the mind of the Mommy...the increasingly growing more uncomfortable by the day mommy-
Well we are now at 32 weeks. This means I am now 8 months pregnant and getting nervous! The nursery is still far from done as well as our bedroom! Reality check today: A lady I work with told me about her new Great Nephew...born last night...he wasn't supposed to come until June 16th!!!!!! I'm due June 20th!!!! Ok so thank goodness my mom came over last night and kept working on the nursery. Still not done mudding yet...after mudding come sanding...after sanding come texturing...after that FINALLY comes painting and carpet! :) Lil man stay put til we are done! Can you tell I'm stressing a little??
Well I have been going to my doc every 2 weeks for a while and as of last time I was measuring a week a head. I am going in today to find out where I am now! :) I will post an update after the appointment! I am so excited to go to the doctor! :) Weird for me for sure!
Well Mikey is now a year old and walking!! He knows how to keep us busy but you know we love every minute of it!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
31 weeks and baby shower!
Your Pregnancy:
Week 31
You've just entered the single-digit countdown (only nine more weeks to go!). Make a list of what you'd like to do in these final weeks: See the new Oscar-worthy movie, hear your favorite local band, have lunch with your BFF, go on a romantic date with your partner. Whatever it is, do it soon because baby is right around the corner!Wondering what's up with your body, your baby and your life this week? Read on ...
What You're Thinking:
"I wonder if that pregnant woman wants to be my friend?"Your BodyYour mind may not be anywhere near ready for your baby to arrive but your body is already making preparations. One of the ways it's getting ready is by "practicing" for labor in the form of Braxton Hicks contractions. Luckily, these are generally painless, although somewhat annoying as they can occur frequently (the middle of the night, during an important meeting, while you're trying to focus on Access Hollywood, etc).
"I wonder if that pregnant woman wants to be my friend?"Your BodyYour mind may not be anywhere near ready for your baby to arrive but your body is already making preparations. One of the ways it's getting ready is by "practicing" for labor in the form of Braxton Hicks contractions. Luckily, these are generally painless, although somewhat annoying as they can occur frequently (the middle of the night, during an important meeting, while you're trying to focus on Access Hollywood, etc).
Braxton Hicks contractions feel like a sudden tightening of your uterus. This is just a little preview of what real contractions will feel like. They usually start to become noticeable around the eighth month and can become very strong by the end of your pregnancy. While you can't get rid of Braxton Hicks contractions, there are some things you can do to make yourself more comfortable, like gentle exercise (such as walking) or taking a warm, relaxing bath. Calgon, take me away. .
Your Baby
From this week on, your baby will continue to gain around ½ pound a week until shortly before birth (even though it may feel like a whole lot more with every step you take). Other highlights this week:Due to increasing space constraints, your baby's arms and legs stay drawn up close to the body now, known as the fetal position (oh, so that's where that name came from!). Plus, your baby can now process information from all five senses—so she'll be all set to smell the pureed peas, taste them, feel them as she mashes them into her hair, hear you crack up and then see the flash as you grab the camera to snap picture after picture. By now, your baby's lungs are the only system not fully mature. And by mature, we're not saying that the rest of your baby's systems are mature enough to be out past 10 PM with the neighborhood hooligan, just that her lungs need a little bit more time to bake before they can kick it in the outside world.
Your baby weighs about 3½ pounds and measures a little over 16 inches, about the same length as that miniskirt you used to wear (and will again someday!).
Your Life:
Finding new mom friends is a little bit like dating. You need to actively seek them out. And while it may seem daunting meeting new people, chatting with your baby all day can get pretty lonely. But, like dating, one of the easiest ways to find new friends is online: Search ParentsConnect Local for a parenting community or playgroup and arrange to meet up in person. This could also be a great resource during your pregnancy, since these groups often have gently used baby gear to sell or trade. You may need to seek out new, equally round friends, but it's your inner posse that is your support group right now. So get a group together and go out for drinks, dinner or dessert to dish about everything other having a baby.
From the mind of the Mommy...the much more prepared Mommy:
Well what a weekend we had in Iowa! I had my first baby shower! It was one of the best days of my life! Best days include...My Wedding, Buying our first house, My Baby shower! I'm sure once I have him he will be number one on this list! :)
I want to thank everyone who came! I had so much fun! It still makes me smile to think about all the people who came to celebrate with us!
I really want to thank my MN family for making the trip to Iowa! I love you all and it felt so wonderful and just right to have you all there!
I really really want to thank my Mom and Cassy for everything they did for the shower!! I can't thank you enough for making it the best day ever!!!!!
Last night baby decided he wanted a new sleeping rib cage! Very very uncomfortable! That was not a good nights sleep, thank goodness I had yesterday off work to rest after the shower or I would be draggin today! Lots of naps :)
Other than sleeping positions we are doing good and still growin! The swelling has begun...horray...not! I never really had ankles I have extra!
I'll write again soon!
Thanks everyone again I couldn't be happier right now (ok...I could have my lil man in my arms :) )
Friday, April 17, 2009
Oops I did it again...

OK so I over did it again last night. Mom, Laura, and Surprise Cassy came over to help me get the house ready for the shower. They were feeling bad for me...probably getting tired of my tearful phone calls! Anyway they all worked so hard and I played with Carly Anne and Corina Jo. Corina brought me a beautiful Daffodil and helped me put it in a vase :). I never realized playing with a hungry, sleepy, and wet baby could be so exhausting! My back hurt as though I had been on my hands and knees scrubbing the floor! Well after they left I went to work myself and got a couple of things completed but I am no where near where I like to be when I show off my house! I really appreciate all the help! Laura busted her butt vacuuming my stairs...Thanks Laura! Now they are safe again! haha! Mom and Cassy helped me organize, dust, and vacuum! Thanks Mom and Cassy! Oh and Mom provided the delicious chicken! Thanks again for dinner Mom.
Ok now on a happy note. My first ever baby shower is this weekend! It is going to be so special! My Minnesota family is making the trip to Iowa! I am so excited to spend some time with all of you! I am very excited that Sara and Jenny are bringing their girls, they better get used to cousin Carrie's house because I am expecting them to come back and visit over and over...especially when I have a "real" guest room! Jenny's daughter Luella is going to break in our play yard!
We got our new stroller and car seat in the mail yesterday and Mike already had them put together when I got home! They are so "pretty"! They are in my living room so everyone can see them this weekend. I also got a gift in the mail...and yes I opened it! I'm not going to say what it is but I was SHOCKED and about jumping up and down with excitement! I LOVE IT!
We expect to get the crib by FedEx today. That wont be put together until the baby's room is finished but we will be pulling it out of the box to make sure everything is ok ;)!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Quick Baby Update!
OK had my baby appointment today! We are happy and healthy! Baby's heartbeat was
140 bpm! My blood pressure was great! My glucose test came back good! Good and scary news...I am measuring at 31 weeks instead of 30 weeks! Are we closer than we think? Dr. Ortiz was happy about baby's growth and this does explain how I gained 5 pound in 2 weeks. He also said most likely it is water retention not actual chub! Surprisingly enough the doctor was happy about the gain. :)
We had our 2nd and last baby class last night. It was another informative one! Not nearly as graphic :). I am really feeling more prepared and also more scared for the day to come. I'm sure the warmer it gets and the more uncomfortable I get the more ready I will feel! :)
My mom came over this weekend and helped us mud the baby's room...yay! I learned that I pushed it way to far and need to be much more careful and really limit my activities so family this is your warning...if your coming to my house after the shower you are all welcome but the baby's room will not be done and the rest of the house will be in shambles! :) Game On!
Monday, April 13, 2009
30 WEEKS! 10 to go!
Your Pregnancy:
Week 30
Now is about the time you'll start your childbirth classes. You might be thinking of skipping them (as in, "What I don't know can't hurt me"), but we're here to tell you that what you don't know will hurt anyway ... so you might as well go. Going to Baby University is not unlike cramming for a very important test. And since this particular test is often a "pop quiz," it pays to be prepared early.Wondering what's up with your body, your baby and your life this week? Read on ...
What You're Thinking:
"Wait a minute. The size of what is going to come out something that's the size of what?! Are you kidding me?"Your BodyAs much as you're enjoying gaining weight like a sumo wrestler and being swollen from head to toe (We jest, we jest!), there are reasons to pay close attention to both your weight gain and any swelling you're experiencing. Preeclampsia, or toxemia, is a serious, potentially fatal condition that occurs in a small percentage of pregnancies. It's extremely important that pregnant women recognize the signs and contact their health-care provider immediately if one or more of the symptoms are present. While preeclampsia is potentially very dangerous, when properly treated it can be managed. Watch your body carefully for signs of preeclampsia, which can include extreme swelling, headaches and/or sudden weight gain. At your appointments, your doctor will keep an eye on your blood pressure, which can also be a tip-off. While it's worth it to pay close attention to your symptoms, you probably shouldn't lose sleep worrying about preeclampsia. Just focus on taking good care of yourself and your baby.
Your Baby
Big news for baby's brain this week: It's starting to wrinkle and fold and looks like something that grew in the back of your fridge. This is due to the rapid growth of your little genius's brain cells.
Other highlights this week:
Fingernails and toenails are finally finished—causing his or her parents great fear and anguish the first time they try to cut those little daggers (it gets easier, we promise)! Plus, the bone marrow is completely in charge of red-blood-cell production now. Trust us, this is a good thing. Baby is starting to shed his lanugo—the downy hair that was covering his skin. Now that he's chubbier and better able to regulate his body temp, he doesn't need to sport a fur coat 24/7.
"I spy an umbilical cord and the inside of my mom's uterus!" When your baby is awake, his eyes are now wide open and he's whittling away the hours looking around, checking out his rather dark, limited environs. Your baby hasn't gained much weight or height this week, as most of his energy's been channeled to the brain. He weighs about 3 pounds and is approximately 15.5 inches long, about the size of London, not the city, Britney Spears' Yorkie terrier. Of course your baby is less hairy and way cuter!
Your Life
If you plan on heading back to work after you come out of the haze of giving birth (or even if you haven't come out of the haze), now's the time to research your different child-care options: day-care centers, home providers or nannies.It may seem crazy to think about this now, but some highly desirable day-care centers may have waiting lists and it could take several weeks to find the right nanny. Check out what your employer may offer: some (generous) companies have on-site day care for employees and it may even be subsidized, so you don't have to pay full price. Also, some companies offer flex-spending accounts so you can pay for child care with your pretax dollars.This is a tough decision for many families as you weigh financial and professional realities against your family's personal needs. All these decisions are heavy duty and what works for one mom may not work for another. Because all major decisions in life are better made over food, why not share a mega hot-fudge sundae with your partner to discuss? Extra whipped cream will probably help you make a more informed decision.
From the mind of the Mommy:
OK so if you read the above we are already in childbirth classes, in fact our second class is tonight! I actually enjoy them and I think Mike does too! Tonight we will learn about c-sections so this should be a little less scary for me!
I had a very disturbing dream that woke me up this morning even before my alarm went off. Very unsettling, I couldn't go back to sleep of even close my eyes again. I am getting scared that it will happen again tonight...where's all the steamy dreams I've been hearing about? ;)
As for child care, already taken care of as well! I'm one of those lucky people who's Mom lives close enough do help with daycare 3 days a week :) and then I'm also lucky to have a great daycare in town (and cheap!) to help us the other 2 days. I also have a mother in law that will help when she can. We are very fortunate.
I have normal blood pressure that has remained normal through the entire pregnancy so I am not at high risk for preeclampsia. That doesn't mean I am NOT at risk but I have a better chance of avoiding it! :) Hooray!
Well I go to the doctor again tomorrow. Were up to seeing him every 2 weeks! I can't believe it! This baby is only 10 weeks away!
I am getting really excited for the baby shower! I can't wait to see everyone together in one place celebrating this exciting time for us!

Week 30
Now is about the time you'll start your childbirth classes. You might be thinking of skipping them (as in, "What I don't know can't hurt me"), but we're here to tell you that what you don't know will hurt anyway ... so you might as well go. Going to Baby University is not unlike cramming for a very important test. And since this particular test is often a "pop quiz," it pays to be prepared early.Wondering what's up with your body, your baby and your life this week? Read on ...
What You're Thinking:
"Wait a minute. The size of what is going to come out something that's the size of what?! Are you kidding me?"Your BodyAs much as you're enjoying gaining weight like a sumo wrestler and being swollen from head to toe (We jest, we jest!), there are reasons to pay close attention to both your weight gain and any swelling you're experiencing. Preeclampsia, or toxemia, is a serious, potentially fatal condition that occurs in a small percentage of pregnancies. It's extremely important that pregnant women recognize the signs and contact their health-care provider immediately if one or more of the symptoms are present. While preeclampsia is potentially very dangerous, when properly treated it can be managed. Watch your body carefully for signs of preeclampsia, which can include extreme swelling, headaches and/or sudden weight gain. At your appointments, your doctor will keep an eye on your blood pressure, which can also be a tip-off. While it's worth it to pay close attention to your symptoms, you probably shouldn't lose sleep worrying about preeclampsia. Just focus on taking good care of yourself and your baby.
Your Baby
Big news for baby's brain this week: It's starting to wrinkle and fold and looks like something that grew in the back of your fridge. This is due to the rapid growth of your little genius's brain cells.
Other highlights this week:
Fingernails and toenails are finally finished—causing his or her parents great fear and anguish the first time they try to cut those little daggers (it gets easier, we promise)! Plus, the bone marrow is completely in charge of red-blood-cell production now. Trust us, this is a good thing. Baby is starting to shed his lanugo—the downy hair that was covering his skin. Now that he's chubbier and better able to regulate his body temp, he doesn't need to sport a fur coat 24/7.
"I spy an umbilical cord and the inside of my mom's uterus!" When your baby is awake, his eyes are now wide open and he's whittling away the hours looking around, checking out his rather dark, limited environs. Your baby hasn't gained much weight or height this week, as most of his energy's been channeled to the brain. He weighs about 3 pounds and is approximately 15.5 inches long, about the size of London, not the city, Britney Spears' Yorkie terrier. Of course your baby is less hairy and way cuter!
Your Life
If you plan on heading back to work after you come out of the haze of giving birth (or even if you haven't come out of the haze), now's the time to research your different child-care options: day-care centers, home providers or nannies.It may seem crazy to think about this now, but some highly desirable day-care centers may have waiting lists and it could take several weeks to find the right nanny. Check out what your employer may offer: some (generous) companies have on-site day care for employees and it may even be subsidized, so you don't have to pay full price. Also, some companies offer flex-spending accounts so you can pay for child care with your pretax dollars.This is a tough decision for many families as you weigh financial and professional realities against your family's personal needs. All these decisions are heavy duty and what works for one mom may not work for another. Because all major decisions in life are better made over food, why not share a mega hot-fudge sundae with your partner to discuss? Extra whipped cream will probably help you make a more informed decision.
From the mind of the Mommy:
OK so if you read the above we are already in childbirth classes, in fact our second class is tonight! I actually enjoy them and I think Mike does too! Tonight we will learn about c-sections so this should be a little less scary for me!
I had a very disturbing dream that woke me up this morning even before my alarm went off. Very unsettling, I couldn't go back to sleep of even close my eyes again. I am getting scared that it will happen again tonight...where's all the steamy dreams I've been hearing about? ;)
As for child care, already taken care of as well! I'm one of those lucky people who's Mom lives close enough do help with daycare 3 days a week :) and then I'm also lucky to have a great daycare in town (and cheap!) to help us the other 2 days. I also have a mother in law that will help when she can. We are very fortunate.
I have normal blood pressure that has remained normal through the entire pregnancy so I am not at high risk for preeclampsia. That doesn't mean I am NOT at risk but I have a better chance of avoiding it! :) Hooray!
Well I go to the doctor again tomorrow. Were up to seeing him every 2 weeks! I can't believe it! This baby is only 10 weeks away!
I am getting really excited for the baby shower! I can't wait to see everyone together in one place celebrating this exciting time for us!

Thursday, April 9, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Where is the C-Section sign up sheet???
Mike and I had our first Birthing class last night! Very informative! We got to watch videos...very detailed videos (omg eww details) ! (from the 80's no less) ! We had a really great teacher, we did decide that we were the only people besides the teacher that had any sense of humor in the whole class! Kind of made me uncomfortable being the only people who laughed at her jokes! Anyway I was really anxious about going but I think I learned a lot! We have to go back next week and we will learn a lot more about c-sections etc. I have decided that I would like one...but only if it's scheduled and I don't have to go into labor haha! I think the whole pushing the baby out part sounds just fine by's just the 24 hours of excruciating labor that I'm not looking forward too. Neither is Mike! :) He didn't pass out, I think he handled it better than me! His poor hand had to of been sore from me squeezing it during the "painful" parts! My favorite part was the tour of the AMAZING room! I think I won't want to leave! There's a whirlpool tube that they suggest spending most of your labor in! Well the funniest part of the night was when she asked if anyone was hell bent on getting an epidural. My hand (and only my hand) shot straight up in the air! Our teacher smiled, then said most people who aren't hell bent end up with one any way! (80 % of the women who deliver at Allen Hospital use epidurals!). Made me feel a little better, my mom called me a chicken...I know me, do you want to know me after that many hours of pain? Doubt it! :) I'll keep you posted!
Monday, April 6, 2009
29 weeks!
Your Pregnancy: Week 29
Among the many perks of becoming a new mother is having someone other than yourself to shop for (a big plus when the jeans you like are $100, but a cute onesie can be had for a mere $6.99). So if you're feeling out of sorts about your ever-changing body but have a shopping itch you need to scratch, indulge in something mini and adorable for your new babe. Wondering what's up with your body, your baby and your life this week?
Read on ...
What You're Thinking:
"How can one pair of tiny little socks make me so happy?"
Your Body:
Let's get right to the point: You're a bloated, water-retaining mess. Chances are good you can't get your sneakers on or your wedding ring off, so get comfy in your slippers. Your pants don't fit. Your shirts don't fit. And now, thanks to the swelling in your feet, your shoes don't fit. You can thank a wonderful thing called edema for that. Go edema!Extreme swelling (as in "Oh my god, what happened to my hands?!") might be a sign of preeclampsia, so make sure to see your doctor. For mild edema, your doctor may recommend support hose—with plenty of room for your belly—and drinking plenty of water. Also, a low-salt diet may not be any fun (No potato chips! No soy sauce!), but it may help to minimize edema and water retention. On the bright side, edema is a great excuse for sitting down, propping your feet up, and asking your partner to bring you a cool drink and this week's US Weekly.
Your Baby
Having a baby prematurely is frightening, no doubt. But here's a reason to relax: Due to the impressive advancements of medical technology, if your baby is born this week, he'd have a 9 out of 10 chance of survival, which is seriously great news. Other awesome developments:
Baby's brain can now control his breathing and body temperature. He can also cough, and his sucking abilities have been perfected. Look out, boobs! Your Mini's skin is looking less wrinkled as he packs on the pounds. She's starting to look more like a Pampers model and less like a Depends model. He's now beefing up on the energizing and insulating white fat he'll be born with (unfortunately, white fat is not energizing and insulating for adults!). And speaking of energy, your little Energizer Bunny is on fire these days. You're sure to feel your share of kicks, punches and elbows, especially when you're lying down. You might want to start keeping a kick chart to monitor your baby's movements, and also to later show your 13-year-old child what you endured for him. Ask your doctor how to count kicks and how often you should do it. This week your baby is a little over 15 inches long—about the length of a loaf of bread—and weighs about 3 pounds, as much as a Macbook Air laptop.
Your Life
This week, take a bath. One with bubbles, a trashy novel, a face mask, the whole works. Your big bod feels so much better and lighter in water, and what's more relaxing than a bath? Just make sure it's not too hot (under 100 degrees Fahrenheit) and that you're careful getting in and out.
From the mind of the mommy:
Ok this week has been another stressful one! We are finally seeing progress in our upstairs! Thanks to all that have helped so far, but remember...were not done yet! Mike, Lil Mike, Kyle, and Boom (Lil' Mike's friends) got almost all of the drywall up and the rest of the garbage (plaster and lathe) cleaned out too! It's starting to look like a room! Like our room! Next up is baby's room! I have enlisted my mom to come help us mud, between she and I we hope to start this week and the sooner we get done the sooner we can texture! The sooner we texture the sooner we paint! Hooray! We are still hoping to have something to show everyone at the shower! I'm dreaming of the day when all the work is done! So fair warning...anyone that comes to the shower and wishes to see the house...must remember...I am pregnant and My house has been a disaster for 3 months! So don't even expect me to vacuum..haha!
I had a really bad weekend tummy wise. Saturday I guess I must have over done it because in the evening my tummy started to get tight, then it got tighter, then my left side started to pull. It didn't hurt but I was very uncomfortable. This went on until I went to bed. Yesterday I tried to just rest but by the end of the day it was happening again. So I am at work today and so far so good! Baby is just as wiggly as ever if not more! We have our first Birthing class tonight...wish me luck, Mike too, hope he doesn't pass out! Haha!
Among the many perks of becoming a new mother is having someone other than yourself to shop for (a big plus when the jeans you like are $100, but a cute onesie can be had for a mere $6.99). So if you're feeling out of sorts about your ever-changing body but have a shopping itch you need to scratch, indulge in something mini and adorable for your new babe. Wondering what's up with your body, your baby and your life this week?
Read on ...
What You're Thinking:
"How can one pair of tiny little socks make me so happy?"
Your Body:
Let's get right to the point: You're a bloated, water-retaining mess. Chances are good you can't get your sneakers on or your wedding ring off, so get comfy in your slippers. Your pants don't fit. Your shirts don't fit. And now, thanks to the swelling in your feet, your shoes don't fit. You can thank a wonderful thing called edema for that. Go edema!Extreme swelling (as in "Oh my god, what happened to my hands?!") might be a sign of preeclampsia, so make sure to see your doctor. For mild edema, your doctor may recommend support hose—with plenty of room for your belly—and drinking plenty of water. Also, a low-salt diet may not be any fun (No potato chips! No soy sauce!), but it may help to minimize edema and water retention. On the bright side, edema is a great excuse for sitting down, propping your feet up, and asking your partner to bring you a cool drink and this week's US Weekly.
Your Baby
Having a baby prematurely is frightening, no doubt. But here's a reason to relax: Due to the impressive advancements of medical technology, if your baby is born this week, he'd have a 9 out of 10 chance of survival, which is seriously great news. Other awesome developments:
Baby's brain can now control his breathing and body temperature. He can also cough, and his sucking abilities have been perfected. Look out, boobs! Your Mini's skin is looking less wrinkled as he packs on the pounds. She's starting to look more like a Pampers model and less like a Depends model. He's now beefing up on the energizing and insulating white fat he'll be born with (unfortunately, white fat is not energizing and insulating for adults!). And speaking of energy, your little Energizer Bunny is on fire these days. You're sure to feel your share of kicks, punches and elbows, especially when you're lying down. You might want to start keeping a kick chart to monitor your baby's movements, and also to later show your 13-year-old child what you endured for him. Ask your doctor how to count kicks and how often you should do it. This week your baby is a little over 15 inches long—about the length of a loaf of bread—and weighs about 3 pounds, as much as a Macbook Air laptop.
Your Life
This week, take a bath. One with bubbles, a trashy novel, a face mask, the whole works. Your big bod feels so much better and lighter in water, and what's more relaxing than a bath? Just make sure it's not too hot (under 100 degrees Fahrenheit) and that you're careful getting in and out.
From the mind of the mommy:
Ok this week has been another stressful one! We are finally seeing progress in our upstairs! Thanks to all that have helped so far, but remember...were not done yet! Mike, Lil Mike, Kyle, and Boom (Lil' Mike's friends) got almost all of the drywall up and the rest of the garbage (plaster and lathe) cleaned out too! It's starting to look like a room! Like our room! Next up is baby's room! I have enlisted my mom to come help us mud, between she and I we hope to start this week and the sooner we get done the sooner we can texture! The sooner we texture the sooner we paint! Hooray! We are still hoping to have something to show everyone at the shower! I'm dreaming of the day when all the work is done! So fair warning...anyone that comes to the shower and wishes to see the house...must remember...I am pregnant and My house has been a disaster for 3 months! So don't even expect me to vacuum..haha!
I had a really bad weekend tummy wise. Saturday I guess I must have over done it because in the evening my tummy started to get tight, then it got tighter, then my left side started to pull. It didn't hurt but I was very uncomfortable. This went on until I went to bed. Yesterday I tried to just rest but by the end of the day it was happening again. So I am at work today and so far so good! Baby is just as wiggly as ever if not more! We have our first Birthing class tonight...wish me luck, Mike too, hope he doesn't pass out! Haha!
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