Your Pregnancy:
Week 24At about this time the reality of having a baby is definitely setting in (maybe it's the fact that you can't see your toes). Be sure to talk about how you're feeling with your significant other, girlfriends, siblings, parents, doctor, hairdresser, the person sitting next to you on the bus ... whomever! It's totally natural to be freaking out. Voicing your concerns about mommyhood will help you actually get used to the idea.Wondering what's up with your body, your baby and your life this week? Read on ...
What You're Thinking:
"OK, seriously, where are my toes?"
Your Body
Hair growth during pregnancy is another one of those wacky symptoms you didn't expect. And though you may be wondering who's slipping Rogaine into your shampoo bottle, if you're among the lucky ones, you're relishing your new, flowing locks. It's the hair everywhere else that's a little troublesome.You can thank your pregnancy hormones for your suddenly thick crowning glory. During pregnancy your hair's natural grow-shed cycle slows, leaving you with more hairs on your head at any given time. Now might be a good time to try out for one of those orgasm-in-the-shower shampoo commercials. Unfortunately, all that hair growth isn't limited to your head. You may start to notice a random hair (or 47) anywhere from your cheeks, back, and belly to your upper lip and chin. If anyone dares to call you Black Beard, they'll totally deserve whatever's coming to them. The good news is, tweezing, waxing and electrolysis are all generally accepted as safe during pregnancy. The bad news? All of them can hurt like, um ... like waxing. So feel free to skip the Brazilian right now. We promise, your OB isn't going to judge you.
Your Baby
Your baby isn't just sitting around (on your bladder) doing nothing, he's working hard preparing for life outside the womb—perfecting his lungs and packing on the pounds. He'll gain ½ pound this week alone.
Other highlights this week:Things are starting to get a little crowded inside the old womb as baby grows bigger and bigger. Your ribs are probably pining away for the good old days when they didn't have a foot permanently lodged between them. Hate to break it to you, but it's going to get worse before it gets better.
Your baby's ears are fully functional now. And since they are, you may notice that loud noises and sudden movements can startle the little bugger. He's getting used to the everyday sounds inside the womb: the sound of your heart beating, your lungs inhaling and exhaling air, the growling of your stomach because your partner promised he'd be right back with that double cheeseburger and he's taking forever! He'll even be able to hear your voice when your partner finally arrives and you ask him where the bleep he's been! So talk nice!
Baby's got a fully developed inner ear now. This means his sense of balance is working and he can tell whether he's hanging upside down or right side up. He can also feel you moving, so go ahead, pop in your favorite tunes and boogie.
Your little Wiener schnitzel is about the length of a foot-long Chicago hot dog and weighs about 1 1/3 pounds.
Your Life
It's time to find and sign up for a child-birthing class. You'll discover the wonders of labor, C-sections, cradle cap, breastfeeding, umbilical care, and all sorts of breathing and pushing techniques. (It's a good thing that your bio and sex-ed classes didn't go into this much detail, or you might never have gotten pregnant in the first place.) Basically, you find out the answers to all your questions and more (yeah, there are some you might not have wanted to know about just yet).Check with your OB and the hospital you've chosen—they usually have classes on a regular basis. Just be sure the teacher is certified by the International Childbirth Education Association—an organization that makes sure the instructors know what they're doing.Having trouble tracking down a class? Search ParentsConnect Local to find out where there's a child-birth class near you. There are bound to be some other inquisitive pregnant chicks in your area.
You're always saying you never have time to read. But if you wait until you have a baby, the only reading you'll be doing will be about how to get the little cherub to sleep. So on those nights when you can't be bothered to go out, curl up (OK, make like a beached whale and lie down) and read a frothy, fun book.
From the Mind of the Mommy...the beginning to get very stressed out mommy...
Ok well I am feeling mighty fine! Baby is GREAT! He can't seem to settle down today and that's ok with me for now, it doesn't hurt when he moves yet :). He put on a good show for Mike last night and that was fun!
We had a houseful this weekend! Tony, Jay, Kevin, and Manami on Friday night and add Lil Michael in to the mix on Saturday and Sunday! HOUSEFULL! The crummy part was that I was trying to get sleep! I agreed to help Cassy on Saturday morning, she needed and ER babysitter at 5 am, so I was there. The girls were perfect little angels and we had a really good time! Cassy came home and Corina turned into a monster! I felt lucky I had her for the early part of the day. After I was done babysitting I ran home and got Mike up and myself ready for the day. Cassy and I went to Target to register for baby gifts! What a big job that was! Then we went to Lowes to get some emergency supplies for the guys and a supposed part of the dishwasher. Well the guy that was "helping" me get the dishwasher part apparently thought that all women are idiots and couldn't stop rolling his eyes at me. Needless to say, I had a lovely complaint! Well turns out he was the idiot and gave me the wrong part. So still no dishwasher...I think I'm going to scream! I WANT MY DISHWASHER :( ``` (tears) After that Cassy and I picked up the girls from their Grandma's and went out to eat at Applebee's...yay! It was so good! We had to deal with 2 tired little girls (3 if you count me). After dinner we headed home. I walked into a relaxing...not! I was so thankful that they were all there I didn't care and fed everyone!
The boys really got a lot accomplished this weekend (besides blowing things up in the garage)! Mike is out now getting the rest of the insulation and some of the other supplies. Yay! They got all the wiring ran and I will have at least 8 outlets in my room, oh happy day! Now, I just have to design the inside of the closet so they can build me some shelves!
Needless to say Mike didn't sit down until about 9 last night. He did have a blast with his friends if I do say so myself! :) Thanks Guys! See you this weekend :)
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