Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Your Pregnancy: Week 21
Twenty-one is a magic number. It means independence. It means you just won a hand of blackjack. In pregnancy terms, it means you have gotten over the hump and you only have 19 weeks left!Wondering what's up with your body, your baby and your life this week? Read on ..

Your BabyChances are good you're feeling someone performing a round-off back handspring in your uterus by now. Is there any other feeling this cool?
Other highlights this week:By now your baby looks like a mini-version of what he'll look like when he's born. All his facial features are formed and hair is growing on his head. he's even acting like a baby and will occasionally suck his thumb or yawn. Aww ...Baby's heartbeat is getting stronger and can be heard using a good old-fashioned stethoscope. Ask for a listen at your next prenatal visit!
By 21 weeks, fetal bone marrow starts making blood cells—previously done by the liver and spleen. This may not sound that exciting, but it's good news.
The amniotic fluid that has been cushioning your little bean now serves another purpose: Your baby uses it to "practice" chowing down. Yes, it sounds gross (as many aspects of pregnancy do), but it's an important step for your baby toward being able to chow down in the real world. Your baby has been swallowing amniotic fluid for a while now, but now the intestines are finally developed enough that he's absorbing small amounts of sugars from it. And let's face it, being able to effectively digest sugar is important at every stage of life.
Your baby now weighs between 10 and 11 ounces and is approximately 7 inches long—the size of a delicious, cold, frothy bottle of root beer. Float anyone?
Your Life Someday, your grown-up baby may laugh at how you decorated his nursery. But that's 20 years from now, so impose your decorating tastes on your Mini while you can. Suggestions on making his palace fabulous include:Frame pictures from a favorite artistic gift wrap, children's book or wall calendar (skip your husband's Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition).Hang a colorful tapestry, quilt, scarf or rug from a curtain rod mounted onto the wall. Not entirely unlike your college dorm. Ask an artistic relative to draw something special that you can frame. But if you ask, you're going to have to hang whatever they make, so ask wisely. Creatively challenged? Leave the designing to the pros by buying wall decals or borders, or by stenciling a funny or inspirational quote on the walls.While you're decorating stuff, why not decorate yourself? Now's a great time to paint your toenails (while you can still reach them) or schedule a manicure and hand massage.

From Baby Boy Lofstuen: Hello Future Family! I have been keeping Mommy very busy! She is tired all the time and hungrier than ever! I have also decided that I am a pretty good swimmer. When I grow up I want to be just like Michael Phelps! Ok, so not exactly like him...
Anyway we are staying healthy again and preparing for our first long car ride! My plan is to roll on Mommy's bladder at least every 30 miles or so. So wish me luck and I can't wait to meet all of you!
Baby BOY Lofstuen!

1 comment:

Lois said...

I can put my hands up and see him there, tiny and perfect! Brings a tear to my eye....MeMaw (hehe)