
Almost the whole family!

We sure surprised her!

Miss Luella Jean Thomas
My newest cousin!

Mike thinks she was pooping here...I think I agree!

Mommy (Jenny) and Luella
Well we've had a very eventful 2 weeks.
10-10 we were informed that our nephew Andrew passed away unexpectedly.
So we started making arrangements so we could head up North for the funeral.
That weekend Mike and I worked at a wedding and spent the rest of the time packing and doing laundry and getting all affairs in order with the house, cat, and dogs.
Our friend Sarah came and checked on the cat and the house everyday while we were gone.
My poor mother got stuck with both of my girls! I think she had fun!
Thanks Mom!
We headed for Hinkley, MN after work on Wednesday. We got there about midnight and we were starving. So we met Mike's mom who showed us to our room at the hotel and we headed down to the Casino to get something to eat. I love their wild rice soup! Yum! We played a little bit then went to bed. Thanks to Mike's cousin Reany we got to stay in a Suite! It was awesome! It had a 2 person whirlpool tub and a separate shower. Had a bedroom and a kitchenette! It was great!
Thursday was the funeral.
That was a very hard day. Though I didn't really know Andrew, that was a very hard funeral for me to go to. He was just too young. It was a really neat funeral though. It was a celebration and worship service! The pastor reminded us that God prepares a place for us. He better put Mikey in my room! :)
Well we had a nice quiet evening at the Casino if that's even possible.
Friday Mike and I went on an adventure. We went over to Taylor's Falls, WI to see the leaves and the river. It was beautiful! We hiked up the hills and got some great pictures!
When we got back to the hotel we went swimming and met up with, Bobby, Kelly, Patrick, Maria, Raymond, Gina, Pam, and Jeni for dinner at the buffet! It was a late but really good supper! We had fun sitting around listening to all the growing up stories!
Saturday we had to check out of the hotel and move in with Patrick!
Well in the afternoon Mike and I went to Ikea and the Mall of America. We got just a few things but had a good time shopping! Then we went Patrick's and had some pizza and hung out. It was nice to just be for a little bit.
Sunday I got up nice and early and had coffee and eggs. We went out to lunch with Patrick, Maria, Bobby, Kelly, and us. Great brunch!
After that we headed over to Grandma Harder's and surprised her during dessert! Her jaw dropped when I asked if she planned on sharing any with me! :) We had a really nice visit.
Then we headed over to see Sara and the girls! Tim was working so Hi Tim! We had fun playing with the girls and reading stories and putting on Halloween costumes! We couldn't stay too long over there but we did have a fun but short visit!
After that we went over to Jenny and Chris's house to meet Luella!
She is beautiful and such a good baby! I got to hold her forever! I also got to see my Aunt Terri and Uncle Steve whom I rarely get to see!
Well we did have a long weekend.
Yesterday my poor mom's car battery died and mike tried to fix it but discovered another problem in the process, my poor little Grandma Morse is in the hospital again, and we are still worn out!
Wish me luck this week! TGIW!
Wish me luck this week! TGIW!
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