Well Mikey is now a year old and walking!! He knows how to keep us busy but you know we love every minute of it!
Monday, September 29, 2008
He made the owie go away...
After my root canal I took my mom to HyVee to get her outta the house for a little while. She did really good. Plus, we found a really good deal on some new movies! That was fun!
I went home after that and Mike was there waiting for me. We were both so exhausted! We watched "Semi Pro" with Will Ferral in it! It was good! That was one of the movies I got a good deal on. After that we got up and got moving. Mike had to re wire the trailer for the next day. So while he worked on that I mowed the lawn. When I started it was light out. When I got about 1/2 way done it was DARK. We have a riding mower which to me makes it harder to see where you have been and where you are going! I had FUN! I ended up driving in a lot of circles. The yard looked funny the next day but I didn't miss too much! After we were done with that we rented another movie "Drillbit Taylor" with Owen Wilson. Another awesome movie, Mike missed most of it though...he fell asleep right away!
Saturday was busy. We slept too late and then had to hurry up for the rest of the day. We had to take the trailers to Mom's then go to Mike's mom's then get back in time to change and be in Janeville because we were working at another wedding for the catering company. We still like working these things but we don't like having to be somewhere on a Saturday! We got home in plenty of time. Myndi came over as well as little Michael. We had too much fun! We stayed up way to late and got nothing done!
Sunday was BUSY too. We got up just in time to go to the store and get some things because Mike's brother Derek and his family were coming over for a BBQ. We had a nice time with them even though we were really tired most of the time. After we ate and played, they headed for home. So Mike and I got going and went to town as well. We had to go pick up the trailer at My moms and wanted to visit with Uncle Dave for a little bit. We were in luck. Mom had some energy and made Pot Roast. YUM YUM YUM! Oh and some amazing apple crisp! IT WAS SO GOOD! I COULD EAT THE WHOLE PAN! So of course we stayed there way to late and got home way to late and got to bed way to late. So it was really hard for both of us to get going this morning. I am still yawning. Blah. I better try and stay home some this week or I may end up getting sick. I don't want to do that before our anniversary weekend! We are going to have a lot of fun! We are going to Wisconsin again for apples! So I will get to make us a delicious Apple Crisp!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Holy Crap we are busy...will this ever end???

Monday, September 15, 2008
Friday as you read before was not a good day for me. After Mike got off work we went to Wal-mart for some things for mom and for us. After we got back to her place we ate some dinner and then Mike and I headed home. We rented some movies and were in bed by 11. Saturday we woke up to go to the bar for the football game. There were free hot wings so we couldn't say no. I was feeling a little better too. While we were the Adam and Cassy joined us. Also the owners of the bar also own a catering business. They asked Mike and I if we would like to help cater a wedding that evening for about 4 hours. We agreed, it payed good! So that meant postponing our dinner with mom but we can always use extra money. So we planned on going over to her place after we worked for cake and a bon fire. We had fun at the wedding it was so beautiful. I love weddings so much, everyone is always so happy. It was a lot of fun for me to see the dress and flowers etc. We worked our tails off but time just flew by. We went home and Mom and the rest of her house hold wasn't feeling well so we decided to stay home and watch another movie and go to bed early again!
Sunday we slept in and enjoyed it. We got up and got going. We headed to town and spent some time with our family's. Good weekend!!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Here's the deal with my face
Normally, fridays are my favorite days....
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesdays get better!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Now I really Hate Tuesdays!!!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Now I really hate Mondays

We had a really fulfilling weekend!
We got him!

But when Cassy went to go check on him later, he wasn't there! He had moved just slightly to the right to hide behind some trim that was leaning up against the wall. Luckily Mike and Cassy caught him before I got home! Just after she told me they found him, a Deer ran right out in front of me. I didn't hit it. All is well.
Friday, September 5, 2008
I go bump in the morning...it goes bump in the night
So this morning I woke up as usual, put on my robe as usual, opened my bedroom door as usual, walked out into the hallway as usual, then saw a shadow...unusual. Looked up and saw bat...really unusual. Then I went screaming from my hallway to my kitchen!!!!! UNUSUAL! So OH MY GOSH THERE IS A BAT IN MY HOUSE first thing in the morning when your husband is already at work is not what I want to think! So here I am standing in the kitchen not knowing what to do. Luckily I always take my cell phone with me into the bathroom in the morning so I can listen to music in the shower. So I texted Mike at work in hopes he would call me. No luck. I got up enough courage to go back into the bedroom so I could gather my glasses and clothes. I got a blanket to cover me head. So here I went, I got a running start and when I got into the hallway and saw the bat I started to scream until I got my self shut in our bedroom! Then I was shaking. So then I remembered that Cassy didn't have to work this morning so I texted her in hopes that Corina had gotten her up at 6 am. I was in luck! So Cassy called me and got me slightly calmed down in between laughing with and at me. SO she helped me decide that I needed to unlock the front door, which is in the hallway, and get the cat box out of our room so I could find the cat and lock her up with it. I was standing in my room trying to hold me clothes and put a blanket over my head and figured out there was no way that I could do all this and unlock the door, grab my shirt that was hanging up and close the hallway door. So I put all my clothes on...over my jammies...why? I don't know! And got myself all psyched up to do this thing. So I covered my head with a blanket and promised myself that I wouldn't look up you know where the bat was circling!!! So I slowly opened the door and there he was so I QUICKLY slammed it again! Oh and did I mention every time I see the thing I scream?? LOUDLY! Good thing it was cold enough to shut all the windows last night or the neighbors would have thought I was being murdered!! Ok so this whole time I am talking to Cassy and she is pumping me up. Giving me courage. So I open the bedroom door again, walk over to the front door. Unlock the front door. Then something wangs me in the back of my right calf. So I SCREAMED and ran into the "dining" room and remembered to shut the door to the hallway but forgot to get my shirt from the hallway but decided I could find something somewhere to wear and that I didn't really care as long as that bat was trapped and I could take a shower. But then...there he was circling my head again!! He some how latched on to me or the blanket that was on my head and came out of the hallway and now has access to the rest of the house. So what do I do? I scream of course, and start running, running towards the back door because I wanted to get out as fast as I could!!!! Well we have these 3 stairs that go from the "dining room" to the living room. Well I missed the 3rd step and fell down. Please picture this is slow mo, it's really really funny. So I'm falling down (slow mo) and I fall on my side with my arm straight out (slow mo) and my cell phone goes flying out of my hand (slow mo) and under Mike's corner desk. Ok back to fast mo. I get up and run screaming out of the house and slam the back door. Safe. I called Cassy and beg..."will you come save me" at this point I am about in tears. I am standing on my back patio, shoe less, freezing in a tank top on my cell phone waiting for Cassy to come rescue me. Well she did. She put me in her van with sleepy Corina and she went into the lions den! Apparently it had landed on the door jam to the hallway so Cassy in all her 7 month pregnant glory, tried to
A. Catch the bat in a Garbage can and cover with a cookie sheet.
B. Swing a push broom at it hoping it wont come back and get her
C. Help Carrie get her purse and get the hell outta here!
She went with C. :) Well I went in to try and help her at one point got about 2 stairs up our breezway, saw a shadow and took off screaming. So she ended up coming to get me saying he had parked himself above one of the livingroom windows so I ventured in. Cassy had enough guts to take a picture and I will post it soon! Ok so she packed me and my things up and took me to her house to shower and get to work. So here I am, I shook for about 1 1/2 hours but I am doing better now. I finally got a hold of Mike and he said "well I'm not going home" haha! So Cassy as I have this little evil plan. We are going to go "shopping" and park outside the window with a video camera and win us $10,000!!! :) I will let you know where I sleep tonight!
Oh and how ironic this was my fun fact of the day on my blog alert...
Bats also invert our common beliefs regarding their eyesight. The bat, a nocturnal creature, hunts its prey at night, and rests up (or down, as is the case) for the evening’s events by day. One would be incorrect in assuming that the bat has keen night vision, to assist it in its feeding frenzy. Not so. The bat employs an echo system, whereby it tosses out a high-frequency sound, inaudible to humans, which in turn strikes a target, and then bounces back to the bat, thereby letting it know what lies ahead. Were it not for the bat’s radar, we would hear even more bumps in the night than we already do.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Oh Deer!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
10 Things...The Carrie Way

10. When friends choose not to get along and put you in the middle!!
9. The fact that I am getting old and am really starting to not care about wearing make up everyday to give me confidence.
8. Mental Illness-scary stuff man...
7. I have one giant and 15 small odd holes in my back yard, thanks to the telephone company.
6. That my husband isn't ready to make me a mom
5. My little Corina is turning 2.
4. Summer is coming to an end...very quickly!!!
3. Sara beat me, I only went swimming 2 times.
2. I miss my dad
1. My mom isn't healing as fast as I want her too!
And now...10 things that make me HAPPY!

9. Having bon fires at my house every weekend!
8. Sweatshirts and open windows!
7. long weekends
6. Kisses
5. Hugs
4.Going up north to visit my family!!
3. Spending time with my friends!
2. Spending time with my Iowa family!
1. Hanging out with my Husband. Having lunch everyday with my Husband, sure we really can't afford it but I have a hard time going the whole day with out seeing him, I'm always is a much better mood when I get back to work when I'm having a bad day, I know he loves me and I love him too! :)
I know my list wasn't as good as yours Sara but my mind is on the GIANT hole in my backyard! I mean, I could bury someone in it! And I'm focused on the fact that I was going to take a picture of it when the workers left MY backyard, but they didn't leave until it was dark out, and they were loud. And the fact that my dogs couldn't play outside because they would have attacked the workers and licked them to death, I guess I could bury them in the GIANT hole they put there...
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Corina Corina Corina

Well Mike and I had a very relaxing/busy/exhausting vacation! Since this was a 3 day weekend and Mike had some floating holiday pay to use up, we took off the Thursday and Friday before the weekend!