Mikey Hunting for Mushrooms

I feel like it's been so long since my last blog! I've been son busy at work and at home that I haven't had a second to sit down and do this! I am excited too!!
So I guess I will tell you about our weekend. Friday night we went mushroom hunting and out to dinner at a new Mexican restaurant...it sucked. After that we decided to have a fire in the back yard. We finally had a nice night when we could sit out side with out blankets or coats. Our neighbor from across the street came by to sit for a while and brought us some rhubarb. Then our friends from town came by until it started raining! Saturday we got up and I went to mom and dad's to get dad's car so we could use our trailer because Mike's truck broke down last week. Well Mike really wanted to go mushroom hunting so when I got back with the car we went to all of our spots and some new ones but didn't find any. By then it was time to head back over to Mom and Dad's for dinner and a fire. We had a lot of fun. Laura, Tyler and his some Brody were there and so was Perry. We had a good supper! Mmmm...Brats.
Sunday was the best day ever!! WE GOT NEW FURNITURE! I know I didn't put any pictures up. But we got this awesome furniture for free! We got a couch and a love seat with an foot stool. We got 2 new end tables and a coffee table. They look kinda rot iron ish and have nice glass tops. Ooo lah lah! Well now we look like we have some money we better keep it clean! :) The dogs love to lay all over it, peanut likes to dig up the cushions. Kenny likes to lay on the back because it's like a big pillow! It's funny, they love it as much as we do!
After moving our furniture...thanks Derek! We went and mowed Jeni's lawn...with a push mower. Now Mike and I both grew using push mowers no big deal right?? WRONG we have been using a riding mower for the last few years...you kinda forget but once we got started it wasn't so bad. Thanks for letting us steal your mower Daddy.
The rest of our week has been either busy or lazy. Tuesday Cassy, Adam, and Corina had me and the Mike's over for dinner. Cassy and I grilled chicken...yes the girls grilled! It was awesome chicken too! Ooo...and she made Oreo pie, Corina and I got to lick the beaters! Yum!
Last night (Thursday)
Mike had a nice long nap! Cassy asked me to pick her up some apples on my way home so I did some grocery shopping and got the goods to make salad and chicken and gravy....yummm! Mike liked waking up to a clean kitchen and a hot meal...
I would have woke him up sooner if I had known he was needing to get some decals done to take to a friend by 7:30...in Waverly!!! So we had to hurry up and get them done, then hurry up and take them in to town. Well we grabbed a bunch of pop cans to take back and made it just in time! After the drop off we went to Wal-Mart to return cans and get some stuff...it was funny, I haven't been to Walmart in like a month, we walked around for and hour! I was just so happy to be there! Haha! We finally got back home after 9. I think one day this week I actually sat down before 9, oh it was Wednesday. And it was about 8:15. I was so used to being stuck in the house from the winter and I guess every summer I notice I need more and more time to wind down after the long work day and the long after work day.
Well it's finally Friday! Yay! My day is more than 1/2 over and it's Memorial Day weekend! 3 Days! I spose I better get back to my job eh?
Have a safe and happy weekend!
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