Monday, March 17, 2008

Busy Busy!

HI! Oh my gosh what a weekend! I can definitally say that I did't spend my weekend sitting on my butt that's for sure!

I already wrote about Friday night before we went out the bar with Tony, and we met a really nice couple! Jen and Keith. They are also new to Readlyn but live in the apartments on the otherside of 5th St. Well we met them at the bar but they ended up comming back to our house to play FREE pool and get to know eachother better. It was fun but they didn't leave until 4:30 so I was really tired!

Saturday we were again...busy! I got up and tryed to do a little bit of cleaning and let Mike sleep in since he actually had a Saturday off. When he got up he had to make a BUNCH of decals for Tony well that Tony was going to deliver. So we got ready and took him back to town and stopped at HY-Vee to get some frozen pizzas...we were VERY hungry! And headed back home. That night a friend from work Merri and her husband Rick came over. IT was fun to do something together outside of work and nice to meet her husband. But it was another late night.

Sunday my plan was to relax! That didn't happen! Adam called us and offered us a free dryer so we over to get it and ended up bringing them home with us. Jen and Keith came over to do laundry and watch the baseball game. We ended up hanging out until after 8:30. It was fun!

That wraps up the weekend for us...phew...I need a weekend from my weekend!

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