Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Lets play catch up!

I haven't written in so long! Well it seems like forever!
Today is my first day back at work after a loooong 11 day vacation! It was great and I am feeling revived! I love my structure! Ha-ha! I don't think Mike is nearly as happy as me to go back to work, but I was kinda getting bored! I like my bed time! It's funny how used to our schedules that the girls are. (Molly and Peanut) This morning they were so sad to see my go to work. Molly has the best sad eyes ever!
Well my vacation from work semi-sucked because I was so sick most of the time. The last 3 days were the only real enjoyable ones, my head wasn't in a cloud! Christmas was awesome. We spent Christmas Eve at Mom and Dads with Grandma, Jeff, Stella, and Abraham. It was nice, we had a ham! I love ham!
Christmas day everyone (My Mom, Dad, Laura, and Mike's mom) all came to our house. Oh and Maggie (Laura's dog) and Ranger (Mom and Dad's dog)! It was very exciting to have a real holiday at our house! After everyone got there Mike made a amaz-za-zing breakfast! Bacon, 2 kinds of sausage, eggs with ham, and hash browns! Thanks to Mike's mom who bought us a counter top griddle! We still don't have a stove or fridge yet! We have looked at some new stoves and Mike's mom is so awesome and is going to buy one for us, but it's just going to take a little time to get her to the store when we are all NOT working! So after breakfast we all opened gifts! It was so much fun! Every year we all say, oh don't expect alot, we just bought a new house or something and then Christmas comes and it's just as great as every year before! Laura got the I-pod she really really really wanted to we lost her for the rest of the day (she couldn't put it down!) My momma wasn't feeling well so she took a nap. The rest of us kinda just hung around and ate goodies and talked. My mom made wild rice soup yum yum yum! After all the eating my dad and I and most of the dogs went for a walk. It was so nice out that we only had to wear sweatshirts! After our walk, my mom woke up and Jeni decided she was ready to go home, and everyone else shortly followed. After they left the house was to quiet! So Adam, Cassy, and Corina came over. Mike got me a bottle of wine in my stocking and Cassy got one from her sister in law. So we had fun sharing with each other! The only downer was that Mike had to work the next day so we had to call it a night early.
Cassy and I decided it would be a good Idea to go shopping this day! Why? I don't know! I had a gift card that I had to use up by 1pm at Younkers. So I went and got a new sweater that I had been eyeing for a while. After that I had to exchange Mike's belt at Kohl's, oh my the return line was so looong! I thought I was going to be there forever. Luckily it went really fast and I was in and out in about 10 mins! After that Cassy and I met up at my parents house, where I ditched my car and we headed over to Newtons jewelers. They are going out of business and have everything like 70 % off. I got a pair of amazing diamond earrings! They are to pretty! After newtons we went over to Menard's so that Cassy could get a fireplace tool set. They had ugly ones so we went to Lowes and found a much cooler set there. After that we went back and I got my car. Then on our way home we stopped at Dusk Til' Dawn. This store is awesome! They sell the cutest decorations and it's so cheap! So I went a little decoration happy! After that we headed home. When I got home our friends Dusty and Krystal were there. It's so much fun to show off the house and tell people our plans! After we were done gloating about ya know how huge it is, and how neat all the old wood work is, and and and...ha-ha. We all decided to order a pizza from JJ's. YUM! We had fun chatting and then decided to go to Wal-mart! The happiest place on earth! We had fun shopping! Finally we headed home and Mike was getting really tired and had to work the next day so we said our goodbyes and headed off to bed. I wasn't feeling very well at all. I went to sleep and slept until...
I finally woke up! This was the first day that I was able to stand up! I was soo sick! Even this day I stayed in bed all day because I just couldn't function. After Mike got home I got out of bed and tried to eat. My stomach was just hopping all over the place so I couldn't eat much but it did feel good to eat after so long. We went to Waverly and rented the Simpsons Movie, Mike and I both fell asleep watching it!
Another relaxing day! We slept in! Well I was still getting over whatever the heck it was I had, I think Mike had caught it! We got up for about an hour and 1/2 and had to take a nap! We finally got going because we had to return our crappy movie! We rented Balls Of Fury, another crappy movie! I was so excited because Christopher Wakon is in it. Nope, no good! A lot of Kung Foo. I don't think I like Kung Foo. Again, Mike fell asleep during the movie.
This must have been a boring day because I'm not really remembering it...shoot! Oh I know we did some cleaning at our Duplex!
New Years Eve!
This I think was my favorite day! We got a lot accomplished! We got our home phone fixed! We went to the Duplex and completely finished everything! We got the pool table moved into the house and set up! We had a raging party! Ok so it wasn't really raging but it was fun! It was fun, Mom, Dad, Cassy, Adam, Corina, Myndi, Zach, Mike and I! We played battle of the sexes! Oh yeah! We had a Champagne Toast at midnight at grilled burgers at 10! It was so fun! Fun fun fun! I did take some pictures but didn't have time to upload them this morning! I will try and get on that soon! With our new Internet at home it takes about 3X as long so I have to have more than 5 mins! Ok!
Happy New Year!
Yesterday was great! Adam and Cassy made a Turkey and green bean casserole and twice bake mashed potatoes! YUM! And Cassy and I made brownies! We just sat around watching movies and eating most of the day and stayed by their nice warm fireplace!
Back to work today! Hope everyone has/had a good one!