Well Mikey is now a year old and walking!! He knows how to keep us busy but you know we love every minute of it!
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Mikey's Birthday!
Tomorrow is Mikey's Birthday! Yay! We don't have to work! I don't know what to buy him! We are to poor to get him what he really wants...and Escalade Ha-ha! Tonight we are going to the Casino to celebrate with his mama! I am acctually excited! I think it's going to be really fun! Maybe we can win alot of money and he can buy and Escalade! Te he he!
Oh and my spell check isn't working for some reason, so if anything is spelled wrong, blame the computer! :)
Monday, January 28, 2008
Wudda day!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
So yesterday Mike's truck broke so we are back down to one car, no problem right? Well Mike works close to be distance wise but not time wise! So now I get to get up at 5 am and drive him to work, to have just enough time to get myself home and showered and back to my work by 7;30! Thank goodness my co-workers understand and let me skip my lunch and leave at 3:30, But it really makes for a long day! WOW and I have to eat at the cafe but I think I can handle that! I also don't get to see Mike everyday at lunch so that makes me sad too! But I know it wont last forever! So my mission this week/weekend is to get one of Mikes cars fixed! But he has to work on Saturday as of right now, that can change at any moment from now until 3:30 Friday afternoon. Alright, I think I am done complaining! I will get some pictures up of our new stove soon! :)
Monday, January 21, 2008
I only hate Monday's when it's not snowing!
Saturday I decided to let Mike sleep in as late as he wanted! I got up about 9:30 and he got up about 1! He was so happy when he woke up, I may do that more often! After we got going we went to Amish country and Oelwein to eat at Los Flores! YUM! And then on to Pamida! I love Wall-mart, I think that K-mart is cheap, I love Pamida! Pamida? But nothing can beat the sweet love of God! HAHA CHURCH CAMP SONG! So that was really fun! Then we went home and Lisa came over. We then went to the local watering hole and had WAY TOO MUCH fun!
We slept in again! And layed around watching Bonanza and Beverly Hillbilly's! It was a nice afternoon but we had to go to Wal-mart :( wait, I love Wal-mart :)! Cassy and Corina came with us and when we got done we went to McDonald's and played in the play place! That was fun but wow what a work out! I think it was the high light of my weekend!
OK so let's re-cap...IT'S SNOWING AGAIN!! HOORAY!
Have a good week! We get our stove on Wednesday!
Thursday, January 17, 2008

but the wind is sure blowin' out here!
Yay! I got a snow day! I don't expect this to happen a lot but it was nice to get the text from Mike this morning telling me NOT to drive because of the drifts. So I'm trying to catch up on some house work that I have been neglecting and some bummin around that I have been neglecting too!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Quick one!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Busy weekend!
We had a nice weekend. Friday night as you saw Corina had us over to her mom and dad's for sketti! That was fun! Us girls just hung out after dinner and the boys went on a firewood hunt. We had to head home early because Mike had to work on Saturday.
Saturday Mike went to work bright and early and I got up about 7:30 and Cassy, Corina, and I went to Coralville to go shopping! Lucky us it was HUGE SALE DAY! WHoo hoo!! I got a pair of jeans for 10 bucks and a shit for 3 and a sweater for 7.50 and and and and!!! It was great!!!
After we were done shopping we headed home and Mike wasn't feeling well so he took a nap and I rearranged the kitchen and really cleaned it up nice! When Mike woke up he was feeling a little better so we went to Waverly to rent a movie and go to Wal-mart! I am falling in love with Wal-mart all over again! It's a dangerous place for me to go...they have everything!
Sunday's are supposed to be relaxing! So we slept in and then realized oh crap, we have to hurry and get to town to the bank before is closes!! So we went to the scary hy-vee and went to the bank and then got TP which we were almost in desperate need of. Then we picked up Michael and went to menards who was having a really good sale on stuff we wanted too! After we spent an hour there we went to the casino and ate at the buffet for free! YUMMY! We ate and ate and ate and ate and ate. Little Michael (15) said it was the best meal he had eaten in a long time!! After that we headed home. It was a good day just wore me out but I didn't want to go to bed because I didn't want Monday to come.
We here I sit on Monday and it's quiet which is strange and everyone seems to be pissed off.
Girr! Have a good week!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Friday, January 11, 2008
Blah! I hate being bored at work on a Friday!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008
I didn't forget!!! I've just been a busy bee!

So lets see what have we been up to? Well we had a busy and sleepy weekend! Friday Night my friend Cassy graduated from nursing school so we went to the ceremony and then went to Diamond Daves to celebrate after wards. Then we headed home and my friend Lisa came over and we played pool! I suck at pool! But had fun! I figured out that when I get frustrated at Mike I play much better, so Look Out Baby!
Saturday we slept in! It was awesome! Then we laid around the house for a couple hours and headed for Amish Country! We went to some discount grocery stores and little stores! There was defiantly not enough time to visit them all! So my Mom and I are making plans to go together! Someday! After that we headed over to Tyler, Amy, and Kelli's house to play! It was nice to see them I hadn't realized we hadn't seen them since Thanksgiving weekend for Kelli's big 1st birthday! We had a nice time with them. Then we went to Fazlois and had dinner. Yum gotta love their bread sticks! Then we met up with my friend Lisa again and she came over for some more pool! Whoo hoo! Can we say slightly obsessed??