Lets just say be glad I chose not to blog during the last 2 weeks. Things have been going terribly with our house! It has been quite a roller coaster, no it's been an amusement park because we keep getting off one roller coaster and keep getting on another! As it sits today, we are completely up in the air. We are waiting for the other bank to approve us going in and fixing a few things for the FHA loan. And we were supposed to close today 11/27, not going to happen! I'm pretty sure anyway! But I honestly don't care when we close just as long as we get to soon! Other than that life has been crazy as well!
With all this house stuff me working 2 jobs isn't working, but I'm trying to make it work! I keep forgetting when I signed up for what days! GIRRR!! I swear! Ok so we've actually been trying to lay low with friends and stuff lately, well until this weekend anyway! Wow I don't even know where to start!
Well Mike had Wednesday off, as well as the rest of my fam, but no I had to work! Ha-ha! WE HAD OUR FIRST SNOW!!! And do I ever love the snow!!! It was also Peanut's first snow to! So we had fun taking them out and playing in it. After I got off work, we went over to Mike's moms and picked her up. We headed out to cross-roads mall, there was a particular purse that I just had to have and had been dreaming about for a week! So we went and got it! We also looked at and sprayed all the perfumes that they had out for the holidays! It was fun! After that we dropped Mike's mom off at home and headed over to Mom and Dads to see Sarah, Shane, and J.J.! I was so excited I could hardly sit still! When we finally got there we had so much fun! We ate tacos and talked, then Sarah and Shane left me with J.J. for a little while and we had a very traumatic diaper changing experience! After that we played and played and played! It was fun! Finally it was time for Mommy and Daddy to come home and J.J. to go to beddy bye. We adults stayed up and watched License to Wed! GREAT MOVIE!! After the movie Mike and I headed out, we still had to hit the store and get ingredients for Cranberries and Sweet Potatoes! When we got home it was like 1:30am, and here I was, makin' the dang cranberries! We finally headed to bed at 2:30!
Thursday (T. Day)
Even after staying up so late making cranberries, I set my alarm and woke up at 9 to watch the parade! But then I got hungry about 10, so I said screw it and made a great breakfast!
For the girl who doesn't like breakfast...it was awesome! French toast, hash browns, sausage, eggs! Oh yeah baby! I made Mikey wake up for breakfast and he was cranky, so he ate and went back to sleep. The rest of the day was me bathing, Molly bathing, me making sweet potatoes (scratch yum!) and Mike finally getting up to play with me! We headed over to Mom and Dads to have dinner! What a build up, we wait all year for a meal that essentially lasts about 30 mins! This year was extra fun because we had J.J. with us at dinner! He also said his first word on Turkey day, guess what it was??? Turkey! More like TURK-EY! It was so cute! My mom had him saying puppy by the days end to! And by the time they left on Friday he was so good at saying Turk-ey that he didn't wanna stop! He's just so sweet, he wasn't even afraid of Mike for long like most baby's are! And they sure played and played! We had a really nice time on Thanksgiving and I can't wait for Christmas!
Black Friday
We did it! We got up early and went out into the crowds and shopped! Sarah, Mike, and I all got up early and braved the cold! We drove separate so we could fit all the stuff we wanted to get in our cars! Mike dropped me off at Kohls and I met up with Sarah so she could get a Magic Bullet. We waited in line to pay for like 45 mins to and hour! Mike headed over to Menards to get started on getting the things we wanted gathered together! He said it was nuts, people we stealing things out of other peoples carts, or just stealing their carts all together! Haha! We met up with him and made sure to get the rest of the things we were after, plus a few extras! We ended up with an awesome Area rug, 2 new doggy beds, 4 shovels, 6 candles, 2 blankets, and oh so much more that I can't remember at this moment! The we headed over to Toy's R Us with Sarah, she was on a mission for a toy for J.J. and I was trying to find a specific Leap Frog game (thomas) for my friend Myndi's son for Christmas. No luck! But she did find the movie that I wanted for 5 bucks! After all the shopping Mike and I went out to breakfast at or favorite place to eat, Waffle Stop! After breakfast we planed on taking a nap but instead we stayed up and played! We went out to dinner with Myndi and then she and Lisa came over to Play battle of the sexes with us! It was way fun! If you have ever played it you will understand why its so amazing that my Husband is so good at that game!
We finally slept in! Out of all the days we had off we never really slept in! And we really needed it! After we finally woke up I made spaghetti for breakfast at 12:30, took a shower wrapped a gift and we headed out to Tyler and Amy's house for Kelli's first birthday party! I can't believe how old she is! She is also very smart! It was so much fun to watch her eat her cake, and by eat I mean get everywhere and smush it between her fingers! My favorite part was when it was in her hair! After that we got to open presents and play with the wrapping paper! After the party we headed right home because we were still so tired! Out Friend Michael and Jordan came over and we watched Crank (the movie I got for 5 bucks) which is a crazy cool movie! It's action packed and funny to! Tony and Lisa came over later in the evening and we had fun eating Chinese food and watching Shreck the 3rd!
Sunday (dun dun dunnnnn!!!!)
Man I always hate the last day of vacation! It's so depressing! Mike woke me up at 10 so we didn't waste the whole day and Mike made breakfast burritos! They were so gooooood! And he made me special hash browns with all the good stuff in them! After breakfast Mike went to his Mom's house and changed her oil and mine, I on the other hand, took a nap! Not long after we headed back over to Tyler and Amy's so that Mike and Tony could do something to my car. We had a nice visit and Amy, Kelli, and I went to Target to spoil Kelli! It was so much fun! After we got back Tyler and Amy very very very nicely fed us and we eventually headed home. It was the most enjoyable last day of a 4 day weekend I've had in a long time!
Finally getting back to the house.
Everything is going fine, just really stressful! I think we are finally on the road home! All we have to do now is find a Insured and bonded contractor to do and estimate on the work that we need to have done, get the work done, get it re-0inspected by FHA dude, then close! Oh and theres still getting the conformation on Ins etc. BAH! Oh and giving notice to our Landlord so we can move out! Oh and ya know, really pack because we haven't done alot of that! HELP US! :)
I'll do better about keeping you all posted of when out closing will be! And hopefully more pics!