Mikey's first birthday! He did LOVE the cake!

After his first hair cut (thanks Great Uncle Dave!)
Ok! Wow it's been 11 months since I have blogged! First I have been so busy being a Mom that to even think about doing this is insane for me! I'm lucky if I do the dishes!
We have kept extremely busy since I blogged last,
We had a BABY! Mikey is awesome and achieving his milestones just as expected!
Within 2 weeks of his first Birthday (June 24th) he was full on walking, and now at 13 months he is learning to run! At 7 months he learned how to go up the stairs and at 12 months he learned how to go down them too! (no, not the hard way, the right way!)
Mike changed jobs. It was really tough for us on a while because initially he had to take a pay cut but he was a much happier husband and daddy! The change has been good but now that summer is here so is the busy time for them so he has been working 6-7 days a week 10-12 hours a day. Last week was insane, he put in 84, yes 84 hours! So Mikey and I are learning to have fun just the two of us. We go to the park....A LOT!
I have been taking on more and more responsibilities (almost daily) at my office. I swear I could run this place! I enjoy almost everything I do and recently have followed in Mom's footsteps and I am currently filling in as a medical transcriptionist ON TOP of everything else I do! It sure does help the time fly by! I haven't taken a lunch break in like 3 weeks! To bad we don't make overtime! :)
I know you all really only care to hear about Toddler Mikey so let's see...
He is trying very hard to communicate!
He can say
DA! = ball and were getting to about 50% of the time actually saying BALL!
NANA= food (like banana) he LOVES food! Just today he had Japanese food!
He can repeat All Done if he wants too!
We have been working on some sigh language. He knows Milk for sure and does it all the time! We actually had to cut back his milk intake, I guess 4-5 cups a day is too much! ha!
He likes to watch me show him the signs but doesn't copy much. He knows the sign for NO and YES so when I do them he either giggles and keeps doing the NO or smiles when I show him the YES to run and do a NO!
Last trip to the doctor he weighed almost 26lb (82%)
he was 30 and 1/2 inches (95%)
He had 3 shots but was all in all a very healthy (an heavy) boy!
We have been fighting through all the teeth. This has not been easy for Mikey or mommy. I hate that he is in pain and I can not do anything for him! He also has horrible problems with runny nose and diaper rash during these periods of teething. Not cool! So far he has 5 1/2 teeth and is currently working on those 1 year molars but is still sweet as pie (or he was when I dropped him off this morning!)
We made it all the way to 11 months without getting an ear infection and when that happened WOAH everyone knew this kid was in pain! He was fine before his nap and when he woke up at Grandma Lofstuen's he was BURNING up! We went to urgent care and found out he had a severe ear infection...in BOTH ears! Poor kid! With medicine and some TLC we survived! Actually, once the medicine kicked in he even slept thought the night the first night with meds! He has always been and I think will always be a good sleeper just like Mommy and Daddy!
I am sure after I post this I will think of a bunch of amazing things about him to post! I will try and get on here more often! We are so blessed!