This is Charlie.

Charlie is very very very hungry!!

Charlie didn't bite me but he
woulda if I wouldn't have had that bottle!! :) Charlie is a survivor! He almost didn't make it but he's doing great now and growing up quick.
We were visiting our friend Allison at her new house in Hudson and her parents were there. Her mom said it was time to go feed the baby cows and I informed her of my love of cows. She invited me and Mike along and it was so fun! I couldn't believe how fast they took down a 1/2 gallon of formula! Under 3 minutes!
Allison got the cutest house in Hudson and had to show it off to us! We ended up staying late and had a really good time!

We were supposed to go to our Morse family reunion at Aunt Tommy's house, but I felt terrible and didn't want to go anywhere. I pretty much just layed around the house all day and didn't do anything. By about 4 I was feeling a little better and decided I could leave the house. We went to the Cedar Falls Raceway for The Night of Fire. Sounds cool huh?? We stayed for a while but I felt so terrible I couldn't really enjoy it. It was hot and loud and don't even try to blow your nose with porto john tp!!!! Normally these things don't bother me but that day the really did. So we stayed till about 8 or 8:30 and headed out. We will try and go again when we can stay and have fun. Well I fell asleep in the car on the way home and pretty much went to bed after that, on a Saturday night!!! I was mad! Luckily our friend Jon was there for Mike to hang out with.
Well another wasted day.
I think I got one load of laundry from the washer to the dryer. That is what I did.
I managed to get my butt in the shower at about 5:30 trying to make myself feel better. No luck. Well I felt cleaner. I pretty much napped on and off all day. I felt much better by 8 last night and was able to really eat again! I WAS SO HUNGRY!
Haha! Well I went to bed hoping I would feel better today. When I woke up I felt good not stuffed up at all! Then I was on my way to work and blah it hit again. But I figure oh well I'm already here what's the point in going home. If it's really slow I will be leaving early. No point in sitting here suffering for no reason. OK I'm done complaining now! Everyone, HAVE A GREAT WEEK!!!