So I decided to change my blog so it looked more springy, but it didn't' turn out as well as I planned it would/ It's more like...GO PANTHERS! Oh well, I like it! We have had a really boring week! That is not normal for us, we actually stayed home, every night. But it was nice to just be for a while, but now were getting restless! So, Mike has the possibility of getting Saturday off, so I'm thinking we can go to the Amish alllll day. I don't think Mike really wants to do that so we will probably have to do something that guys like to do too. :( Humph!!! My luck he will have to work and Ill be stuck being bored at home ALL day. We did get more snow yesterday! We got about 3 inches of the heavy stuff, and it was still blowin' around this morning when I went to work. Yay! Now today, it's supposed to warm up and this weekend it's supposed to rain! Then Sunday night the rain will turn to ice and favorite combination! :)
I really need to get our and build a snowman before it's too late, does anyone want to help me???
Well Mikey is now a year old and walking!! He knows how to keep us busy but you know we love every minute of it!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Hooray for the Snow!
The weather is welcoming me home properly!! We are getting pounded with snow, or are supposed to! The new update I heard is for upwards of 8 inches! Yay!
We had a lot of fun with the family this last week. I got there Wednesday and Mom and I worked at grandmas for about 4 hours and then went to Dave and Elaine's to enjoy spaghetti and Hayley and Hannah! My 2 new favorite people in the whole wide world!! We went to bed and got going on Thursday back over to grandmas for more packing. Then we took grandma shoe shopping! She got some shoes that were good for her feet but not her "normal" size. So in the end i think they are returning them because she has never worn and * double wide in her life, always a 7 double wide! Then we went to Dave and Elaine's so my mom could make Chicken Pot Pie! YUM! And I got to enjoy Hayley and Hannah again! I should mention that I enjoyed Sara too!
Friday we decided to skip the packing and go down town and go shopping! We went to the Kitchen window so Mom could snoop and went to Pensky's Spices and bought some cool stuff there! Then we went to Salasarita's for lunch! YUM! After that Mom and Elaine dropped me off at Lane Bryant so I could exchange some Jeans and then we went to World Market. We all found a few things we just couldn't live without! Later Sara and Tim took me out on a date so we could get away from the old people! We went and saw Fools Gold! I'm buying it! Such a cute movie! After that we went back to Dave and Elaine's and Mikey was waiting there for me! I was so happy to see him! We relaxed for the rest of the evening and went to bed because we had to get up early to help Grandma move!
Saturday Morning we didn't get going as early as planned but when we did we really got going! When we got to grandmas I think we just attacked her apartment! We worked for a little over and hour and it was lunch time, so Mike and I went to get lunch and met Sara and the girls at McDonald's! It was fun to eat with them! When we got back with lunch most of the apartment was all packed up in the vans and trailers, besides the big furniture! It was sure nice to be a girl because the boys did the heavy lifting and the girls did the un-packing! It was great! When the boys went back to get the rest of the furniture Sara and I took grandma on a tour of the place and introduced her to her neighbor across the "street"! After the long day of packing and unpacking, we all went out to dinner at Red Robin and had awesome burgers and steak fries! After dinner we were all tired but grandma needed groceries so Elaine and Sara took her to the store and we all headed home to sit back and relax.
Sunday was the day we were headin' home, but because we were so tired on Saturday we didn't say goodbye to anyone! So we made a trip over to grandmas before we left town and helped unpack and fill her curio cabinet. That was fun! Then we said our goodbyes and headed out the door! On our way home we stopped at Ikea and got some lights for our bedroom and other stuff we really don't need! Oh we did get some knew glasses because almost all of our other ones got broken when we lived in the duplex...stupid metal sink...
After we left Ikea we went to Mystic Lake Casino. That's were we always used to go before we were 21 so according to Mike we were "reminiscing". But got lucky and won most of the money I spent on the trip back! So that was exciting! By the time we left there we were hungry so we went to Cracker Barrel! Yum! Finally after dinner we headed for home, didn't' get there until 9:30 or so.
I think All in All I had an awesome time and can't wait to go back! Love you all!! Thanks again!!!
We had a lot of fun with the family this last week. I got there Wednesday and Mom and I worked at grandmas for about 4 hours and then went to Dave and Elaine's to enjoy spaghetti and Hayley and Hannah! My 2 new favorite people in the whole wide world!! We went to bed and got going on Thursday back over to grandmas for more packing. Then we took grandma shoe shopping! She got some shoes that were good for her feet but not her "normal" size. So in the end i think they are returning them because she has never worn and * double wide in her life, always a 7 double wide! Then we went to Dave and Elaine's so my mom could make Chicken Pot Pie! YUM! And I got to enjoy Hayley and Hannah again! I should mention that I enjoyed Sara too!
Friday we decided to skip the packing and go down town and go shopping! We went to the Kitchen window so Mom could snoop and went to Pensky's Spices and bought some cool stuff there! Then we went to Salasarita's for lunch! YUM! After that Mom and Elaine dropped me off at Lane Bryant so I could exchange some Jeans and then we went to World Market. We all found a few things we just couldn't live without! Later Sara and Tim took me out on a date so we could get away from the old people! We went and saw Fools Gold! I'm buying it! Such a cute movie! After that we went back to Dave and Elaine's and Mikey was waiting there for me! I was so happy to see him! We relaxed for the rest of the evening and went to bed because we had to get up early to help Grandma move!
Saturday Morning we didn't get going as early as planned but when we did we really got going! When we got to grandmas I think we just attacked her apartment! We worked for a little over and hour and it was lunch time, so Mike and I went to get lunch and met Sara and the girls at McDonald's! It was fun to eat with them! When we got back with lunch most of the apartment was all packed up in the vans and trailers, besides the big furniture! It was sure nice to be a girl because the boys did the heavy lifting and the girls did the un-packing! It was great! When the boys went back to get the rest of the furniture Sara and I took grandma on a tour of the place and introduced her to her neighbor across the "street"! After the long day of packing and unpacking, we all went out to dinner at Red Robin and had awesome burgers and steak fries! After dinner we were all tired but grandma needed groceries so Elaine and Sara took her to the store and we all headed home to sit back and relax.
Sunday was the day we were headin' home, but because we were so tired on Saturday we didn't say goodbye to anyone! So we made a trip over to grandmas before we left town and helped unpack and fill her curio cabinet. That was fun! Then we said our goodbyes and headed out the door! On our way home we stopped at Ikea and got some lights for our bedroom and other stuff we really don't need! Oh we did get some knew glasses because almost all of our other ones got broken when we lived in the duplex...stupid metal sink...
After we left Ikea we went to Mystic Lake Casino. That's were we always used to go before we were 21 so according to Mike we were "reminiscing". But got lucky and won most of the money I spent on the trip back! So that was exciting! By the time we left there we were hungry so we went to Cracker Barrel! Yum! Finally after dinner we headed for home, didn't' get there until 9:30 or so.
I think All in All I had an awesome time and can't wait to go back! Love you all!! Thanks again!!!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Another Minnesota Morning!
Yesterday we spent alot of time at Grandmas again, so today we are taking a little time out to go shopping! Hooray! I bought a pair of jeans when I went to Iowa City with Cassy and for some reason I just told them my size and bought them, well they sold me petits I may be short, but not that short!!!!! So I have to exchnge them. We are also going to a kitchen shop in Down town and probably World Market. I'm excited! Then it's back to Grandma's to finish off most of the packing! Hooray! OK I'm hungry and I will write more later, oh's at least 20 degrees here...IN YOUR FACE!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
We made it to Minnesota! Hooray! We got here yeasterday about 12:30 we made really good time with only one stop. We ate lunch when we got here and headed right over to Grandmas to start packing! We worked all afternoon and then decided to head over to Auntie Elaines to get setteled! Not long after we arrived Sara, Hayley, and Hannah came to see us!
Uncle Dave made some awesome sketti for dinner and we were all so hungry we scarfed it down!
Today we went back over to Grandmas to keep packing! We went shopping and got her a few things for her new place as well. We took Grandma shopping for some new shoes! She's CRANKY today. And now that we are home, she hates her new shoes and thinks the sales lady forced her to buy them!! They also look like Old lady shoes, well heres some news for you grandma...your OLD!!!! Oh well!
Now we are taking sometime to relax and Mom is making some awesome chicken pot pie!
I'll write more later I am sure!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I finally get a real vacation! This is the first since our honeymoon! I am feeling anxious because Mike isn't comming until Friday Night and we haven't spent a night apart since the night before our wedding! I am having seperation anxiety! He keeps telling me I will be alright but I'm nervous! Ok family...HERE WE COME!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Friday, February 15, 2008
Happy Birthday Grandma and HAppy Valentines Day!

We had a really nice Valentines day! It's was Grandma Morse's Birthday so we had dinner at her house with my Mom, Dad, Sister, and her new boyfriend Tyler. It was really nice!
After we got home we were so tired we pretty much just layed around and went to bed early!!
Have a good weekend! :)
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
Blah blah blah!
Just one of those Mondays.
Well we had a very nice weekend. Friday night was spent at home because Mike had to work on Saturday morning.
Saturday I woke up about 8 (EARLY) and started the day! I made myself breakfast and did the dishes and picked up the house a little bit. Then I checked my email and stuff. I headed over to Dusk til Dawn to go shopping! Ok so I was boerd all alone! But i got some cards and my Grandma's birthday gift! I was proud of my self! Finally Mike got home about 2:30 and he was sleepy! So he laid down and took a nap and I made him a snack. When he got up we went to Oelwein to have dinner at Los Flores! YUM! My favorite! The weather was kind of ickey so I thought our night was ruined but have no fear Myndi was here! She braved the wind to come and hang out with us! We went to the Center Inn bar and played some free pool! It was fun!
After that we went home and Mike went to bed. Myndi and I stayed up until almost 2 am talking and giggiling! It was much needed on my part anyway!
Sunday we slept late! And didn't have any big plans but then we realized when we went to the casino for Mike's birthday, we had gotten some entires to win some diamonds or a hot tub, so we went to the casino to try our luck. We didn't lose any money, didn't win any either! It was fun!
After that Mike decided he wanted to change his sparkplugs! That man is crazy, 8:00 at night -15 outside and he's in his garge with a light jacket on changing his spark plugs! I guess that's why I love him!
Friday, February 8, 2008
Caution this blog can be severly boring!

So this is my life...another boring day eating delicously greesy popcorn from the cafe for lunch...that's gonna feel good later. It' s onlt 11 and I have NOTHING I repete NOTHING to do! And I don't get off work until after 3!!!
Ok so I really need to get over myself, and enjoy this time relaxing (at work)HA-ha!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
It's Snowing out! I'm at work! I AM BORED!
Laura took some cool pics of me I guess! She put them on the internet, so I figure I shall embaress myself first! :)
I am stuck at work on a VERY boreing wednesday and snowey day. I want to leave very badley! I just found out we are supposed to get 6 inches in the next 5 hours, now I really want to go home!!!! OR sledding!
I hate being bored, now I'm just whining!
We finally got our deposit back from our landlord of the Duplex, and we got it ALL back! We are good tenents! Yay!
I don't have any other exciting news at this moment...
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Fun Birthday Weekend!!
Mikey and Carrie Swimming!
Mike's SPECIAL Birthday drink...
Happy Birthday Mikey!!! Aren't we Hot??!!??!!
We had a fun weekend!
Mikey is offically 24! WOW! WE ARE OLD!
Thursday night Mike's mom got a room at the Casino! So Tony, Michael, and Carrie came up to the hotel to go swimming with us! It was so much fun, and we made friends with these cute kids in the pool, and Tony in all his glory wore his cowboy hat in the pool! He's quite a character!
After they left we tried out luck at the slots, no luck! So we went to bed! Wow those beds are comfy!
Friday we got up to check out and headed over to the buffett for lunch/breakfast and eat until we couldn't eat anymore. It was fun! We once again tried out luck but didn't have any so we headed home. Mike and I took a nap even with all the sleep we got, we were still worn out. I got up about 7 and Mike slept until 10. We headed over to WQavely to rent a movie and ended up at a coulple bars for Birthday drinks! That was fun just the 2 of us!
Saturday, I woke up bright and early for Erin (my co-worker) baby shower. That was fun we played the dirty diaper game (GROSSSSS) and a few others! After that I grabbed Mike and I some lunch and headed for home. We spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing. For dinner we went to Mom and Dad's for a yummy yummy birthday dinner of manacotti! Wow my mother is a good cook! Mike really liked it, I should yell at her for spoling him! After dinner we went to Mike's moms to visit a little before heading home to watch the movie we rented on Friday night. But of course, Mike fell asleep during it! Haha! Know sleeping fellon!
Sunday is supposed to be a lazy day. Oops we must have forgot! We got up and started our day about 10, that's amazing for us! After breakfast we started a laundry and cleaning frenzy. Sucks when you waste the rest of the weekend having fun! But the house really needed on TLC! Right now I'm still having fun cleaning it! That won't last much longer...PROMISE! Oh and my Christmas tree is still in the corner of the living room, go me!
The rest of the day we went to Hy-vee to get fixin's for supper and a couple movies! All in all it was a nice day!!

We had a fun weekend!
Mikey is offically 24! WOW! WE ARE OLD!
Thursday night Mike's mom got a room at the Casino! So Tony, Michael, and Carrie came up to the hotel to go swimming with us! It was so much fun, and we made friends with these cute kids in the pool, and Tony in all his glory wore his cowboy hat in the pool! He's quite a character!
After they left we tried out luck at the slots, no luck! So we went to bed! Wow those beds are comfy!
Friday we got up to check out and headed over to the buffett for lunch/breakfast and eat until we couldn't eat anymore. It was fun! We once again tried out luck but didn't have any so we headed home. Mike and I took a nap even with all the sleep we got, we were still worn out. I got up about 7 and Mike slept until 10. We headed over to WQavely to rent a movie and ended up at a coulple bars for Birthday drinks! That was fun just the 2 of us!
Saturday, I woke up bright and early for Erin (my co-worker) baby shower. That was fun we played the dirty diaper game (GROSSSSS) and a few others! After that I grabbed Mike and I some lunch and headed for home. We spent the rest of the afternoon relaxing. For dinner we went to Mom and Dad's for a yummy yummy birthday dinner of manacotti! Wow my mother is a good cook! Mike really liked it, I should yell at her for spoling him! After dinner we went to Mike's moms to visit a little before heading home to watch the movie we rented on Friday night. But of course, Mike fell asleep during it! Haha! Know sleeping fellon!
Sunday is supposed to be a lazy day. Oops we must have forgot! We got up and started our day about 10, that's amazing for us! After breakfast we started a laundry and cleaning frenzy. Sucks when you waste the rest of the weekend having fun! But the house really needed on TLC! Right now I'm still having fun cleaning it! That won't last much longer...PROMISE! Oh and my Christmas tree is still in the corner of the living room, go me!
The rest of the day we went to Hy-vee to get fixin's for supper and a couple movies! All in all it was a nice day!!
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