Sunday, September 30, 2007


I want everyone to know out new puppy is no longer nameless...we want you all to meet

Peanut Butter!

You can call her Peanut, PB, PB&J, Tippy tippy tu tu, or fuzzy ball cause that's what she is! We really found a great addition to our family. And today she still remains the perfect little angel! I will update you soon on the house hunt and Peanut!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Oh Me Oh My!

We happily added a new addition to out family today! Yay! My very wonderful husband surprised me this afternoon! Molly already loves her new sister!
Name: Undecided (Lou Lou?)
Age: 6Months D.O.B. 3-23-07
Weight: 5 lbs
Height: 6-10 inches

Thursday, September 27, 2007

It's a beautiful day in the deighborhoor, it's a beautiful day for a neighbor! Won't you be my neighbor?

No one wants to be my neighbor! Ok so that's a total overreacting but it was fun to sing the song!
Yeah I'm so writing this outta pure boredom! I'm at work and it's a quiet Thursday morning, blah! I would much rather be busy and pulling my hair out that sitting here doing nothing. A lot of people are jealous of the fact that I can just sit here and do nothing at work. Please please please don't be. Have you have sat and done virtually nothing for 8 hours? It's not fun. You get really sleepy. You are getting sleepy, sleepy, very sleepy. Your eye lids are getting heavy. Zzzzzzzzz... OK! We are going to look at the house in Readlyn TONIGHT! After that we are going to visit Adam and Cassy! I am excited to see them and Miss Corina Jo. She's such a sweet baby. The more time I spend with her, the more I want one! NO! I'm not going to have kids yet Mom and Dad. I know you just can't wait....but I can! What I can't wait for is buying our new house! OH I FORGOT TO TELL YOU!! I got a new chair at work! Oooo soooo comfortable! I really like it and it's pretty to boot! I haven't quite got it to that comfortable position yet but I'm getting there. OK my blah blah blogging is over for now!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I'd Buy Taffy, lots of chewy taffy...

So just as soon as we think we know what we want, someone tells us no! We thought we found the fixer upper of our dreams and the dang house most likely wont be FHA approved! :( I was in love, both of us were starting to picture ourselves living in it! Dang! Oh well that just means that this must not be the house for us :( . We are going to look at a home in Readlyn soon and that's really where I want to live since our friends Adam and Cassy just moved there. It would be nice to be close to them! The bad news is our realtor says it's "rough" so...but the pictures sure make it look pretty! GIRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! It's the whole, ya can't judge a book by it's cover theory. I'm not a fan of that theory! Well I'm going to go searching for more houses on the Internet! I will update you after we look at that house in Readlyn

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Could this be the one??

So I have been one busy woman these last few days! I will start off with what we did this weekend but if you keep reading you will find some good news hidden inside!

Friday- Started out with plans. Mike was planning on making a meatloaf. Some of you may say or think YUCK but oh no no no. Mikey makes one hell of a meatloaf! But we didn't' quite have all of the ingredients so Mike's mom Jeni came over and we went to the store. She also brought over to squashes for me to make. I had never made them before but I never realized how easy it is, and how yummy! After that we were going over to Adam and Cassy's to see their new house! It was so awesome! Cassy decorated Corina's room so cool! She painted the top half of the wall pink and the bottom half brown, then she stenciled pink butterflies on the bottom also. It was so cute! It just a really neat! We spent some time with them but had to call it an early night because Mikey had to work on Saturday morning.
Saturday- Mikey had to work so I was thinking oooo I get to sleep in with the bed all to myself! But apparently Kenny and Molly thought otherwise! At 7:30 Kenny started opening all the damn doors in the house (she is very talented, try to keep her outta your closet!) and this must have excited Molly because she decided to start doing laps, LOUD LAPS, through the house! Think about this, our duplex is SMALL and so you can hear everything that happens from one end to the other. Finally she ended her last lap standing up on the side of the bed just waiting for Mommy to wake up! So I did, but that doesn't mean i got out of bed!! Molly and I cuddled until Auntie Stephenie woke up then she came in and we talked until Daddy came home. He got home about 10 so that meant it was time to get outta bed! Of course he was hungry so I got to make one amazing breakfast, prepare to get hungry! I made Bacon, Sausage, hash browns, and eggs with onion, green peppers, and ham! It was soooooooooooo very good! I think my dad possibly passed the great breakfast gene down to me! After breakfast I finally got going for the day. Mike had made plans with his friend Derek and Stephenie and I decided to take Molly to the park so she could go down the slides! Whoo Hoo! She just loves those slides! We met some very interesting and inquisitive children at the park. They wouldn't leave miss Molly alone long enough to poop! It was fun and Molly just loves kids! After the park we headed over to Goodwill to get some books! Then we headed out for ice cream! I LOVE LOVE LOVE ice cream! And since it was the last day of summer, why not celebrate with some Ice Cream! We went to a different park over looking the cedar river to enjoy it while Molly enjoyed some ice water! It was so cute to watch her drink around the ice cubes! After that we finally headed home. Mike arrived shortly there after and we headed out to dinner at Fazolis (we had coupons haha). After we ate our fill of bread sticks we headed home for Mike to grab a quick nap so we could go back over to Cassy and Adam's house. This time we could stay as late as we wanted or they wanted us to anyway. I got lucky this time and Corina was still awake when we got there and because she loves her "auntie Carrie" so much i got to rock her to sleep. I informed Mike that I now have the "babies"! We had fun they moved to a very small town called Readlyn and Cassy and I walked up to get her mail downtown and then went and played at the park. Parks are always kinda creepy after dark! It was a really cool park and i decided that Molly would really enjoy the slides and want to bring her to play there sometime. Well we had a really good time and stayed there entirely to late!
Sunday- We had a very abnormal Sunday! We had important things to do! We actually helped Laura pack and move back to Mama's house! Man I forgot how much work moving is! I informed everyone that they would be helping me move soon! Well I hope! Of course the fist day of Fall is one of the hottest we have seen in a while! But we all agreed it had been good exercise! After that we headed home and I cooked dinner and then collapsed into my favorite chair for the remainder of the evening!
Monday- This was a Happy Monday! It was a very busy day for me at work and Mike was not feeling well. We decided to go look at a few houses in Grundy Center anyway. We looked at 4 houses in total and all but one were some that our realtor found for us! It was kind of like a surprise around every corner! We looked at all different size houses. One was on a slab. It was a really nice house but we want a basement, we live in Iowa you know! Tornadoes! Another was and awesome house but had a tiny kitchen! The next one was beautiful, there had been a fire so they completely redid the whole inside, it had a giant whirlpool tub. The downfall...Only one very small bedroom! When we finally got to the last house, we were in love. Completely out of our price range but the seller is very eager! It needs some love but really all that love will be to the outside for now! I'm going to keep the rest of the details a surprise so you all can come visit and see it if we get it because I am pretty sure we are going to make an offer on it! Ok I will defiantly keep you all updated! :)

Friday, September 21, 2007


So...anyone have any ideas on how to find a house? Huh do ya do ya? We looked at 4 more houses yesterday! 4! And still couldn't find the right one! Well I've been adding it up in my head and I'm thinking we've looked at at least 15 houses. How many houses does one have to look at before one can find a home to buy?? HUM??? I am getting impatient! I found a house that i love yesterday! in our price range! Guess what?? It's prob. falling apart and has virtually no basement! Damnit! Well our realtor is setting up more houses for us to look at, at the beginning for next week. So here I am on a beautiful Friday, sitting at work eating some awesome french fries, day dreaming about the perfect house. I know we will know it when we see it and I'm sure we will get it. It's just this whole process can be frustrating. If we had a bigger budget we would already be moving I'm sure! Well we have no real plans for the weekend but I'm sure something good will fall in our laps! I will update you all on Monday!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Disappointed again! went to see that house in Cedar Falls last night. Now it would have been a great house if we wanted to be leaning constantly and if we both lost about 100 pounds so we could fit down the basement steps and if Mikey shrunk about a foot to fit through the master bedrooms door. Oh and if we really really like completely re-doing a house inside and out! And we are defiantly prepared to do SOME work but man, this was really scary! It was a neat big old house that's for sure! Just not for us! Or realtor said someone may just buy it for the land and tear it down! But I am keeping my hopes up! We are going to look at like 3 more houses tonight! And i just found an acreage in our price range, this scares me about what the house may be like but I like to go by the pictures and...looks good to me! haha! Lots of out buildings and such! The only problem with all these old buildings is that i get creeped out really easily and wont go in 1st. Even if there is a light! I don't like spiders or critters but if we move to the country I think I will learn to love them! :) Ha-ha! Keeping my hopes up again!
We had a really nice time with Wayne, Linda, and Sharon last night! It was really nice to relax and just catch up! Although we weren't able to stay long after dinner! Mike had to help Stephenie's little brother Michael do something to her little sister Carrie's car! So we had a very busy night! Ok well I will update you all tomorrow on the houses we are viewing tonight! :)

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Finally Pictures!

All the fun of Cattle Congress!

Happy happy Humpy day!!!

Oh happy day, o happy day, ooo HAPPY day! OK so we found a house in Cedar Falls tonight!,3&h=1&lid=jXF%2fLCZ0Y2Y%3d&lndx=0&vw=dtl&rppg=10&digest=jq7nBSVFll6lKuFB7WbuSA
It's a fixer upper but you never know until you look at how bad it is! I am very excited! After that we get to go have dinner at Grandmas with Sharon, Wayne, and Linda. We haven't seen them in such a long time. It will be nice to get caught up! OK I will fill you all in about the house in the morning! :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

This Could Be The One!!!! WOW!!!,2&vw=dtl&qs=sp&h=1&lid=WksgSmG7qDU%3d&lndx=7&rppg=10&digest=SA/AOhVW0RdNlpyLiVskcA

We went and looked at this cute house last night! It has a beautiful deck and a big kitchen with great possibilities! I am so excited!

So we looked at 5 houses last night. The first one we looked at was this one! It was just right! I loved it. TOOOONNNNSSSS of closet space! And i love the LAUNDRY SHOOT! We were going to put one in where we lived anyway! Hooray! It has big kitchen and french doors that open on to the deck. It's just so cute! Mike want's us to wait a little longer and see what else we can come up with. I did find a house today in Parkersburg that looks pretty nice but all of the houses look pretty nice in the pictures then i wanna run away and hide when i see them!
One house we looked at i labeled "interesting and laughable" . haha! I will leave it at that!

Monday, September 17, 2007

And the Hunt Continues...

Happy Monday! Wow September is just flying by! I love this weather though, this week it's back in the high 70's low 80's here!

We had a great weekend! Friday was pretty boring for us, we went out to dinner at HuHot, yummy yummy! My favorite! I ate so much! After dinner I went and got my ring cleaned and inspected! Yay I remembered to do it on time this time! Yay! Then we headed over to the store grabbed a few QUICK things and headed home. When we got there we remembered that we forgot the TP! So guess who got to go back to the store?? Me of course, with a list of other items i thought of in my mind which i remembered none of and bought other things not on my head list! But luckily those things could wait so i didn't have to go back to the store. For the rest of the night we just hung around the house and relaxed! It was really nice!
Saturday we had plans! Cattle Congress!! I LOVE CATTLE CONGRESS!! It's my favorite thing to do in Waterloo/Cedar Falls. And this year there was a Demolition Derby and a Rodeo that we wanted to see! My Mom, Laura, Stephenie, Nick, Michael (Steph's lil brother) and Jordan (Michael's friend). It was quite a troop but really fun! The demo derby was really cool! We sat bye a man who's son was racing so we had someone to route for! He also told me he would help me build a car for next year if i wanted to run! Which of course I did and haha he was drunk so we will see if he remembers me! After the derby we had some time to hang out in the cow barn! My favorite place to be! I got to pet lots and lots of little baby cows! When we walked through the Hall of Breeds it was really neat because Laura is now going to school to be a vet assistant and so she could answer all my questions! It was great! Eww and i did pet a sheep, not my favorite feeling in the world, blarg! After we saw the animals we walked through Estel Hall and won free pencils and magnets, whoo hoo! Then it was time to eat! I love love love fair food! But i made a mistake, i tried something new...both Stephenie and I agreed do NOT eat the Steak, onion and pepper sandwich with waaaaaaaay to much BBQ sauce on it! Go for a corn dog! But i did manage to get an awesome lemonade and eat some of my mama's fresh cut fries! Yummy, I'm makin myself hungry! After dinner Mike, Stephenie, Nick, and I all wandered around the midway just for the memories I think, none of us would dare to ride any of those greasy rides anymore, SCARY! Then it was time for the Rodeo! Yeee-Haaaw! Mom and Laura totally ditched us! So we went and stayed for about an hour, and headed home! I couldn't believe how tired we were! What a great Cattle Congress! We went back to our house after that and hung around, just relaxing! It was great!
I really enjoy Sundays but i think they are my least favorite day of the week. I want to sleep in but i have to be careful on how long i sleep because i generally have to be awake about 12 hours before i can fall asleep again. Mike on the other hand, can sleep all day, get up for dinner and go right back to bed and still be tired when he wakes up Monday morning! I don't get it! Well we had a "mini" cleaning fest that afternoon and we all felt much better!!
Tonight Mike and I are going on a big house hunt! We looking at like 4-6 houses tonight! I am very excited! I will let you all know how it goes tomorrow! Maybe I will actually get some pics uploaded, and you never know maybe our new house will be on there! Wish us happy hunting and have a great Monday!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

"Help me Tom Cruise!"

Hooray for Thursdays because that just means it's that much closer to Friday! Which means...anybody? Anybody? ... It's the weekend! YAY!! Something to look forward to! And guess which weekend it is? Anybody? Anybody? ... Cattle Congress Weekend!! That means COWS! Oh yes, a whole barn full for me to see, smell, taste, OK not taste but come on! Who could resist going to see cows? Not me that's for sure! I suppose if I bought a hamburger at the fair I could taste the cows! What an idea, I could eat it while walking through the barn! But would that be considered cruel? Hum...
Anyway, our realtor is out of town for the rest of the weekend so we wont be viewing any more houses this week but I did find like 7 that I want to see so that's reallllly cool! This really is a fun process, until we have to like make and offer and hope to God they accept it or counter offer and hope again to God that they accept it. In the word of Ricky Bobby (Taledega Nights) "Dear Precious Baby Jesus, all Wrapped is Swaddling Clothes, please Tiny Baby Jesus..." "Help me Tom Cruise! Help me Jewish God" Or in the very memorable words of his best friend Cal, "Don't let the invisible fire hurt my friend!"

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Wishing it was Wednesfriday!

Ahh! It's only Tuesday! I can't stand Tuesdays and Wednesdays! I can deal with Mondays, but not Tuesdays and Wednesdays! On Tuesdays I always think it's Wednesdays and Wednesdays are always so slloooooww! So here I am sitting at work on a boring Tuesday looking forward to Wednesday so it can at least feel like the day that it is! OH MY! Sitting here doing nothing on a Tuesday wishing it was a different week day when I could be wishing for a FRIDAY! I am now sitting here on a Tuesday, that feels like a Wednesday, wishing it was Friday!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Summer Really Is Over

Birrrrrrrrr 55 degrees this morning! NO!!!
I feel like it went from 100-50 overnight! It's amazing how fast the weather can change on us! And guess what?? MORE RAIN! Makes for a mopey Monday.
So update of the house search,
We went to Parkersburg Friday right after work and went to the first house. The house was wonderful, big living room and 2 nice bedrooms on the 1st floor and a pretty bathroom a converted attic into a master bedroom just great, nice kitchen, then we headed to the basement. I COULDN'T EVEN STAND UP STRAIGHT! It was ridiculous, oh and lets not even talk about the garage.
Second house looked good in the picture big 3 bedroom 2 bathroom with a full acre of land and outbuildings. The as failed to mention the horrible smell the falling apart window and door frames, vacant haunted house on property, and most of the acre was a freakin' pond! Man, it just proves that looks can be deceiving. So then I had found a house in Cedar Falls we wanted to look at so we thought, until we drove by it and it was horrible! I am feeling very discouraged today. I know that someday we will find a house with 3 bedrooms and a basement tall enough for Mikey to stand up in but it just seems like it will never happen.
Anyway we had a really good weekend! After we looked at houses on Friday we went out to dinner at Perkins. Then we went home and Stephenie invited us over to her parents house to have a fire. That was nice but Mike had to work on Saturday so we had to call it a night early. Saturday Mike worked for about 4 hours in the morning so he got home just as I was waking up! I had a lot to do Saturday and Mike sent me to the store so he could make so amazing biscuits and gravy, the best I have ever had! They were awesome! After that Stephenie and I headed to Walmart to get Corina's 1st birthday present! We had fun playing with all the toys in the kid section! haha! Mike was taking a nap so I headed back home to get the gift wrapped and my husband outta bed! The party was so much fun! We went to Chuckie Cheese, the happiest place in Cedar Falls. NOT! Oh my! I don't know if I want to have children! Haha! We had a lot of fun watching Corina have her 1st birthday cake which she ate very delicately until she really got a taste of it then she went balls to the wall! It was great! After dinner and games we went back to Adam and Cassy's for the gift opening that was a lot of fun except she didn't wanna open anything she just wanted to play with EVERYTHING! After everything was said and done and the birthday girl was so tired she couldn't keep her eyes open we finally left. But out night wasn't over yet we were going to go to our friends Chris and Mandy's new apartment but we partied with the birthday girl a little to late but my parents called with an invitation to a Bone fire! Who can resist another fire! Not me that's for sure! We had a nice time, Laura was there along with some of the Vaughn clan! It was fun! We stayed way to late and were very tired the when we got home!
Sunday! What a fun day! usually I don't move outta my chair except to eat or perhaps bathe on Sundays but this was special. My mama and sister took me shopping with them to Lane Bryant! We had some real women's dollars to spend and oh boy did we spend them! It was so much fun! We shopped and tried on so many clothes! It was just nice to have girl time to! We got home about 7, just in time to cook dinner for my Mikey and watch the opening act on the VMA's, Britney Spears, if you watched this you know it was ridiculous! So I had a very rounded out Sunday!
The house hunt continues, I will keep everyone posted!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Another housing update!

Happy Friday All! What a beautiful day in the neighborhood, our almost old neighborhood!!! Ok well I am getting to excited because we are still looking at houses. Today we are going to look at 2 houses in Parkersburg. I am very excited because one of them as like and acre of land, and the other has a really nice yard and wood floors! O O O I is very very cited! Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The hunt continues...

Well last night (Tuesday) we went and looked at another house. It was...OK. I wish we could take some things from this house in Dunkerton and mix them with some things in Stout. The bathroom in Dunkerton is much better but the basement was gross. I don't like scary basements! So this house was only a 2 bedroom but it had a newly remodeled kitchen! It was beautiful! We decided we liked the living room a lot to! But the bedrooms were kinda small. It just wasn't the house for us and the kicker (we didn't know this when we went to look) it was on a flood plane so that's defiantly a no go! I DON'T WANT WATER IN THE BASEMENT! Well I will keep you updated! :)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

What a boring weekend :p !

Happy Tuesday! That's right! It's not Monday! Yay! I love long weekends because that means another short week! We had a pretty tame weekend for the Lofstuens! Friday night we went out to dinner with Derek and Jen, it had been a really long time since we had seen them so it was really nice to get together! After dinner we went and drove by a house we were looking into buying in Stout, IA pop. 218! Haha! No gas station or grocery store! Its definitely a quiet town! After that we headed home and Mike was so exhausted from the week he went to bed at like 7! So Stephenie and her sister Rachelle had fun hanging out just us girls! I feel asleep in the chair in our living room at about 11 and woke up and crawled to bed about 3! Needless to say I had a stiff neck the next day. We got up and got going about 9:30 but couldn't find anything entertaining to do so we really just kinda sat around the house trying to find something to do for hours! It was very relaxing! Haha! Finally Stephenie and I decided to go shopping for some essentials and started rounding up some friends to come over Sat. night. We talked to Lisa and Carrie (Stephenie's little sister) at Hy-Vee and they were coming over but Carrie canceled at the last min. she other important things to do, which was completely ok because Michael and Rachelle came over! We had a house full of people! We had a lot of fun! Michael and Rachelle stayed over so we all got left over pizza for breakfast! Yum! Sunday turned into another boring day, but not as lazy. We cleaned...sorta! Did alot of picking up and sweeping! It was needed! then Mikey and Michael went paint balling while Stephenie and I took back cans and watched a movie! When the boys got back they were starving so I made the best spaghetti I think I have ever made! It was really good! Makes me hungry for spaghetti! We had a really quiet night. Didn't really do much but watch movies! I love watching movies! Monday Mike and I woke up to Stephenie making Biscuits and Gravy! Homemade! YUM! They were great. After that we went and actually looked at the house we drove by on Friday. It was almost perfect! But God had to make Mikey just about 1 inch to tall for the basement! And the bathroom was so small my badonkeydonk didn't really fit! But it was a jump start! After that we headed home so I could make some mashed potatoes for dinner at Stephenie's parents house! We had a BBQ Smoked turkey! It was awesome! And all sorts of other food! I really enjoyed it! After dinner the girls all went for a walk with Hayden their dog. It was nice! Other than the fact that my arch cramped up, OUCH! After our walk Mike and I headed back home for and nice relaxing evening...yeah right! We decided it was time to organize our stuff! Yeah we worked on it for a little while it will help us if we are able to get a house and move! I will keep you updated and when we find the one you are all invited to our house warming party, and yes, bring gifts! hehe!